
CBS, NBC Again Refuse to Criticize Obama on ISIS After Fall of Ramadi

May 18th, 2015 8:54 PM
CBS and NBC continued their refusal on Monday evening to criticize the Obama administration’s handing of Iraq and so-called policy on ISIS as the Islamic terror group seized control of Ramadi over the weekend. While those two networks continued to spin for the White House, ABC bucked the trend from the network morning newscasts by providing a blunt critique of the Obama administration for “…

Nets Continue Hammering Jeb Bush for His ‘Evolving Answers’ on Iraq

May 14th, 2015 9:17 PM
On Thursday night, the major English-language broadcast networks again covered possible 2016 Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush’s comments about the Iraq War and featured ABC and NBC omitting the fact that Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton voted to authorize the Iraq War when she was a U.S. Senator. Additionally, all three network evening newscasts continued to ignore how…

Nets Continue to Shamelessly Push Need for More Infrastructure Funding

May 13th, 2015 9:50 PM
Despite now knowing that the Amtrak train that derailed outside of Philadelphia on Tuesday night was going more than double the speed limit, the “big three” networks of ABC, CBS, and NBC continued pushing the need for more infrastructure funding and an increase in Amtrak’s budget on their Wednesday evening newscasts. In addition, CBS and NBC failed to mention the fact that train engine in…

CBS, NBC Again Tout Michelle Obama’s ‘Heartfelt,' ‘Remarkable’ Speech

May 11th, 2015 9:58 PM
Following in lockstep with their morning counterparts, Monday’s CBS Evening News and NBC Nightly News continued to prominently tout First Lady Michelle Obama’s commencement address at Tuskegee University from two days prior. Hailing the speech as “candid reflections on life in the spotlight,” CBS Evening News anchor Scott Pelley gushed that Obama revealed “some remarkable insight” into what it’s…

CBS, NBC Tout Hillary’s ‘Counteroffensive’ to ‘Litany of Distractions'

May 6th, 2015 12:15 AM
After Tuesday’s CBS This Morning fretted about the “distractions” facing Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, CBS and NBC continued parroting the Clinton campaign’s rhetoric on Tuesday night, touting the “counteroffensive” that was launched to thwart “the litany of distractions” ranging from the Clinton Foundation to Benghazi.

ABC, NBC Barely Cover Mike Huckabee’s 2016 Presidential Announcement

May 5th, 2015 9:36 PM
When it came time to cover the news from Tuesday that Mike Huckabee had announced his entry into the 2016 Republican presidential field, ABC and NBC largely yawned at this story by devoting a combined 48 seconds of airtime to Huckabee on their Tuesday evening newscasts.

NBC Skips 'Islamic Extremists' or 'Terrorists' Labels for TX Shooters

May 5th, 2015 1:20 AM

In covering the failed terrorist attack at a Prophet Mohammad cartoon event in Texas, NBC neglected to describe the two gunmen on Monday evening as “Islamic extremists” or “terrorists,” while ABC, CBS, and NBC prominently touted the Southern Poverty Law Center’s (SPLC) description of AFDI as an “anti-Muslim” or “anti-Islamic” “hate group.”


Nets Downplay 2016 GOP Presidential Announcements of Carson & Fiorina

May 4th, 2015 9:56 PM
Following the announcements from Republicans Ben Carson and Carly Fiorina that they will each be running for president, the “big three” of ABC, CBS, and NBC showed no interest in giving extensive time to either candidate during their Monday evening newscasts with a combined one minute and 10 seconds of news briefs devoted to the new 2016 candidates. Clocking in with the least amount of time was…

ABC’s WNT, NBC NN Blackout of Clinton Foundation Scandal Hits One Week

April 30th, 2015 9:23 PM
On Thursday, the Clinton Foundation scandal blackout stretched into a full week since it was last covered on ABC’s World News Tonight with David Muir and NBC Nightly News while the CBS Evening News covered twice in the same time span. Following a 20-second news brief on Monday, Thursday's CBS newscast devoted a full segment to some of the latest developments, including the fact that a Clinton…

Networks Dodge and Downplay Poor Economic News, Break in IRS Scandal

April 30th, 2015 12:09 AM
In the Wednesday edition of bias by omission, five of the English and Spanish network evening newscasts again refused to report on a troubling sign for the U.S. economy while all six omitted any mention of a new development in the IRS scandal. After completely ignoring the story all together Wednesday morning, the CBS Evening News stepped up to mention that the U.S. economy has screeched to a…

NBC Finally Covers DEA Sex Parties Scandal, But Gives It Only 18 Secs

April 21st, 2015 9:38 PM
After nearly a month-long blackout, NBC finally acknowledged on Tuesday night the sex parties scandal that’s enveloped the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) following the announcement that DEA Administrator Michele Leonhart will retire next month. While NBC Nightly News ended the network’s 26-day-long silence, it only devoted 18 seconds to Leonhart’s decision to step aside and only glossed…

STUDY: How the Networks Have Deleted Hillary’s E-Mail Scandal

April 21st, 2015 10:47 AM
Over the past five weeks, all three broadcast networks have essentially walked away from covering the ex-Secretary of State’s secret extra-governmental e-mail server and the possible loss of crucial documents needed by the House Select Committee investigating the 2012 Benghazi attacks, with coverage on ABC, CBS and NBC’s morning and evening news shows falling by more than 93 percent from the…

CBS Fawns Over Trevor Noah; ‘It’s Not a Supernova. It’s Trevor Noah!'

April 15th, 2015 9:21 PM
Wednesday's CBS Evening News hyped Jon Stewart’s successor at The Daily Show with a glowing profile of Trevor Noah. Scott Pelley gushed in the lead-in to foreign correspondent Debora Patta’s report: “It's no supernova. It’s Trevor Noah.” Teasing the segment earlier in the broadcast, Pelley invoked Noah from the Bible to declare that the man set to takeover for Stewart is “the Noah who is about to…

NBC Hails Cuba’s Removal from Terrorism List; 'Another Historic Step'

April 15th, 2015 2:51 AM
Hours after President Obama moved to strike Cuba from the list of state sponsors of terrorism, Tuesday’s NBC Nightly News cheered the decision by the President as “another historic step” and “another remnant of the Cold War” tumbling down. Interim anchor Lester Holt began with the announcement that “[w]e are witnessing tonight another historic step in thawing relations between the U.S. and Cuba”…