Notable Quotables: GOP Top Goal = 'Keep Blacks from Voting'

March 7th, 2016 8:57 AM
This issue: MSNBC host Chris Matthews says the GOP's "number one goal is to keep blacks from voting," while journalists debate whether Donald Trump more resembles an American Adolf Hitler or a "right-wing" talk radio host. Meanwhile, NBC anchor Lester Holt is already getting tingles up his leg about the prospect of "the first female President;" Disney boss Robert Iger insists that George…

Martin: GOP 'Invited Evil in' Against Obama That's 'Taking Over'

February 21st, 2016 2:36 PM
Appearing on the Powerhouse Panel for the Sunday edition of ABC’s This Week, News One Now anchor Roland Martin chided those in the Republican Party that have animosity toward Donald Trump because “they invited evil in and now evil is taking over” that began by standing in firm opposition to President Barack Obama and having supposedly accepted Trump’s “whole birther deal.”

Former CNN Pundit Roland Martin Rips 'Cowardly Bullies' at the NRA

October 9th, 2014 6:36 PM
In a Thursday column for The Daily Beast, former CNN contributor Roland Martin attacked the supposed "cowardly bullies" at the National Rifle Association for opposing President Obama's surgeon general nominee. Martin's op-ed follows in the footsteps of MSNBC's Krystal Ball and NBC's Anne Thompson, who politicized the Ebola crisis nearly a week earlier when they bemoaned that due to "Senate…

Ex-CNNer Roland Martin: 'Hypocritical' Americans Should 'Shut the Hell

March 19th, 2014 3:42 PM
Former liberal CNN contributor Roland Martin launched a left-wing tirade on his TV One news program on Wednesday, aimed mainly at conservative opponents of President Barack Obama's foreign policy: "Who the hell is America fooling to tell somebody else in another country who you can invade and cannot invade?...the United States, under President Reagan, invaded Grenada....Yet, here we are telling…

Roland Martin: Megyn Kelly Telling Black and Hispanic Kids 'It's a Whi

December 17th, 2013 11:55 AM
As amazing as it might seem, the race-baiters and Fox-haters are still talking about Megyn Kelly's comments regarding Santa Claus. News One Now host Roland Martin, appearing on Monday's Tom Joyner Morning Show, said, "[I]t reinforces where for black kids and Hispanic kids, it's, ‘Look, accept that this is a white, white world and you don't matter’” (video follows with transcribed highlights…

Dr. Carson Tells Roland Martin Why ObamaCare’s The Worst Thing Since

October 18th, 2013 6:31 PM
Dr. Ben Carson made waves last week when he said that ObamaCare is the worst thing to happen to America since slavery. On Friday, the good doctor explained to NewsOne radio’s Roland Martin why this is the case (video follows with transcript and commentary):

MSNBC's Goldie Taylor: CNN's Don Lemon a 'Turn Coat Mofo' for Agreeing

July 28th, 2013 6:27 PM
As NewsBusters predicted Saturday, CNN's Don Lemon has taken a lot of heat for agreeing with Fox News's Bill O'Reilly about what are some of the causes of strife in the black community. One of Lemon's most outspoken detractor's was MSNBC contributor Goldie Taylor who continued her Twitter rant Saturday evening:

Roland Martin Blames 'White Male Executives' for Never Getting His Own

March 29th, 2013 6:33 PM
Roland Martin on Thursday blamed racism for his inability to get his own show at CNN. "You have largely white male executives who are not necessarily enamored with the idea of having strong, confident minorities, who say, ‘You know, I can do this,'" he told HuffPostLive.

Roland Martin Compares Non-Religious Cadet's Plight at West Point With

December 6th, 2012 6:17 PM
After a non-religious West Point cadet left the academy because of what he claimed was religious bigotry, CNN contributor Roland Martin compared it to racism suffered by one of West Point's first black cadet graduates. Cadet Lt. Blake Page first aired his grievances to The Huffington Post and he told CNN's Starting Point that what he found "most offensive" at West Point was "condescension…

Roland Martin: Dubya 'Too Toxic' for GOP Convention, Bill Clinton Is D

September 10th, 2012 10:41 PM
CNN analyst Roland Martin and MSNBC analyst Joan Walsh both adored the Democrat convention on Martin’s Sunday show Washington Watch on TV One. “I was even stunned, frankly, that the Democrats for the first time truly — truly outshined the Republicans when it came to foreign policy and the military,” claimed Martin. Martin insisted the Republicans had no former president of “stature” for…

CNN's Roland Martin: 'Of Course I Stand Out' as 'Black Man' at the RNC

August 29th, 2012 8:05 PM
CNN contributor Roland Martin quipped on Wednesday that "I'm a black man at a Republican convention. Of course I stand out." Martin then went after black RNC speaker Artur Davis as a "political fraud." "[Y]ou can have Artur Davis, former Democrat, we don't know what he is now, with that ridiculous speech he gave last night, I call him a political fraud, he is," sounded Martin. [Video below…

Artur Davis Schools CNN: 'Easy' 'to Do What You Guys Are Doing

August 29th, 2012 1:28 AM
CNN's Gloria Borger challenged former congressman Artur Davis' "incredible 180-degree shift" from the Democratic Party to GOP convention speaker, but the GOP's new addition had an answer ready and waiting on Tuesday night. "Well, Gloria, I'll be honest with you, the easy thing would have been for me to frankly to do what you guys are doing and to be a pundit. The easy thing for me, and no…

Bozell, Hannity Review Media's Attacks On Paul Ryan, Pathetic Defense

August 17th, 2012 10:42 AM
Paul Ryan is radically anti-woman, anti-senior citizen, and if he and Mitt Romney are elected and ObamaCare is repealed, people will die! That, in a nutshell, is the liberal media's spin about Gov. Romney's pick of the Wisconsin Republican as his running mate, with the latter claim being made recently by MSNBC political analyst Jonathan Alter, formerly of Newsweek. "That sleazeball did…

Ramesh Ponnuru Tells CNN's Roland Martin Don't 'Just Be a Political Ha

August 4th, 2012 12:02 PM
Roland Martin and National Review's Ramesh Ponnuru had a heated debate Friday about Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's (D-Nev.) unsubstantiated claims regarding Mitt Romney's taxes. Toward the end of the battle on CNN's OutFront, Ponnuru marvelously told his opponent, "You've got to call these things as you see them, not just be a political hack for your team" (video follows with transcript…