
Shock: CBS Examines Legality of Comey Leaking Memo to Press

June 13th, 2017 5:07 PM
Could James Comey have broken the law? In a day dedicated to live testimony of Jeff Sessions about the Russian investigation, two journalists at CBS actually circled back to a potentially big problem for Comey and his liberal defenders: Whether or not he broke the law by leaking documents to the media. 

Nets Hype President Trump Being Sued by Maryland and D.C. AG’s

June 13th, 2017 12:16 AM
President Trump found himself, once again, at the receiving end of a high-profile lawsuit involving his business dealings on Monday. The Attorneys General of both the state of Maryland and the District of Columbia filed a suit claiming the Present was in violation of the Constitution’s Emoluments Clause, which states that an office holder cannot receive payments or gifts from a foreign power. The…

ABC Omits Comey Testimony Exposing AG Lynch as Clinton Campaigner

June 8th, 2017 9:34 PM
In addition to his testimony about President Trump on Thursday, former FBI Director James Comey testified on the suspicious actions of Obama Attorney General Loretta Lynch during the 2016 campaign. Comey recalled how Lynch told him to refer to the Clinton e-mail investigation as something other than what it was. When it came to the coverage from the Big Three Networks, ABC ignored it while CBS…

ABC, CBS Salivate Over Upcoming Senate Hearing With James Comey

June 5th, 2017 10:01 PM
Former FBI Director James Comey is set to speak before the Senate Intelligence Committee on Thursday after recently getting permission from Special Counsel Robert Mueller, who is now in charge of the FBI’s Russian meddling investigation. Comey is expected to field questions about a series of memos he allegedly wrote that unnamed sources claim to show that President Trump attempted to interfere…

Mason Will Be Interim ‘CBS Evening News’ Anchor Post-Pelley [UPDATED]

May 31st, 2017 12:41 PM
Deadline: Hollywood, The Hollywood Reporter, The Wrap, and others reported early Wednesday morning that longtime CBS News correspondent, CBS This Morning: Saturday co-host, and regular fill-in personality Anthony Mason will receive the interim CBS Evening News anchor job following Scott Pelley’s firing.

BREAKING: Reports Say Pelley Has Lost ‘CBS Evening News’ Job [UPDATED]

May 30th, 2017 10:06 PM
According to the New York Post’s Page Six, CBS News has decided to remove Scott Pelley from the anchor desk of CBS Evening News, capping off a tenure that began in 2011 when he took over for the largely disappointing tenure of liberal former Today co-host Katie Couric.

Nets Downplay Confirmed Premium Reductions In House Health Care Bill

May 24th, 2017 10:39 PM
Early Tuesday evening, the non-partisan and often inaccurate Congressional Budget Office released its latest score for the revamped American Health Care Act. The big Three Networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) were quick to latch onto the claim that 23 million people would be without health insurance. None of them mentioned how that figure comes from many people choosing not to buy the health care they…

ABC Skips Possible Terror Attack at Ariana Grande Concert in England

May 22nd, 2017 9:00 PM

Not long before two of the Big Three Networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) were set to begin broadcasting their evening news programs on Monday, an apparent explosion or series of explosions rocked a concert arena in Manchester, England. Both ABC and CBS start their programs just after 6:30 PM, but only CBS managed to fit the terrible breaking news into their show while it was in progress. But ABC did…


CBS, NBC Go to Bat for Illegals Against ‘Evil’ ‘Injustice’ of Trump WH

May 22nd, 2017 4:08 PM
On Sunday, CBS’s 60 Minutes and NBC Nightly News acted like P.R. reps for far-left illegal immigration groups, standing up for illegals and teaming with liberal churches leading “peaceful rebellions” to knock those seeking to enforce America’s laws.

NBC Smears Roger Ailes as Someone Who Diminished American Politics

May 18th, 2017 9:55 PM
Many conservatives were in mourning Thursday after news broke of the death of Fox News mastermind Roger Ailes. In a statement, Media Research Center President Brent Bozell stated that “the Left would command a monopoly control of the so-called 'news' media but for the Fox News Channel, and FNC would not exist but for him.” But for NBC, it was a time to tear down what he did for conservative media…

CBS, NBC Highlight Release of Infamous Intel Leaker Chelsea Manning

May 18th, 2017 12:34 AM
Buried among the louder news stories of Wednesday evening was the release of the United States’ most infamous intelligence leaker, Army Private Chelsea Manning (formerly Bradley Manning). “Manning was released from a military prison in Kansas today. The transgender soldier served seven years of a 35-year sentence for giving government secrets to WikiLeaks,” touted Anchor Scott Pelley in a news…

Nets Flock to Special Prosecutor News, Knock Trump and Mock GOP

May 17th, 2017 10:29 PM
It appears that 5 p.m. has become the new witching hour, since for over a week that’s been when most of the major news stories regarding President Trump have been broken. It was no different Wednesday evening when D.C. was rocked by the announcement that Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein had appointed former FBI Director Robert Mueller to be the special counsel to oversee the Russia…

60 Minutes Actually Reports That Robert Kennedy Approved MLK Wiretap

May 17th, 2017 5:26 PM
Kennedy apologists in media were surely shocked by what they witnessed on 60 Minutes this past Sunday -- acknowledgement of an episode in the life of Robert F. Kennedy that many liberals would prefer to keep hidden. In the wake of President Trump's firing of FBI Director James Comey, the weekly CBS news magazine dusted off a 2014 interview with Comey from one year after he was appointed.

Nets Sprint to Hammer Trump With Comey Memo, Yet They Haven’t Seen It

May 17th, 2017 12:14 AM
Another alleged “bombshell” fell on Washington, D.C. Tuesday, this one in the form of a memo Comey supposedly left for himself in his Russia investigation file. According to The New York Times, who had the unclassified memo read to them by a Comey associate over the phone, it purported claims that Trump pressured Comey to end the FBI investigation into Mike Flynn. Every member of the Big Three…