As Others Report WH Knew Nature of Attack, AP Still Insists That the B

October 24th, 2012 7:34 AM
At the Associated Press Tuesday evening, the wire service re-posted verbatim Eileen Sullivan's "Why It Matters" report from October 15. One of that report's core assertions is that It "injected the issue of diplomatic security into the presidential campaign and renewed questions about the quality of U.S. intelligence." At my related  NewsBusters post that day, I noted that  President Obama and…

ABC and NBC Ignore Holder Hearings, CBS's Fast and Furious Coverage Sl

June 12th, 2012 2:19 PM
The news that the House Oversight Committee will vote next week on whether to hold Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt of Congress, for refusing to turn over subpoenaed documents in the Fast and Furious investigation, was met with silence from the Big Three (ABC, NBC, CBS) network news shows. There was no mention of the Holder hearings on Monday’s evening news shows or Tuesday’s morning…

CBS News Falsely Claims to Be First Reporting Fast & Furious

June 12th, 2012 11:35 AM
Almost alone among the mainstream journalists, CBS News reporter Sharyl Attkisson has been reporting on the Fast & Furious scandal. For that she should be commended. However she wasn't the first to report on it. In fact much of her information was provided to her by David Codrea (photo), the Gun Rights Examiner at and citizen journalist Mike Vanderboegh of the Sipsey Street…

Selling Socialism: The Media's Campaign for ObamaCare

March 21st, 2012 10:00 AM
Next week, the Supreme Court will hear arguments on the constitutionality of ObamaCare, but if the media were the judges, the Court would rule 9-0 in favor of it. During its coverage of the health care debate, the liberal press never permitted questions about ObamaCare’s legality to interfere with their dream of a government takeover of the health care sector. Starting even before Barack…

MRC Study: ABC and NBC Anything But Fast and Furious On Gunwalking Sca

February 8th, 2012 9:45 AM
Deaths, guns, whistle-blowers and the highest law officer in the land stonewalling a congressional investigation are the juicy ingredients of a story network news reporters would love to cover – if a Republican were in office. However, when Attorney General Eric Holder testified on Thursday (February 2) before a House oversight committee investigating Operation Fast and Furious, the news was…

MRC Study: The Real State of the Union, Big Three Networks Covering Up

January 23rd, 2012 3:34 PM
By many measures, Barack Obama has left the State of the Union in tatters, but the liberal media, led by the highly rated Big Three network (ABC, CBS, NBC) news shows, have attempted to cover up those holes in the Union by mostly ignoring the Obama administration’s greatest failings. From record numbers of people on food stamps, to the administration’s support of failed energy companies while…

CBS Exposes 'the New Solyndras' – Will ABC and NBC Follow Suit

January 13th, 2012 4:07 PM
According to a CBS News investigation, the controversial government loan to now-bankrupt Solyndra wasn't an isolated incident. "CBS This Morning" reporter Sharyl Attkisson explained, "We identified 11 green energy companies beside Solyndra that, together, got billions of tax dollars then declared bankruptcy or are suffering other serious financial issues." A CBS graphic blared, "The New…

CBS Forwards Harry Reid's 'Lecture' of GOP and His Hope They 'Learned

December 23rd, 2011 11:49 PM
On Friday's CBS Evening News, as correspondent Sharyl Attkisson filed a report to inform viewers that the House of Representatives had approved the Senate plan for a two-month payroll tax cut extension, Attkisson included a clip of Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid directing a "lecture" at and blaming House Republican freshmen for the delay, as she recounted his hope that they had "learned a…

CBS Highlights Chu's Solyndra Testimony in Congress, ABC Punts

November 18th, 2011 4:40 PM
On Friday, CBS's Early Show was the only Big Three morning show to cover Energy Secretary Steven Chu's testimony before a congressional hearing on the $528 million loan to the bankrupt solar panel company Solyndra. NBC previewed the hearing on Thursday's Today show, but avoided it the following morning. ABC's GMA completely ignored it both days. Fill-in news anchor Betty Nguyen gave a 44-…

ABC and NBC Spike Eric Holder’s 'Fast and Furious' Testimony

November 9th, 2011 4:43 PM
NBC and ABC in their evening and morning newscasts completely ignored the grilling Eric Holder received on Capitol Hill on Tuesday, over his role in the Fast and Furious scandal. Senate Republicans forced Holder to admit his initial statements to Congress about his department’s role in gunwalking were "inaccurate," and that he never apologized to the family of a Border Agent killed by a Mexican…

Issa's Gunwalker Subpoena a Virtual Non-Story; AP Furiously Spins Fals

October 16th, 2011 10:58 AM
On October 9, an unbylined Associated Press story reported that Congressmen Darrell Issa "could send subpoenas to the Obama administration as soon as this week over weapons lost amid the Mexican drug war." On Wednesday, October 12, Issa did just that. Mike Vanderboegh's Sipsey Street Irregulars blog has a succinct summary (HT Ed Driscoll) of the establishment press's coverage of Issa's…

CBS Reporter to O'Reilly: More to Come on 'Fast and Furious

October 7th, 2011 6:25 PM
CBS's Sharyl Attkisson, the only Big Three network reporter who's been regularly covering the "Fast and Furious" controversy, appeared on Thursday's O'Reilly Factor, throwing cold water on an earlier report that she was "unavailable" for further interviews on the story. Attkisson emphasized that there was a lot more to the issue than what has already reported, but "we need to get more…

CBS: Attkisson 'Unavailable' For Further Interviews on 'Fast & Furious

October 5th, 2011 5:01 PM
Mark Hemingway of The Weekly Standard reported on Wednesday afternoon that he had attempted to interview CBS News correspondent Sharyl Attkisson about her dogged coverage of the ongoing "Fast and Furious" controversy, but was told that she was "unavailable." Attkisson has been the sole journalist on the Big Three networks regularly covering the story, particular during the past several weeks…

CBS Reporter to Ingraham: Obama W.H. 'Screamed and Cussed at Me

October 4th, 2011 7:06 PM
CBS's Sharyl Attkisson revealed on Tuesday's "Laura Ingraham Show" the extent of the rage directed at her from the Obama administration for her reporting on the "Fast and Furious" controversy: "The DOJ woman was just yelling at me. A guy from the White House on Friday night literally screamed at me and cussed at me." Attkisson also stated that "they think I'm unfair and biased by pursuing it…