
CBS Spotlights V.A.'s 'Overstated' Improvements; ABC, NBC Ignore

March 13th, 2015 8:59 PM
CBS Evening News was the sole Big Three evening newscast on Friday to cover President Obama's visit to the V.A. hospital in Phoenix, Arizona, where "some vets died before they got treatment, and hospital officials hid those long delays on secret wait lists," as Scott Pelley put it. The CBS program also touted a veteran who poured cold water on the Obama administration's claim that appointment…

CBS Pushes Inaccurate Liberal Spin GOP Letter Is ‘Unprecedented’ Move

March 12th, 2015 10:57 PM
The CBS Evening News continued advancing the inaccurate and liberal spin on Thursday that the letter signed by 47 Republican Senators and sent to Iran concerning the Obama administration’s nuclear talks is an “unprecedented” example of “direct interference with diplomatic negotiations.” Pelley ruled that “[t]his sort of direct interference with diplomatic negotiations may be unprecedented” and…

ABC Moves on from Clinton E-Mail Scandal; CBS Devotes Only 20 Seconds

March 11th, 2015 9:45 PM
In what may be the beginning of a move by networks to bury Hillary Clinton’s e-mail scandal, ABC’s World News Tonight with David Muir ignored the story in its Wednesday night broadcast with the CBS Evening News following close behind with only a 20-second news brief. Over on NBC Nightly News, Andrea Mitchell updated viewers on the scandal in a full segment, including news of a report by the State…

CBS Attacks GOP for Working ‘to Scuttle Any Nuclear Deal’

March 10th, 2015 11:56 PM
Following in the footsteps of Tuesday’s CBS This Morning, the CBS Evening News worked to paint the 47 Republican Senators who signed a letter to Iranian leaders in a negative light and portraying their actions as meddling in the Obama administration’s negotiations while making no mention of the moves that Democrats made to thumb their noses at Republican administrations.

Pelley Channels Hillary: ‘What Difference Does Any of This Make?'

March 10th, 2015 10:26 PM
CBS Evening News anchor Scott Pelley took it upon himself on Tuesday night to pull out all the stops to dismiss Hillary Clinton’s email scandal by chalking it up to just “one of those stories” Washington obsesses over and channeling a famous phrase of Clinton’s by wondering: “[W]hat difference does any of this make in Hillary Clinton's campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination?” …

Mitchell Hits Clinton on Scandals, then Gushes Over Her Favorability

March 10th, 2015 12:58 AM
During Monday’s NBC Nightly News, Andrea Mitchell hit Hillary Clinton hard over her email scandal and the millions the Clinton Foundation had received from foreign governments, but still found time to fawn over “a path-breaking speech” Clinton gave “in Beijing 20 years ago” on women’s rights and her “extraordinary” levels of support among Democratic voters.

Nets More Interested in Dresses Than IRS Scandal

February 27th, 2015 11:35 PM
On Friday evening, the Big Three networks continued their blackouts on the Thursday revelation that the Treasury Department's deputy inspector general, Timothy Camus, is conducting an "active investigation" into the "potential criminal activity" at the IRS over Lois Lerner's supposedly missing e-mails. Instead, ABC's World News Tonight, CBS Evening News, and NBC Nightly News all devoted full…

CBS Again Hypes Hillary’s ‘New Strategy for Winning’ Ahead of 2016

February 26th, 2015 1:18 AM
Following a morning in which CBS and NBC gleefully promoted Hillary Clinton’s latest public appearance, Wednesday’s CBS Evening News built on that with another shameless promotion of Clinton and her “new strategy for winning” ahead of a likely presidential bid in 2016. Anchor Scott Pelley began the pro-Clinton segment by remarking how “[i]f Hillary Clinton has a shot at becoming the first woman…

Nets Cover Keystone Veto, Fail to Mention Americans Approve Project

February 25th, 2015 12:30 AM
While all three of the major broadcast networks on Tuesday night covered President Barack Obama's veto of the bill passed by Congress approving construction of the Keystone XL oil pipeline, ABC, CBS and NBC failed to mention Obama's veto came despite a majority of Americans supporting the pipeline. Total coverage amounted to one minute and six seconds.

NBC, Telemundo, Univision Ignore ISIS Kidnapping Christians in Syria

February 24th, 2015 9:31 PM
Early Tuesday morning, the terrorist group ISIS entered a village in northeastern Syrian and kidnapped droves of Christians with estimates ranging from 70 to as many as 150 people. For viewers that tuned into English-language network NBC and Spanish-language networks Telemundo and Univision for their Tuesday evening newscasts, however, they were left completely in the dark on this story as it…

CBS Skews Stats to Back Up Patricia Arquette’s Equal Pay Claim

February 23rd, 2015 9:47 PM
All three major broadcast networks took time during their post-Oscars stories on Monday night to mention actress Patricia Arquette’s calls for “wage equality” and “equal rights for women,” but it was the CBS Evening News that went one step further by devoting a whole segment to the topic and used loaded statistics to craft a one-sided argument to prop up Arquette’s rant. Anchor Scott Pelley noted…

Notable Quotables: Delaying Obama’s Amnesty = Putting History on Hold

February 23rd, 2015 8:52 AM
This week, after a federal judge delays implementation of President Obama's executive amnesty, the networks frame it as “a historic day... on hold,” and a ruling that “dashes American dreams for millions of families.” Also, a rogues’ gallery of journalists led by Dan Rather leap to the defense of suspended NBC News anchor Brian Williams, while others in the media wish we'd stop talking about ISIS…

CBS, ABC Notice New ObamaCare 'Glitch;' NBC Omits

February 20th, 2015 11:12 PM
Julianna Goldman spotlighted the latest ObamaCare glitch on Friday's CBS Evening News. The same evening, ABC's World News Tonight aired a ten-second news brief on the "outrage over another glitch to the ObamaCare website – nearly 800,000 people received inaccurate forms from the site." However, Friday's NBC Nightly News ignored this story completely. Instead, the evening newscast hyped Rudy…

CBS, NBC Chide Giuliani for Going Too Far in Criticizing Obama

February 19th, 2015 9:59 PM
In covering President Obama’s refusal to refer to terrorism as Islamic extremism, CBS and NBC devoted portions of their reports on Thursday night to comments Rudy Giuliani made the day before with NBC reserving a majority of their airtime to attacking the former New York City Mayor for having “set off a war of words” and taking presidential criticism “to another level.” Andrea Mitchell declared…