NPR Honors Anniversary of Atheist 'Dark Materials' Trilogy for Kids

September 27th, 2015 7:21 AM
On Saturday, NPR’s Weekend Edition celebrated atheist author Philip Pullman and the His Dark Materials trilogy he wrote for middle-schoolers, a sort of anti-Narnia series. Anchor Scott Simon celebrated the 20th anniversary of the first book in this trilogy and interviewed Pullman as he sat a BBC studio in Oxford, hinting they have "maybe the mark of real excellence."

NPR Anchor Skips Obama In Interview With Leftist Anti-Obama Professor

November 2nd, 2014 8:40 PM
In the October 13 edition of Time, they asked radical-left black professor Cornel West if he voted for Obama in 2012, and he said he couldn’t vote for a “war criminal.” NPR promoted this radical leftist on Saturday morning’s Weekend Edition, but in six minutes and 22 seconds, never mentioned the president or the 2014 elections. This syrupy interview promoting West’s book Black Prophetic Fire…

NPR's Weekend News Shows Skipped Any Journalism on Obama Scandals -- B

May 13th, 2013 2:07 PM
How enthusiastic can NPR be in avoiding the emerging Obama scandals? Try this: So-called “All Things Considered” aired no features on Benghazi or the IRS on Saturday or Sunday. (This excludes on-the-hour news updates.) But they found time for six minutes on the trade in rhino horns. It was more ridiculous on “Weekend Edition” Saturday and Sunday – they also skipped both. NPR correspondent…

NBC's Today Turns 60: MRC's Top 10 Most Obnoxiously Liberal Today Show

January 10th, 2012 10:18 AM
This week the Today show is celebrating 60 years of being on the air, and for over 20 of those years the MRC has been documenting the NBC morning show’s liberal agenda. From past anchors like Bryant Gumbel blaming “right wing” talk radio for the Oklahoma City bombing and  Katie Couric trashing Ronald Reagan as an “airhead,” up through current anchor Matt Lauer wondering how Barack Obama would “…

NPR, Enjoying Murdoch 'Crumbling,' Finds British Pundit Blaming...Camp

July 17th, 2011 11:31 AM
NPR is clearly relishing the Murdoch newspapers scandal in Britain. Its Weekend Edition headline on Saturday was "News Corp. Dynasty Crumbles From the Top Down." Anchor Scott Simon interviewed Financial Times columnist Clive Crook and asked if the scandal will cause sell-offs: "How big a dent that they represent in his holdings and his influence?...Can you foresee them having to make incisions…

NPR Anchor Interviews Sen. Coburn -- From the Right, with Grover Norqu

April 3rd, 2011 4:03 PM
If you thought of a place on the radio dial on a Saturday morning where Sen. Tom Coburn would be pressed as squishy, it probably wouldn't be NPR. But on Weekend Edition Saturday, NPR anchor Scott Simon asked some basic questions about a budget deal, and then shifted to Grover Norquist's criticisms of Coburn for being a tax hiker. This could be seen as quite an anti-Grover segment, with how…

NPR Anchors Line Up to Deny Bias; One Says the Charge Insults NPR-List

March 23rd, 2011 7:23 AM
Newsweek’s Howard Kurtz suggests “What’s Killing NPR” is its failure to strike back at conservative charges of liberal bias: “Staffers flown in for a recent meeting in Washington groaned when executives said it would be too risky for them to aggressively defend NPR, and that perhaps they should get media training for Joyce Slocum, who took over on an interim basis after the firing of CEO Vivian…

NPR's Scott Simon: Shootings Just 'Didn't Happen When 63 Million Watch

January 16th, 2011 5:26 PM
Long past the time when it was debunked that Tucson shooting suspect Jared Lee Loughner might have been motivated by talk radio or TV, NPR was still entertaining the "vitriol" attack line, as anchor Scott Simon interviewed liberal St. Petersburg Times TV critic Eric Deggans on Saturday morning's Weekend Edition. Simon even bizarrely claimed that this kind of violence didn't happen when "63…

NPR Newscast Promotes 'Revolutionary Nutcracker' Ballet in San Francis

December 13th, 2010 8:29 AM
That taxpayer-funded leftist sandbox called National Public Radio promoted the latest work/wreck of “progressive art” on Saturday morning's Weekend Edition. In San Francisco, they're twisting the classic ballet The Nutcracker into a radical-left jeremiad. Anchor Scott Simon announced nonchalantly: "'Tis the season for The Nutcracker. One production in San Francisco is decorated with a grab-bag…

NPR: Obama's Fat Lip Could Improve Image With Jong Il, Ahmadinejad and

November 27th, 2010 5:14 PM
It appears that at NPR, even a fat lip for the President is to be heralded as a crowning achievement furthering his prestige and street cred when dealing with despots like Kim Jong Il and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. According to Scott Simon, a president with a "gnarly, vivid scar" might even be able to intimidate China's rulers into halting their currency manipulation (audio follows with partial…

Bozell Column: NPR's Religion Double Standard

October 27th, 2010 12:28 PM
National Public Radio’s firing of Juan Williams tells you all you need to know about the radical, and thoroughly intolerant, Left. Juan Williams is a liberal, but still, he isn’t liberal enough. The idea that he would acknowledge a mere thought of discomfort at the idea of people in “Muslim garb” on airplanes in a post-9/11 world became a firing offense. It didn’t matter that he prefaced it… Touts 'Obama's Very Good Week' -- While Polls Are 'Terrible fo

July 18th, 2010 5:16 PM
Someone at is feeling wildly optimistic about the political direction of President Obama and the Democrats. A transcript from Weekend Edition Saturday was headlined "Obama's Very Good Week." They summarized: "Obama scored a couple of significant victories during the week, earning a weekend break in Maine with his family. But it's not clear whether his wins will improve public approval."…

NPR's Daniel Schorr Finds It 'Menacing' That ObamaCare Can't Get Passe

February 21st, 2010 5:34 PM
In his weekly interview on Weekend Edition Saturday, National Public Radio "senior news analyst" (read: unrebutted liberal commentator) Daniel Schorr saw something "menacing" in Capitol Hill’s failure to pass a big ultraliberal agenda. It’s "more menacing than simply whether one or another winds a couple of seats in the Congress."That’s an easy thing for a 93-year-old government-paid commentator…

NPR: Obama Shares Miss California's Same-sex Marriage Views

May 18th, 2009 11:21 AM
At almost the same time NPR's Peter Sagal and White House advisor David Axelrod were disgracefully mocking Carrie Prejean in front of a cheering crowd at George Washington University, NPR's Scott Simon was pointing out to his listeners how Barack Obama shares Miss California's views on same-sex marriage. Talk about your inconvenient truths.Potentially even more shocking, Simon exposed how absurd…