
Networks Censor 5th PP Baby Parts Video; Continue Lion Coverage

August 5th, 2015 1:46 AM
With the ABC and CBS preoccupied with continuing coverage of Cecil the Lion and NBC promoting Jeb Bush’s comments about women’s health, the major broadcast networks found zero time on Tuesday night to mention the fact that arguably the most disturbing video yet in the Planned Parenthood scandal was released hours earlier by the Center for Medical Progress (CMP). 

Nets Censor Third PP Video, But Cover Shooting Death of African Lion

July 28th, 2015 11:06 PM
On Tuesday night, the decision by the major broadcast network to erase the Planned Parenthood scandal from their newscasts continued with the release of a sickening third video by the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) that again discussed the selling of body parts from aborted babies. As the “big three” of ABC, CBS, and NBC were ignoring this third video, the trio spent six minutes and 26 seconds…

FNC Covers Planned Parenthood Baby-Parts Scandal; CNN, MSNBC Skip

July 14th, 2015 9:11 PM
While cable networks CNN and MSNBC on Tuesday looked the other way following the release of the disturbing video showing a Planned Parenthood executive discussing the sale of body parts from aborted babies, the FNC's Special Report offered a full report on the investigation by the Center for Medical Progress from chief legal correspondent Shannon Bream. Not surprisingly, on Tuesday night ABC, CBS…

NBC Skips SCOTUS Ruling Against Obama on EPA; ABC, CBS Barely Cover

June 29th, 2015 9:21 PM
On Monday night, the networks showed scant interest in covering the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling against the Obama administration and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on the regulation of power plant emissions as NBC ignored the story completely with ABC and CBS combining to spend only 29 seconds on the decision. While ABC and CBS came together to spend just under 30 seconds on this story…

Nets Again Skip E-Mails Showing Gruber’s Deeper WH Role on ObamaCare

June 23rd, 2015 12:23 AM
The top English and Spanish-language broadcast networks again ignored on Monday night a new development in the Jonathan Gruber saga as new e-mails have surfaced that revealed how his role with the White House on ObamaCare was more detailed than previously thought. As initially reported by The Wall Street Journal, e-mails “show frequent consultations between Mr. Gruber and top Obama administration…

Nets Fail to Notice Obama Attacking SCOTUS Ahead of ObamaCare Ruling

June 8th, 2015 11:20 PM
The “big three” of ABC, CBS, and NBC all refused to mention on Monday night comments made by President Barack Obama earlier in the day in which he attacked the Supreme Court for taking a case regarding ObamaCare subsidies and warned them not to rule that they’re unconstitutional. They remained on the sidelines as FNC's Special Report with Bret Baier worked to once again fill the void with not…

Appeals Court Deals Latest Blow to Obama’s Amnesty; Nets Fail to Cover

May 26th, 2015 9:00 PM
On Tuesday night, the “big three” of ABC, CBS, and NBC neglected to mention news that the U.S. Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals had ruled earlier in the day against President Obama’s executive amnesty and denied another request that the injunction on the plan should be lifted. While the networks ignored this story, the Fox News Channel's Special Report with Bret Baier led its Tuesday show with a…

Krauthammer Slams Obama, WH on Reaction to Israeli Spying Story

March 24th, 2015 10:17 PM
Fox News contributor Charles Krauthammer appeared on the panel for Fox News’s Special Report on Tuesday evening and blasted President Barack Obama for refusing to directly comment on the Wall Street Journal report that Israel has been spying on the negotiations with Iran over its nuclear deal as well as the administration for acting as if Israel’s actions are unprecedented.

Nets Skip News Judge Ruled Parts of Obama’s Amnesty Unconstitutional

December 16th, 2014 9:21 PM
A federal judge in Pennsylvania ruled on Tuesday that portions of President Barack Obama’s presidential action on immigration were unconstitutional as “Congress's lawmaking power is not subject to presidential supervision or control” and that “congressional inaction does not endow legislative power with the executive.” However, if you tuned into any of the Tuesday evening newscasts on the major…

Networks Dodge Huge IRS Scandal News as DOJ Attorney Says Lost Lerner

August 25th, 2014 9:15 PM
Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton appeared on the Fox News Channel (FNC) Monday afternoon and informed viewers that a Department of Justice (DOJ) attorney admitted to his organization on Friday that the e-mails belonging to former IRS official Lois Lerner that were thought to be lost likely still exist. He declared to FNC’s Shannon Bream that the story of Lerner’s hard drive being damaged and…

IRS Scandal Bombshell! DOJ Attorney Admits Lois Lerner Emails Exist! W

August 25th, 2014 4:19 PM
The latest bombshell in the IRS scandal has landed. On Monday, Judicial Watch’s president Tom Fitton told FNC’s Shannon Bream that a Justice Department attorney told them the missing Lois Lerner e-mails do exist. Appearing on FNC’s The Real Story with Gretchen Carlson, Fitton announced: “A Department of Justice attorney told a Judicial Watch attorney on Friday that it turns out the federal…

As Brent Bozell Predicted, Big Three Newscasts Ignore Plagiarist Dem D

August 7th, 2014 8:48 PM

It looks like Shannon Bream of Fox News lost a friendly bet with Brent Bozell, the president and founder of the Media Research Center, NewsBusters's parent company. On last night's Kelly File, the fill-in anchor argued that the liberal broadcast networks would have to devote time to covering John Walsh if he bowed out of his Senate race due to his plagiarism scandal. Bozell insisted otherwise…

Bozell, FNC's Bream Discuss Media Near-Blackout of Dem Senator's Plagi

August 7th, 2014 8:15 AM
As pressure grows on Sen. John Walsh (D-Montana) to drop out of his election campaign in light of his plagiarism controversy, the liberal media are largely ignoring the story, despite the fact that "the Senate hangs in the balance" and "any one race can make or break it," Media Research Center president and founder Brent Bozell told the audience of Wednesday's edition of the Fox News Channel…

On FNC: Restaurant Owner Proudly Stands Up for the 2nd Amendment Right

July 4th, 2014 8:20 AM
At a time when some businesses like Starbucks, Chipotle and most recently Target have discouraged responsible citizens from bringing guns into their stores FNC's The Real Story with Gretchen Carlson, on Thursday, showcased one Colorado restaurant owner who unashamedly lets her patrons exercise their Second Amendment rights. When substitute host Shannon Bream asked Lauren Boebert if there had…