Ron Suskind

Former Car Czar: Suskind Book 'Drive-by Shooting' Of Obama
October 2nd, 2011 8:28 AM
"It's important for us to pause for a moment and make sure that we're talking with each other in a way that -- that heals, not in a way that wounds." -- President Obama, speech at Tuscon memorial service, January 12, 2011.
"The [Suskind] book amounts to a drive-by shooting of a president and his key economic advisers who deserve encomiums, not unfounded second guessing and inaccurate…

Suskind: Same People Attacking Me For Writing About Obama Praised My B
September 25th, 2011 2:03 PM
One of the finest recent examples of liberal media bias has been the press's hostile treatment of author Ron Suskind for having the nerve to write a book critical of the Obama administration.
As Suskind told CNN's Howard Kurtz Sunday, these are "[m]any of the folks who were praising me mightily during the Bush era" for books criticizing the previous president (video follows with transcript…

Former Congresswoman Smacks Down Bill Maher for Calling Fox's Megyn Ke
September 24th, 2011 10:34 AM
Former Congresswoman Jane Harman called out Bill Maher Friday evening for saying Fox News's Megyn Kelly was a "blonde twink" who's "not bright."
Appearing on HBO's "Real Time," Harman responded by noting that Maher had just minutes before discussed with author Ron Suskind the sexist treatment of women in the Obama White House, and then said, "I want to point out that the last time I was on…

NBC Attacks Suskind Book Critical of Obama But Promoted Bush-Bashing B
September 20th, 2011 5:18 PM
While co-host Ann Curry on Tuesday's NBC "Today" wondered if Ron Suskind's "Confidence Men" was "fact or fiction," on August 5, 2008, then-co-host Meredith Vieira touted Suskind's claim in "Way of the World" that the Bush administration's case for the Iraq war was "worse than Watergate."
Speaking of Suskind's latest work on Tuesday, Curry described how Obama administration "top officials are…

NBC's Curry Tries to Discredit Suskind Book With White House Lines of
September 20th, 2011 1:43 PM
Update: Video added after the jump.
Working hard to run defense for the Obama administration on Tuesday's NBC Today, co-host Ann Curry interrogated journalist Ron Suskind on his new book critical of the White House and announced she wanted to go through unflattering parts of the book "one by one," while using Obama Press Secretary Jay Carney-approved talking points to discredit it. [Audio…

Only ABC Touts 'Bombshell' Charges Against Obama in New Book
September 19th, 2011 12:50 PM
A new book alleging sexism, dissension and incompetence inside the Obama White House has, thus far, only gotten major coverage on one network, ABC. Good Morning America's George Stephanopoulos on Monday proclaimed that the "bombshell book" is sending "shock waves through the White House."
The morning shows on NBC and CBS skipped the allegations in Ron Suskind's "Confidence Men." However, on…

Pinkerton: 'There’s a Strange Thing Happening in the Media' - Libera
September 17th, 2011 4:33 PM
As NewsBusters has been reporting, Barack Obama's sycophants in the press are really starting to lose that loving feeling.
Driving this point home was the "American Conservative's" Jim Pinkerton Saturday who said on "Fox News Watch," "There’s a strange thing happening in the media which is, I think, liberalism has sort of concluded that Obama is kind of a turkey, and they're sort of trying to…
Maddow Guest Ron Suskind Claims 'Very Little Evidence' - Against Convi
August 3rd, 2009 8:27 PM
It's shabby but in character when liberals won't extend the presumption of innocence to those whose politics they disdain, as when calling for that undisputed war criminal George W. Bush to be hauled in shackles before a tribunal at The Hague.That much shabbier and still in character when liberals extend the presumption of innocence to terrorists after they've been convicted.On July 24 the New…
Maddow Guest Touts Alleged Success of Pre-9/11 Legal Strategy Against
April 28th, 2009 8:49 AM
It's not often I hear three jaw-dropping claims in the course of a single day.On "The Rachel Maddow Show," this can happen in a matter of minutes, especially when author Ron Suskind is the guest.Suskind appeared on Maddow's MSNBC program on April 22 and wasted little time making dubious assertions stemming from the Senate Armed Services report that questioned the legality of al Qaeda…
CIA and Tenet Refute Suskind's Forgery Allegations
August 24th, 2008 12:39 AM
As NewsBusters has been reporting since early August, mainstream media members predictably gushed over author Ron Suskind's allegations that the Bush administration ordered the CIA to forge a letter showing a connection between Saddam Hussein and al Qaeda. On Friday, both the CIA and its former director George Tenet refuted this and other claims Suskind made in his book "The Way of the World."…
Barnicle: Suskind Book Charges Bush&Cheney with '4000 Murders
August 7th, 2008 6:24 PM
Ron Suskind's charge, that the Bush administration forged a letter to falsely link al-Qaeda with Saddam Hussein, landed the journalist/author not only a spot on Thursday night's "Hardball," but also the following recommendation for his book, The Way of the World, from guest host Mike Barnicle: MIKE BARNICLE: And in reading the book, I have to tell you, in reading all your stuff, I admire all your…
CNN Airs Suskind’s CIA Forgery Allegations, Impeachment Call
August 7th, 2008 11:54 AM
Wednesday’s The Situation Room aired an interview of author Ron Suskind, who alleges in his new book that the Bush administration engaged in a "disinformation campaign" by forging documents in the lead-up to the Iraq war. This came a day after host Wolf Blitzer made the allegations in the book lead items on the program.Blitzer’s interview of Suskind aired in two separate segments in the 5 pm and…