CBS Comes to Obama’s Defense on Vacation Time After They Cue Him Up

August 18th, 2011 1:59 AM
Just as criticism builds over President Barack Obama’s plan to spend the next week-and-a-half on Martha’s Vineyard while the economy flounders, the CBS Evening News came to his defense, suggesting he’s been a workaholic compared to his Republican predecessors. While “Obama has taken 61 days of vacation so far,” anchor Scott Pelley noted over a photo montage of those he cited, “at this point…

Network Newscasts Apoplectic Over Perry, ‘White House Tells Him to W

August 17th, 2011 8:47 AM
“Republican presidential contender Rick Perry rustles up a controversy when he appears to threaten the head of the Federal Reserve,” CBS Evening News anchor Scott Pelley teased Tuesday night in taking literally Perry’s remarks about Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke. CBS then played a clip of Perry: “We would treat him pretty ugly down in Texas.” Brian Williams teased the NBC Nightly…

Networks Embrace Buffett’s Call for Higher Taxes on ‘Mega-Rich

August 16th, 2011 2:08 AM
“Billionaires on notice,” ABC anchor Diane Sawyer teased Monday’s World News in trumpeting, as did CBS and NBC, a New York Times op-ed by liberal billionaire Warren Buffett. Sawyer heralded Buffett’s quest: “Is it time for the mega-rich to pay at least the same tax rate as their secretaries? And if they did pay their fair share, would it fix America's schools or roads?” Sawyer soon…

CBS Looks at ‘Cost’ and ‘Tragedy’ of Rick Perry’s Refusal to

August 13th, 2011 9:03 AM
Friday night’s CBS Evening News examined Rick Perry’s record in Texas, citing his claims his policies led to job creation but then pivoting to how “Perry's bedrock pledge to never raise taxes also had a reckoning this year.” Reporter Wyatt Andrews relayed liberal claims that “with taxes not an option, the state cut deeply into health care and so deeply into education, some 49,000 teachers…

Romney’s ‘Corporations Are People’ Called a ‘Gaffe’ as Nets

August 11th, 2011 10:30 PM
ABC’s Jake Tapper on Thursday night scolded Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney for a “gaffe” over his assertion that “corporations are people” since “everything corporations earn ultimately goes to the people.” That common sense observation came in reaction to a bunch of hecklers, from a left-wing activist group, who confronted Romney in Iowa, yet neither ABC or CBS acknowledged…

CBS Skips How Own Poll Finds Many More Think Spending Cuts Too Small O

August 5th, 2011 8:22 AM
Running through the findings of a new CBS News/New York Times poll, on Thursday’s CBS Evening News Chip Reid highlighted how, after weeks of media hostility the Tea Party has lost popularity, as he also located people to illustrate how more wanted, and still want, taxes raised over spending cuts alone. Reid ignored, however, how far more – Republicans, independents, and even Democrats –…

CBS’s Pelley Chafes: ‘Only Budget Cuts and No Relief for Those Suf

August 3rd, 2011 9:24 AM
Framing a shortcoming in the debt deal as a liberal would and does, CBS Evening News anchor Scott Pelley on Tuesday night regretted the how “the last time the President and the Congress compromised on a major spending bill, Republicans got tax cuts and Mr. Obama won an extension of unemployment benefits,” but this time “there are only budget cuts and no relief for those suffering in this…

CBS and ABC Ignore Biden 'Terrorist' Dust Up; NBC Only Promotes His De

August 2nd, 2011 1:16 PM
On Monday, Politico reported that "several sources" in a private meeting of House Democrats confirmed that Vice President Joe Biden accused Tea Party Republicans of having "acted like terrorists." CBS and ABC completely punted the story on their evening and morning newscasts. NBC made mention of the controversy, but only to further Biden's denial of having made the comment. CBS's omission…

ABC Notes Dem Refusal to Budge on Medicare, CBS Gives Impression Dems

July 16th, 2011 5:12 AM
 On Friday’s World News on ABC, correspondent Jonathan Karl took a moment to go beyond the budget debate between House Republicans and President Obama with the GOP unwilling to support a tax increase, and noted that House Democrats have also been just as resistant to voting for cutting the growth of Medicare spending. But the same night's CBS Evening News focused on Republican reluctance to…

CBS’s Cordes: ‘Ambitious’ Eric Cantor ‘Has Given His Opponents

July 15th, 2011 6:32 AM
 On Thursday’s CBS Evening News, correspondent Nancy Cordes filed a report on House Majority Leader Eric Cantor as a "lightning rod" for sharp criticism from Democrats because of his role in budget negotiations with President Obama. After beginning the report with a clip of Democratic Senator Chuck Schumer asserting that Cantor "has yet to make a constructive contribution," and after recounting…

Socialist Senator: Obama's Wrong - Social Security Checks Will Go Out

July 14th, 2011 12:03 AM
America's only admittedly socialist member of Congress said Wednesday that he disagreed with President Obama's comments concerning Social Security checks possibly not going out on August 3rd if the debt ceiling isn't raised. When Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) said he felt checks to seniors and disabled vets would be issued no matter what, the host of MSNBC's "The Ed Show" responded, "So you…

Did Obama Really Tell Pelley Social Security Checks Are in Jeopardy if

July 13th, 2011 11:19 AM
As a result of Scott Pelley's interview with President Obama on the "CBS Evening News" Tuesday, the media are once again scaring seniors with the absurd notion Social Security checks won't go out in August if the debt ceiling isn't raised. An examination of the video and transcript of the relevant sections of this exchange bring into question whether or not that's actually what the President…

Pelley Cites Tea Party as 'Problem' as ABC Relays 'Disgust,' Pelley Pr

July 12th, 2011 9:35 PM
In a relatively inoffensive interview with President Barack Obama for Tuesday’s CBS Evening News, anchor Scott Pelley implied the Tea Party (and maybe congressional liberals too) should be blamed for blocking a debt ceiling deal (“Isn't the problem that a large number of the Members of Congress will not follow your leadership or the Republican leadership?”) and fondly recalled how “it wasn't…

CBS Omits How Obama Broke Campaign Promise on Tax Hikes

July 1st, 2011 6:42 PM
On Thursday's CBS Evening News and Friday's Early Show, CBS glossed over President Obama's aim to break a campaign promise with a proposal to raise taxes on people who make less than $250,000 a year. Both Chip Reid and Bill Plante noted that "the White House is also insisting on...a limit on deductions for people...making more than $200,000 a year," but didn't reference the Democrat's 2008 tax…