'The View': Excuses Obama Intolerance on Same-Sex Marriage

June 2nd, 2009 4:34 PM
ABC’s “The View” is known for its outlandish statements. On June 2, the hosts were discussing gay marriage and former Vice-President Dick Cheney because, as Barbara Walters eloquently stated, “Well, the conservative Dick Cheney has come out in support of gay marriage” as the audience cheered.In a discussion of Cheney’s support of same-sex marriage because his daughter is a lesbian, Sherri…

Elizabeth Edwards Stammered As 'View' Ladies Hammered

May 20th, 2009 11:36 PM

Time Honors ABC’s Chat-fest; Walters Admits Liberal Thought Rules

May 6th, 2009 11:57 AM
Newsflash: ABC's "The View" leans left. Barbara Walters, host of the daytime chat-fest revealed to CNN's Anderson Cooper on May 1 that "in general, [the] panel, with the exception of Elisabeth [Hasselbeck], tends to be, shall we say, more liberal." Even casual viewers of Walters and company can tell the show is a liberal bastion. It features Joy Behar's repeated calls for the impeachment…

‘Angels of Democracy’? Time Editor Hails Leftist Women of ‘The V

April 30th, 2009 4:38 PM
They're rude, annoying, smug and biased. And to Time magazine's managing editor, they're "angels?" Richard Stengel called the four-fifths liberal hosts of ABC's "The View" on April 30 "Angels of Democracy" in an appearance on the show. As he discussed the release of "The Time 100: The World's Most Influential People, " which includes all five women, and lavished praise on them: "Part of the…

Rhodes Scholar Maddow Calls Congressman Pence 'Steve

March 7th, 2009 2:47 PM
If you're going to criticize a member of Congress on national television, wouldn't you try to get his or her name right?Seems like a slam dunk if you want to be taken seriously, correct?Well, on Thursday's "The View," MSNBC's Rachel Maddow poked fun at Indiana Congressman "Steve" Pence for wanting to freeze government spending. The Stanford and Oxford educated Rhodes scholar with a Ph.D in…

Abstinence, Biology and Bozo on 'View

February 18th, 2009 2:46 PM
Bristol Palin's comments about abstinence sparked a lively discussion about sex education on the Feb. 17 broadcast of ABC's "The View" in which Whoopi Goldberg insisted she would be okay if Bozo the Clown gave teens the information they needed about sex.   Palin, a new teenaged mom and daughter of Alaska governor Sarah Palin, stated during her Feb. 16 interview with Fox's Greta van Susteren…

Coulter's Conservative 'View' Not Welcome

January 12th, 2009 5:45 PM
Whoopi Goldberg accused conservative author and pundit Ann Coulter of not being able to "take it" during this morning's broadcast of "The View" after Coulter criticized Goldberg and her co-hosts for not allowing her to fully explain statements from her new book, "Guilty: Liberal Victims and their Assault on America."  Goldberg immediately asked Coulter, "What is your issue with single…

Joy Behar: Obama Picking Rick Warren Like 'Cheney in Charge of Gun Con

December 18th, 2008 6:12 PM
On Thursday’s The View, co-host Joy Behar expressed her displeasure at President-Elect Barack Obama’s choice of Rick Warren for the invocation at his inauguration: “I don’t think it’s appropriate. It’s like putting, you know, Cheney in charge of gun control. It’s wrong....it’s just wrong.” The topic of Obama choosing Warren came up during the regular opening “Hot Topics” segment of the ABC…

Whoopi and Sherri Do Not Know the Definition of 'Suffrage

November 18th, 2008 4:35 PM
For a panel that airs their opinion nationally on regular basis, it is reasonable to expect them to understand basic political terms. Unfortunately, current “View” co-hosts do not. On the November 18 edition of “The View,” Whoopi Goldberg cited an “Advocate” cover headline reading “Gay is the New Black.” Reading the teleprompter, Whoopi stated “some people don’t agree with comparing this to black…

Barbara Walters: ABC 'Most Objective' Network

November 6th, 2008 5:31 PM
ABC is the most objective network. Just ask Barbara Walters. The November 6 edition of "The View" kicked off with a discussion on ABC correspondent Steve Osunsami’s emotional reaction to Obama’s victory. Barbara Walters defended Osunsami and called ABC the most "objective network." Barbara then assured the panel and her audience that it’s not because she is "a part of ABC News." This "objective"…

Whoopi and Sherri Celebrate Obama's Victory, But Still Call for Affirm

November 5th, 2008 3:30 PM
Three of "The View" co-hosts are comedians by profession, but they unintentionally provided some comedy to the November 5 edition of "The View." After two segments of basking over Barack Obama’s victory, and the historic nature of the first African-American president, Sherri Shepherd and Whoopi Goldberg hammered away the need for more affirmative action. [audio excerpt here]The panel’s two rich…

Whoopi Goldberg: 'I Cussed Out This Country

November 4th, 2008 3:33 PM
Whoopi Goldberg, in defending Reverend Wright, admitted to, at times "cuss[ing] out America." On the November 4 (Election Day) edition of "The View," a conversation about Sarah Palin’s clearance in the "Troopergate" probe quickly morphed into a fight (three on one) over Reverend Wright. In justifying Wright’s "God damn America" remark, Whoopi confessed "I have been guilty of cussing this country…

'View' Panel Unanimous: Palin Noose an Outrage

October 28th, 2008 2:00 PM
Unlike the network morning news shows, the Sarah Palin hanging in effigy was covered by, surprisingly, "The View." On the October 28 edition, the panel, as they should be, was unanimous in condemning inflammatory Halloween decoration. The best remark came from, yet another surprise, Joy Behar. Hinting at media double standards Behar cried "if they had done it to Obama, it would cause a tremendous…

Whoopi Goldberg: 'Shum Jum Yum Yum' More Radical Because of Bush

October 24th, 2008 2:32 PM
Whoopi Goldberg’s solution to winning the War on Terror: talk to "Shum Jum Yum Yum," whoever that is. On the October 24 edition of "The View," the aforementioned co-host defended Barack Obama’s call for unconditional talks with rogue nations like Iran. Whoopi concluded that dictators such as "Ahmadinejacket" and "Shum Jum Yum Yum" (presumably she meant Kim Jong Il?) have become "less rational"…