Shushannah Walshe

Press Helps Obama Campaign Commit Gaffe Over Woman's Question of Ryan
October 7th, 2012 11:43 PM
I originally thought that the story of Linda Morrison which will follow after the jump would be all about the Obama campaign completely misreading the situation surrounding a question asked of GOP vice-presidential nominee at a Clinton County, Iowa town hall forum. It turns out that it's actually biased reports from their good friends in the establishment press which led the overeager campaign…

Chris Matthews: 'Sarah Palin Has Proven Herself To Be Profoundly Stupi
May 17th, 2011 6:41 PM
When MSNBC's Chris Matthews isn't calling a potential Republican presidential candidate racist, he's calling them idiots.
On Tuesday's "Hardball," after one of his guests said, "We shouldn’t forget Sarah Palin" as a possible candidate, the host arrogantly shot back, "I think she’s proven herself to be profoundly stupid" (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Chris Matthews: 'Palin's Talking to People Who Don't Read Newspapers o
February 7th, 2011 8:53 PM
It appears Chris Matthews' arrogance knows no bounds.
On Monday's "Hardball," the MSNBCer actually said, "I think [Sarah Palin's] talking to people who don't read newspapers, don't pay attention to serious television broadcasts, whether the Lehrer Hour or anything like it or even this program" (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Matthews Mocks Bachmann's Appointment to Intelligence Committee and Wo
January 6th, 2011 6:55 PM
Chris Matthews has a new obsession for 2011 and her name is Michele Bachmann. Matthews has gone after Bachmann with the same fervor he used to reserve for Dick Cheney and on Thursday's Hardball he mocked the Minnesota Republican Congresswoman's new appointment to the House Intelligence committee as he snidely observed: "This is great irony here, on the Intelligence committee. I wonder what the…
Compare and Contrast: Bill O'Reilly Asks Palin Book Authors the Questi
November 9th, 2009 3:23 PM
Wonder why the White House attack on the Fox News Channel (you know: "not a news network") failed? Well, besides the fact that not even the other networks thought it was right, it might be because Fox often commits actual journalism.Witness Bill O'Reilly's Nov. 6 interview with Scott Conroy and Shushannah Walshe, co-authors of the soon-to-be-released "Sarah from Alaska." During the interview, the…
ABC, CBS, NBC Go Palin Bashing: GOP at ‘Lowest Point’ in History
November 4th, 2009 8:32 AM
UPDATE: Not wanting to be left out of the Palin slamming scene, ABC's "Good Morning America" joined the fray on Nov. 4, interviewing the same people as CBS' "Early Show" and criticizing Palin on the same points. From accusing her of igniting a civil war within the Republican Party to calling her "nutty" antics a "treasure" to the Democrats, the mainstream media is once again shamelessly slamming…