Networks Hype 'Bombshell:' Christie 'Thrown Under Bus'; Spotlight Call

January 31st, 2014 10:58 PM
The Big Three networks' evening newscasts on Friday jumped on the latest development in the traffic scandal surrounding Chris Christie. NBC and CBS both led with the accusation from the former Christie appointee, who claims that the New Jersey governor knew more about the lane closures than he previously asserted. CBS's Scott Pelley trumpeted how "Chris Christie just got thrown under the bus in…

NBC Won't Label Retiring Waxman a 'Liberal,' But CBS Does

January 30th, 2014 7:50 PM
On Thursday evening's news casts, both CBS and NBC announced the retirement of Rep. Henry Waxman (D-Calif.) but only CBS labeled him a liberal. ABC ignored the news. "Democrat Henry Waxman in California, now in his 20th term, was elected with the post-Watergate class of 1974. He became one of the leading liberals in the House," reported CBS Evening News anchor Scott Pelley. In contrast, NBC…

Networks Boost Obama's Push for Minimum Wage Increase, Ignore GOP Oppo

January 29th, 2014 9:09 PM
The networks played right into President Obama's hand Wednesday evening as they touted his push for a minimum wage increase while giving barely any voice to his Republican opposition. "[T]he President was out there hitting that 'give America a raise' theme hard today in campaign-style events both in Pennsylvania and in Maryland," noted ABC News White House correspondent Jonathan Karl. "Does…

NBC Keeps Hammering Christie Scandal But Ignores Senate Spending Bill

January 17th, 2014 11:14 AM
NBC continued hitting the Christie scandal on Thursday evening while the CBS and ABC evening news casts have not reported it since Tuesday. The NBC Nightly News has already given the story a good chunk more coverage than the other network evening news shows, and while it devoted a short segment to the bridge scandal it didn't even have time to report the Senate passing a massive $1.1…

Brian Williams Skips Bad ObamaCare Enrollment Numbers, But Bids Farewe

January 14th, 2014 11:56 AM
On Monday's NBC Nightly News, anchor Brian Williams ignored bad ObamaCare enrollment numbers for young people, but made time to announce the retirement of a long-standing liberal congressman, a development that neither ABC's World News nor the CBS Evening News deemed worth mentioning. "Big loss for the Democrats in Congress," stated Williams, who said outgoing Rep. George Miller was "often…

CBS Touts ObamaCare 'Success Story'; Omits His Support of the Obama Ca

December 19th, 2013 6:44 PM
On Wednesday's CBS Evening News, Carter Evans spotlighted Leslie Foster, an apparent ObamaCare "success story," who gushed about the "amazing things" in his subsidized health plan. But Evans failed to mention that Foster "campaigned for President Barack Obama's election", as the Wall Street Journal reported in an October 7, 2013 article. [MP3 audio available here; video below the jump] The…

CBS: Those Meddling Conservatives Oppose 'Too-Good-to-Be-True' Deal

December 12th, 2013 3:15 PM
  The journalists at the CBS Evening News on Wednesday portrayed the possible scuttling of a budget compromise as the fault of conservatives opposing a "too-good-to-be-true" deal. Over on NBC's Nightly News, the reporters derided the plan as not spending enough, worrying about extending unemployment benefits. ABC's World News on Wednesday and Good Morning America on Thursday totally skipped…

CBS: 'Problems', 'Trouble' Still Hamper 'Revamped' ObamaCare Website

December 3rd, 2013 5:18 PM
Monday's CBS Evening News and Tuesday's CBS This Morning both underlined the continuing problems with, even after the Obama administration claimed "it met its deadline to make work smoothly for the vast majority of shoppers". Meanwhile, the network's competitors at NBC hyped the supposed positive news about the ObamaCare website. Wyatt Andrews noted how the…

ABC, CBS Notice Obama's 'Lowest Ever' Approval Rating; NBC Out to Lunc

November 13th, 2013 6:48 PM
On Tuesday, ABC's World News and CBS Evening News both reported the latest poll numbers from the "respected" Quinnipiac University, as CBS's Scott Pelley labeled the institution, regarding President Obama's "lowest ever" approval rating, along with Americans' dim view of the politician's honesty. ABC's Diane Sawyer noted that "for the first time in his presidency, a majority of American voters…

CBS: Obama White House Knew of Website's 'Limitless' Security Risks Be

November 12th, 2013 12:42 PM
Sharyl Attkisson revealed on Monday's CBS Evening News that the Obama administration had prior knowledge of's numerous security flaws, but went ahead anyway with its October 1, 2013 launch. Attkisson spotlighted a government memo that outlined "important security risks discovered in the insurance system....The memo said, 'The threat and risk potential to the system is limitless…

ABC, CBS Acknowledge Obama's 'Broken Promise,' But Knock Americans' 'S

November 8th, 2013 11:32 AM
 ABC and CBS on Thursday and Friday reacted to Barack Obama's health care apology by acknowledging his "broken promise." At the same time, both networks attempted to spin the NBC interview with qualifiers on the millions of Americans who will be losing their health insurance. After explaining what the President originally insisted and then showing his apology, CBS Evening News Anchor Scott…

Doom and Gloom CBS Wonders If It's 'Too Late' To Fix Climate Change

November 7th, 2013 5:52 PM
Scott Pelley hyped the latest United Nations global warming report on Wednesday's CBS Evening News, proclaiming that "climate scientists have never seen greenhouse gas readings like what they announced today....scientists with the United Nations said that greenhouse gases, which influence climate change, have hit their highest level in 800,000 years – mostly because industry is ramping up in…

CBS: White House Granted Itself Waiver to Launch ObamaCare Website Wit

November 5th, 2013 10:39 AM
As NewsBusters has been reporting, CBS News has been one of the press outlets totally willing to expose the disaster that is the ObamaCare rollout. On Monday, Sharyl Attkisson did a fabulous report on the CBS Evening News revealing that “four days before the launch the government took an unusual step: it granted itself a waiver to launch the website with a level of uncertainty deemed as a…

Sharyl Attkisson: Insurance 'Death Spiral' Could Cause ObamaCare's 'Co

October 30th, 2013 6:44 PM
Besides facing a "credibility death spiral" on the issue of ObamaCare, as political director John Dickerson recently put it, Sharyl Attkisson pointed out on Tuesday's CBS Evening News that the very structure of the so-called reform could encounter a separate "death spiral" due to the "enrollment fiasco" surrounding Attkisson cited unnamed health care analysts, who predicted a…