Scott Pelley Plays Up Best Poll Result For Obama in CBS Poll

July 19th, 2012 12:48 PM
On Wednesday's CBS Evening News, Scott Pelley cherry-picked the most favorable result for President Obama in the most recent CBS News/New York Times poll. Pelley stated how "this campaign, of course, is, in large part, a battle for the middle class," and touted that "when we asked voters in our poll which candidate would do more to help the middle class, 52 percent said President Obama, 38…

Bob Schieffer: Republicans Are Wasting Money Voting To Repeal ObamaCar

July 15th, 2012 4:36 PM
The folks at CBS News sure are worried about government spending all of a sudden. After Evening News anchor Scott Pelley grieved Wednesday for how much it's cost to have all these House votes concerning ObamaCare, Face the Nation's Bob Schieffer pointed a similarly dismayed finger at House Republicans Sunday (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Morning Shows Skip Obamacare Repeal Vote; Evening Newscasts Whine Abou

July 12th, 2012 3:37 PM
All three morning shows on Thursday ignored the House vote to repeal Obamacare. Despite finding time for such important topics as women who are addicted to tanning, Good Morning America, as well as Today and CBS This Morning, skipped the latest on the President's unpopular legislation. In contrast, all three evening newscasts on Wednesday did cover the story. Both CBS and ABC whined about…

Networks Ignore Harry Reid's Refusal to Call Vote on Tax Cut Extension

July 12th, 2012 12:40 PM
As I noted yesterday, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) yesterday refused to call a vote on extending the Bush tax cuts, even though President Barack Obama days earlier urged passage of such tax cuts as soon as possible. Predictably, however, the July 11 editions of the network evening newscasts  -- ABC's World News, the CBS Evening News, and NBC's Nightly News -- all ignored the…

CBS’s Pelley Upset House’s ObamaCare Repeal Votes Have ‘Cost Tax

July 12th, 2012 3:42 AM
Showing a renewed concern for the interests of taxpayers, CBS put “Cost to Taxpayers” on screen Wednesday night as CBS Evening News anchor Scott Pelley worried not about the cost of ObamaCare, but “how much it cost taxpayers for the House to repeal the law again and again?” Pelley relayed how “the Congressional Research Service tells us that the House of Representatives costs us $24 million a…

NBC Uniquely Notes Some Dems Voted to Sanction Holder

June 29th, 2012 8:59 AM
Uniquely among the broadcast network evening newscasts, the NBC Nightly News, not only ran a full report on the House of Representatives vote to hold Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt of Congress, but the network also noted that some Democrats joined Republicans on the vote. By contrast, ABC's World News and the CBS Evening News only mentioned the dozens of Democrats who walked out of…

TV Networks Gush Over Chief Justice Roberts: 'The Man of the Hour' Who

June 28th, 2012 9:09 PM
Chief Justice John Roberts may have angered conservatives with his decisive vote in favor of ObamaCare today, but he was, in CBS anchor Scott Pelley’s words, the “man of the hour” on all three network evening newscasts Thursday night. ABC’s Terry Moran complimented Roberts’ lurch to the left, saying it “did give heart to many Court watchers,” who were worried the Court “was at risk of becoming…

CBS's Pelley Notes History of Presidents Invoking Executive Privilege

June 21st, 2012 2:24 AM
On Wednesday's CBS Evening News, after a report in which it was noted that the Obama administration has invoked executive privilege over the investigation into the Fast and Furious scandal, anchor Scott Pelley related the history of other Presidents taking similar measures. After tying in George Washington, Pelley ended up informing viewers that Bill Clinton had used similar tactics 14 times…

CBS's Pelley Covers First Day of Sandusky Trial; Ignored Edwards Trial

June 12th, 2012 6:33 PM
The weekday edition of CBS Evening News with anchor Scott Pelley bizarrely paid no attention to the campaign finance trial of 2004 Democratic vice presidential candidate John Edwards until the jury declared a mistrial on all but one count on May 31, 2012. By contrast, the evening news program devoted a full report to the first day of the trial of former Penn State assistant football coach Jerry…

CBS's Morning and Evening Shows Hype Vatican's 'Inquisition' of Dissen

May 31st, 2012 5:23 PM
CBS made little effort to hide that it was siding with liberal dissenters inside the Catholic Church on Wednesday's CBS Evening News and Thursday's CBS This Morning. Scott Pelley hyped that there was a Vatican "crackdown on America's 57,000 nuns." Gayle King touted how "some Catholics compare it to the dark days of the Inquisition, a crackdown on a prominent organization of nuns accused of…

Big Three Evening Newscasts At or Near All-Time 25-54 Demographic Lows

May 22nd, 2012 11:43 PM
At Media Bistro earlier today, the news about the combined average total audience for the Big Three TV networks' evening news was grim enough, coming in at a combined 20.15 million (NBC, 7.52 million; ABC, 7.14 million; CBS, 5.49 million). But the news about the audience in the key 25-54 demographic was, from what I can tell, either an all-time low or darned close to it. I couldn't find an…

Alone Among Network Broadcasts, CBS Evening News Ignores John Edwards

May 17th, 2012 1:17 PM
Over the past few weeks, the John Edwards corruption trial has been all over the news, and for good reason: Edwards was one of the most visible and charismatic figures in the national Democratic Party for several years. The former trial attorney served as a senator from North Carolina from 1999 to 2005, and in 2004 and 2008 ran for president of the United States. In 2004, Edwards was his party'…

NBC's Williams Praises CBS's Pelley For Being In 'Dan Rather School of

May 16th, 2012 3:55 PM
Appearing on CBS's Late Show with David Letterman on Tuesday, NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams heaped his idea of high praise onto CBS Evening News anchor Scott Pelley: "Scott grew up firmly in the Dan Rather school of journalism, which is a great tradition." [Listen to the audio or watch the video after the jump] Despite that laughable reference to the disgraced former CBS News anchor…

Media Breezes By Politically Embarrassing Occupy May Day Protests

May 3rd, 2012 5:21 PM
When the Occupy Wall Street (OWS) movement first arrived on the scene back in October of 2011 the Big Three (ABC, CBS, NBC) news networks greeted, what they viewed as the left’s answer to the Tea Party, with a whopping 33 full stories in just the first 11 days of coverage and a total of 81 stories in that month. However, when that movement proved to be an embarrassment to the left and…