S.E. Cupp Confronts Martin Bashir for Attacking Michele Bachmann's Fai

July 12th, 2011 5:47 PM
Appearing on Martin Bashir's eponymous 3 p.m. program, conservative columnist S.E. Cupp took the MSNBC anchor to task for his and his network's most recent attacks on Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) regarding her husband's views on homosexual orientation being a choice that one can change through therapy, not a deterministically-imposed genetic trait. When Cupp agreed that it was "valid to…

MSNBC's Bashir Defends Media Not Hitting Obama for Gaffes

June 28th, 2011 4:13 PM
With apologies to King Solomon, as a dog returns to its vomit, so a biased MSNBC anchor repeats his tired talking points. [video follows page break] On the June 14 edition of his eponymous program, conservative New York Daily News columnist S.E. Cupp hit Martin Bashir for marveling at Rep. Michele Bachmann's (R-Minn.) June 13 debate performance, given her history of gaffes. At the time,…

MSNBC's Bashir Compliments Bachmann with Swipe at Palin; Columnist S.E

June 14th, 2011 4:32 PM
Impressed by Rep. Michele Bachmann's performance in the CNN debate last night, MSNBC's Martin Bashir today twice cheekily declared her the "thinking person's Sarah Palin." [Video embedded below page break]

S.E. Cupp Strikes Back at Olbermann, Gore, Planned Parenthood and NOW

April 18th, 2011 9:56 PM
As NewsBusters reported last Thursday, Keith Olbermann for some reason chose to viciously attack conservative author S.E. Cupp for opinions she expressed on the previous evening's "Joy Behar Show." On Monday, in a Special Comment on her online program at Glenn Beck.com, Cupp responded to Olbermann while calling out his new boss at Current TV Al Gore as well as Planned Parenthood and the…

Chris Matthews Cherry Picks Santorum to Bash Him and Palin

February 9th, 2011 9:55 PM
MSNBC's Chris Matthews on Wednesday decided to wade into the Rick Santorum-Sarah Palin-CPAC dust-up by cherry-picking what the former Pennsylvania Senator told S.E. Cupp on Glenn Beck's online program the day before. Not surprisingly, by presenting only his biased and abbreviated side of the story, the "Hardball" host attacked both Palin and Santorum (video follows with transcript and…

Daily Kos: Palin the Enemy of 'Intelligence, Literacy, Expertise, Lang

November 20th, 2010 8:09 AM
In the New York Daily News on Wednesday, S.E. Cupp theorized "The reason Palin has become such a lightening [sic] rod, a kingmaker and a punching bag, a celebrity and a power player, is simple. It's because she's so gosh darn happy.For her fans, like the ones I had the pleasure of meeting in Chicago, she's refreshingly upbeat and resilient, the bubbly friend from childhood who was always great…

Reliable Sources Panel Laughs When S.E. Cupp Defends Christine O'Donne

October 24th, 2010 4:53 PM
Howard Kurtz should apologize to conservative author S. E. Cupp for how he and his fellow panelists treated her on Sunday's "Reliable Sources." As Cupp via a satellite feed tried to explain the point Delaware Republican senatorial candidate Christine O'Donnell was making about the First Amendment during last week's debate with Chris Coons, those in the studio could be heard in the background…

Behar Rips Bachmann: 'She’s Against Children'; Ignores She Raised He

October 13th, 2010 12:08 PM
So you raise five children and provide foster care for 23 children, but according to HLN’s high-priestess of intellectualism, you hate children. Only from Joy Behar, host of a HLN show and co-host of “The View,” could offer such an assertion as fact to audience. On Behar’s Oct. 12 program, she made the claim the Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., and other so-called “Mama Grizzlies” were guilty…

Bill Maher Says 'F--k You' To Guests Disagreeing With His Religious Vi

October 9th, 2010 3:03 PM
When conservative atheist S. E. Cupp and liberal atheist Bill Maher get together on the same stage, it's a metaphysical certitude they're going to fight about religion. Following up on their last heated theological battle on the May 14 installment of HBO's "Real Time," Cupp and Maher went at it again on Friday this time over Glenn Beck's decision to become a Mormon after he got remarried.…

Bill Maher Loses Religion-bashing Battle With S.E. Cupp and History

June 8th, 2010 11:50 AM
Editor's Note: The following originally appeared at Andrew Breitbart's Big Hollywood. Sometimes it’s just so easy. I mean if I really wanted to, I could find all the material needed to expose the folly of the far left just by watching Bill Maher every week and picking apart the claims he offers as “fact” while urged on with hosannas by his trained seals in the Real Time audience.  The…

Bill Maher Fights With Reality: Tells S.E. Cupp Media's 'Never' Been A

May 16th, 2010 9:21 AM
On Friday night's Real Time, HBO talk-host Bill Maher berated conservative (and fellow atheist) S.E. Cupp for her new book Losing Our Religion: The Liberal Media's Attack on Christianity. “Liberals are not atheists any more than conservatives are. Michael Moore is religious! Chris Matthews is religious! Al Sharpton is religious!” Maher went so far as to insist the liberal media has “never”…

'Red Eye' and Coulter Rip Bill Maher for Wishing Glenn Beck Dead

March 10th, 2010 1:42 PM
Greg Gutfeld and the "Red Eye" gang Tuesday tore apart Bill Maher for wishing that Glenn Beck had been killed during last week's Pentagon shootings.As NewsBusters previously reported, the so-called comedian during last Friday's "Real Time" said of the tragedy, "When we see crazy, senseless deaths like this, we can only ask why, why, why couldn't it have been Glenn Beck?"This led Gutfeld, along…

Juan Williams: 'Centerfold' Palin Successful Because She's Attractive

March 4th, 2010 1:45 PM
Liberals who simply cannot understand why Sarah Palin is so popular often attribute her success to her looks. The excuse conveniently allows them to sidestep any discussion of the issues she raises, and allows them to maintain a feeling of intellectual superiority to Palin and her supporters.Fox News contributor Juan Williams, also a reporter for NPR and the Washington Post, was at a complete…

Larry King: Put the Bankers in Straitjackets

December 15th, 2009 5:57 PM
CNN’s Larry King equated efforts against further regulation of the banking industry to letting the mentally ill run their psych wards on his program on Monday. King pressed conservative columnist S. E. Cupp: “Banks are lobbying against a bill to tighten regulatory controls. Are you going to let the inmates run the asylum? You don’t think we should regulate banks?” [audio clips from the segment…