
CBS Sounds the Alarm Playing the Race Card Against Voter ID Laws

March 15th, 2016 8:16 PM
Amidst their voluminous Super Tuesday 3 coverage, the CBS Evening News found just over two minutes to trot out the tired liberal argument that voter ID laws, like the one in North Carolina, have a racist angle. Mark Strassamann: “In North Carolina, about 1,000 voters cast provisional ballots because they didn't have enough identification to meet the state's new, strict voter ID law. The law was…

Nets Award Trump 84 Percent of Pre-Super Tuesday 3 GOP Coverage

March 14th, 2016 11:01 PM
Ahead of the third installment of Super Tuesday on Monday, the broadcast network evening newscasts followed their predictable pattern of focusing almost exclusively on Donald Trump to the tune of a whopping 84 percent of the Republican campaign segments totaling nearly 15 and a half minutes.

CBS Touts Euthanasia Advocates in Preview of '60 Minutes' Report

March 11th, 2016 11:36 PM
Friday's CBS Evening News gave a one-sided preview of a euthanasia segment on an upcoming episode of 60 Minutes. The nearly two-minute long segment from Dr. Jon LaPook featured two of the most prominent supporters of euthanasia proponent Brittany Maynard — her husband, Dan Diaz, and the doctor who prescribed the lethal drugs she used to kill herself in November 2014. Scott Pelley noted that Dr.…

Stahl Applauds Nancy Reagan Not Having President Promote Social Issues

March 7th, 2016 8:51 PM
Offering her memories of the late Nancy Reagan on Monday’s CBS Evening News, 60 Minutes correspondent and former White House reporter Lesley Stahl voiced her approval for how the late First Lady often pushed husband and President Ronald Reagan “to stop talking as much as he was on the social issues” like the abortion and the Second Amendment.

CBS's Pelley Plays Up Republicans Likening Party to Hijacked Plane

March 4th, 2016 9:58 PM
Scott Pelley led Friday's CBS Evening News by touting how unnamed conservatives bewailed the previous evening's Republican presidential debate: "Conservatives described it with words including, 'embarrassing,' 'suicide,' and 'implosion.'" Pelley continued by spotlighting how others likened the GOP to a hijacked airplane after the debate: "It left many Republicans feeling that they were banging on…

Pelley on Primary Results; ‘Frontrunners Look Like a Cinch to Clinch'

March 2nd, 2016 8:49 PM
For anyone who watches the CBS Evening News at least somewhat frequently, anchor Scott Pelley is known for his share of cheesy jokes, puns, and rhymes to engage with his audience in reporting on both hard and soft news stories. Wednesday’s show was no exception as Pelley quipped that Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton “look like a cinch to clinch” the nominations of their respective parties as “[t]…

CBS Hails Super Tuesday as ‘The Last Chance’ to Stop Trump and Clinton

March 1st, 2016 7:34 PM
Less than an hour before polls closed in the first three states on Super Tuesday, CBS Evening News anchor Scott Pelley declared that it marked “likely the last chance for challengers to catch the frontrunners, Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.”

Networks Devote Over 62 Percent of Super Tuesday Eve Coverage to Trump

February 29th, 2016 9:58 PM
On the eve of Super Tuesday, the network evening newscasts went all out with 24 minutes and 31 seconds of 2016 coverage and made it clear Donald Trump was far and away the most important story to them with over 62 percent of that time spent salivating on how “there’s not much” Trump opponents “can do to stop him from getting the nomination.” Trump fetched an astonishing 15 minutes and 19 seconds…

CBS Chides Rubio for Hitting Trump; Escalated a 'Crippling Civil War'

February 26th, 2016 10:55 PM
Pretending to show compassion and interest in the future of conservatism and the Republican Party, Friday’s CBS Evening News and anchor Scott Pelley lectured Marco Rubio for triggering “a crippling civil war” by attacking Donald Trump in Thursday’s debate that “reached lows that many Republicans would say are beneath the dignity of the office that the candidates are seeking.”

NBC Ignores Hillary Gaffe That She ‘Always Tried’ to Tell the Truth

February 19th, 2016 12:40 PM
On Friday, both CBS This Morning and ABC’s Good Morning America highlighted a gaffe by Hillary Clinton in a Thursday interview with CBS Evening News anchor Scott Pelley, when she claimed she “always tried to” tell the truth. However, NBC’s Today completely ignored the stumble.

Hillary on CBS: ‘I Don't Believe I Ever Have’ Lied to American People

February 18th, 2016 9:25 PM
Roughly a week after he sat down with Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders for a two-part interview on February 10, CBS Evening News anchor Scott Pelley did the same in Las Vegas on Thursday with Hillary Clinton and while he failed to press her on the issue of honesty and trustworthiness, Clinton admitted to him that “I don’t believe I ever have” lied to the American people. In part…

Pelley Jokes Cruz & Trump ‘Might Like to Try’ Waterboarding Each Other

February 17th, 2016 10:43 PM
At the onset of the 2016 coverage on Wednesday’s CBS Evening News, anchor Scott Pelley mentioned how Donald Trump discussed torturing terrorists at one appearance and then joked that perhaps Trump and GOP rival Ted Cruz “might like to try” waterboarding each other due to the heightened tensions between them. Before tossing to correspondent Major Garrett in South Carolina, Pelley first noted that…

CBS, NBC: Obama ‘Plans to Follow the Constitution’ vs. GOP ‘Roadblock'

February 16th, 2016 9:08 PM
The “big three” networks ABC, CBS, and NBC all made sure to weigh in Tuesday night on President Barack Obama’s comments hours earlier about his desire to fill the Supreme Court vacancy left by the late Justice Antonin Scalia and spun them as Obama “plan[ning] to follow the Constitution” against “the Republican roadblock” in the Senate. 

Surprise: Pelley Pushes Sanders from Right on Wages, GOP Opposition

February 10th, 2016 9:36 PM
In an extensive interview for Wednesday’s CBS Evening News, anchor Scott Pelley took a stroll with socialist Senator Bernie Sanders around his childhood neighborhood in Brooklyn but not before a surprisingly tough sit-down that hit Sanders from the right on tax increases, the minimum wage, and how his ideas would be guaranteed to be “dead on arrival” in Congress.