Column: Burying the Major Democrat Donor Angle in the FTX Fiasco

December 16th, 2022 6:00 AM

Our largest national media outlets are going to bury the point that FTX CEO Sam Bankman-Fried was the second largest donor to the Democratic Party in the 2022 election cycle, with over $40 million in contributions, second only to socialist agitator George Soros. The former crypto king made one of the largest donations to Joe Biden’s presidential campaign in 2020, a cool $5.2 million.

Michelle Obama

Big Three Ignore American Consumer Confidence Crisis on Inflation

November 16th, 2022 2:33 PM

American consumers expect inflation to become worse — much worse — over the next few years, according to a University of Michigan survey. But the ABC, CBS and NBC evening news shows couldn’t be bothered to cover the news. 


NBC’s ‘Today’ Peddles Gun Control...But Admits Schools Need Security

May 25th, 2022 3:50 PM

NBC’s Today wasn’t as devoid of sobriety Wednesday as competitors ABC’s Good Morning America and CBS Mornings, but they tripped their hand in support of gun control by tying Republicans to the inability to thwart mass killings. But again, they were more constructive in sticking to the facts and the Uvalde, Texas families who’ve lost loved ones and had an important…


NBC Hypes CT Abortion Bill, Worries Red States Will 'Push Boundaries'

May 10th, 2022 9:03 PM

On Tuesday night’s edition of NBC Nightly News, correspondent Stephanie Gosk hyped a new law in the Democrat state of Connecticut which would prevent women who flee Texas to seek abortions in Conneticut from being sued for breaking the Texas fetal…


Press May Hate Brutal Putin Now, But Gushed Over ‘Mighty’ Soviet Union

March 14th, 2022 9:30 AM

As the crisis in Ukraine escalates, threatening Europe and the world, journalists and media outlets have rightly and consistently highlighted the cruel aggression of former KGB agent Vladimir Putin. However, the same outlets that now showcase the horror of an attempted restoration of the Soviet Union gushed about its glory days as the USSR collapsed


NBC Backs Chicago Teachers' Union on Closures, Kids Could Die

January 5th, 2022 9:33 PM

Late Tuesday night the Chicago teachers union voted to cancel all in-person classes for all public schools. This decision left parents to scramble to find babysitters and other accommodations for their children during the school day. Wednesday night’s edition of NBC Nightly News decided to take the side of the teachers’ unions. 


'Unintended Consequences': NBC Shocked Defund the Police Hurt Lib City

December 16th, 2021 8:44 PM

Like a child who’s about to touch the stovetop for the first time, NBC Nightly News was in for a rude awakening Thursday night as they discovered that the Defund the Police movement they supported actually harmed the liberal stronghold of Burlington, Vermont. Correspondent Stephanie Gosk was shocked to discover the “unintended consequences” of cutting the police department’s budget by…


The Five Most CENSORED Hunter Biden Scandals of 2021

September 28th, 2021 9:05 AM

Since January 20, 2021 (President Joe Biden’s inauguration), the ABC, CBS and NBC evening news have almost completely CENSORED any difficult talk surrounding Hunter Biden’s scandals. This despite new developments surrounding the President’s son popping up in 2021. The following is a look at some of the scandals the evening news COULD be spending their time on, if they weren’t so in the tank…


NBC Stumbles into Journalism: Finds Ethics Issue With Hunter’s Art

July 12th, 2021 11:34 PM

NBC Nightly News stumbled into real journalism on Monday, when the network became the first network newscast to give airtime to the ethical controversy surrounding Hunter Biden using his family name to sell his so-called artwork. Not only did they report on how this was creating problems for the White House, but correspondent Stephanie Gosk highlighted art critics ripping his works…


Mask Addiction: NBC Can’t Quit, Presses Fauci to Rip New Guidelines

May 13th, 2021 8:57 PM

Like they were fighting a nicotine addiction, NBC Nightly News just didn’t want to give up wearing the masks. Last year, NewsBusters documented NBC’s “despair porn” cycle where the network would cheer on crippling lockdowns then mourn for the devastation they wrought. Well, it was a new version of that concept on Thursday as the network tried to spread fear of the CDC’s new no masks…


CBS IGNORES Latest Cuomo Scandal, Hypes Woke Award Show Instead

March 25th, 2021 1:17 PM

While NBC’s Today show and ABC’s Good Morning America provided full reports Thursday morning on the latest scandal to rock Democratic New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, CBS This Morning decided to censor the story and focus on promoting the upcoming ultra-woke NAACP Image Awards instead.


ABC/NBC Decried QB for Defending Flag, Silent with WR’s Anti-Semitism

July 7th, 2020 8:56 PM

Just over a month ago, ABC’s World News Tonight and NBC Nightly News flashed their anti-American bent when railed against New Orleans Saints quarterback Drew Brees, because he dared to defend the National Anthem and the flag. Their outrage lasted over a two-day period (June 4 and 5) and totaled over four minutes of airtime (4:18). But on Tuesday, July 7, both networks were…


NBC Wrongly Hints Cop Murdered Black Victims Who Were Actually White

June 13th, 2020 9:07 PM

On Thursday's NBC Nightly News, correspondent Stephanie Gosk incorrectly suggested that a former Houston police officer was being charged with murdering a black victim when, in fact, both victims in the case were white.


NBC & ABC Tout Laughable Lauer ‘Fact-Check’ of Rape Claims

May 20th, 2020 12:19 PM
It’s funny how liberal journalists suddenly warn of media bias when they are the ones facing press scrutiny. That hypocrisy was on full display Tuesday, when Mediaite decided to publish an op/ed from disgraced former Today show host Matt Lauer, who portrayed himself as a victim of “shoddy journalism.” On Wednesday, both NBC’s Today and ABC’s Good Morning America seized on the article, framing it…