Roger Hedgecock

Former San Diego Mayor Roger Hedgecock Calls Chris Matthews a Liar to
September 22nd, 2012 10:50 AM
Roger Hedgecock, the former San Diego mayor turned conservative talk radio host, called MSNBC's Chris Matthews a liar to his face Friday evening.
This resulted in quite a heated exchange between the two on HBO's Real Time (video follows with transcript and commentary):
NewsBusters @ CPAC and 'Targets of the Fairness Doctrine
February 26th, 2009 11:39 AM
Washington, D.C. -- The Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) for 2009 is underway and NewsBusters is here to cover it at the lovely Omni Shoreham Hotel on Bloggers Row. We're not sure how much we'll blog per se, but you can also follow us on Twitter @TheMRC and @KenShepherd.You can watch a Web stream of the CPAC proceedings at Ustream here.You can watch the streaming video embedded…