
Obsession: CNN, MSNBC Spend 428 Minutes on Cohen, 12 on NoKo Summit

February 28th, 2019 1:08 AM
For all the liberal media’s prior pontifications about Wednesday being a “split screen” between two major events for President Trump, the congressional testimony of his former personal lawyer Michael Cohen and the denuclearization summit with North Korea, they were sure to only give the latter just a few pixels.

CNN, MSNBC Still Touting Dem Claims of 'Voter Suppression' in Georgia

October 23rd, 2018 11:23 AM
On Monday afternoon, CNN's Wolf Blitzer and MSNBC's Katy Tur continued their networks' recent history of highlighting misleading claims by Democrats that Georgia Republicans are engaging in "voter suppression" against minorities. At 1:40 p.m. Eastern on his Wolf show, Blitzer proclaimed: "Georgia is fast becoming ground zero for the debate over voter suppression." After noting that GOP Secretary…

Ruhle Admits Media Outrage at Trump Isn't Something Voters Care About

October 19th, 2018 3:13 PM
Friday afternoon on MSNBC Live, host Stephanie Ruhle talked with political correspondent Steve Kornacki about the media and Trump’s effect on the upcoming Midterm elections. In a rare moment of self-reflection, the MSNBC team noted that maybe the things they were outraged by weren’t the same things voters cared about.

Morning Joe: Kavanaugh Hearings 'Disaster for Democratic Party'

October 11th, 2018 7:48 AM
On Morning Joe, Joe Scarborough says that Republicans got a "huge bump" from the Kavanaugh hearings, whereas the hearings were "a disaster for the Democratic party."   

MSNBC Panel Asks, Does Social Media Censor Conservatives?

August 29th, 2018 9:48 AM

On Tuesday’s Hardball, an MSNBC panel addressed the growing concerns about social media platforms censoring conservatives, after President Trump accused Google on Twitter and yesterday in a pool press spray, of filtering results against him and of Facebook and Twitter censoring conservatives.


MSNBC's Maxwell Smears Barrett: 'Very Catholic,' Spoke to 'Hate Group'

July 3rd, 2018 10:20 PM
The left's paranoia has been quite visible since Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy announced his retirement last week. Now their bigotry is showing, particularly in the case of potential Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett. Monday on MSNBC, Zerlina Maxwell went after Barrett, whom she called "Barnett," for being "very Catholic," and for having spoken to a "hate group." That group is the Alliance…

MSNBC Host Spends Show Asking How SC Nominee Could Be Obstructed

June 28th, 2018 3:32 PM
Justice Kennedy announced his retirement Wednesday, and the ramifications sent the media into a frenzy over all things Supreme Court. On MSNBC Live with Katy Tury, stand-in host Steve Kornacki did not speculate on the best replacement for Kennedy but instead asked four different guests about the possibility of Republicans failing to confirm President Trump’s nominee to the high court. 

MSNBC Contributors Awkwardly Defend Rep. Waters's Call for Harassment

June 25th, 2018 9:37 PM
While many in both the Democratic Party and the media have agreed that Congresswoman Maxine Waters hurt her party’s image on Sunday when she encouraged her supporters to aggressively confront members of the Trump administration, MSNBC’s contributors appeared not to have gotten the memo. Numerous guests on the cable network were reluctant on Monday to condemn Waters for her comments, with some,…

Late-Night MSNBC: Blue Wave? Not So Fast

June 7th, 2018 9:40 AM
For weeks, cracks have been emerging in Democratic predictions of a “blue wave.” While discussing the California primary election results early Wednesday morning, host Steve Kornacki, Voto Latino’s Maria Teresa Kumar, The Root’s Jason Johnson, and Commentary’s John Podhoretz discussed concrete evidence from the primary results that undermines predictions of a November Republican rout may be…

Ellison Refuses to Say If Democrats Will Repeal Middle-Class Tax Cuts

April 3rd, 2018 11:07 PM
Democrat representative and DNC vice chairman Keith Ellison could be forgiven if he thought he would be tossed softball questions by MSNBC's Steve Kornacki on Sunday night. However, even on MSNBC liberals will occasionally (but rarely) be hit with hardballs. Such was the case when Kornacki kept asking Ellison over and over if the Democrats would support the repeal of middle class tax cuts in the…

CNN Analyst Pushes Debunked Poll on Background Checks

March 24th, 2018 4:57 PM
On Saturday afternoon, during live coverage of the anti-gun March for Our Lives rally in D.C., CNN law enforcement analyst James Gagliano cited a discredited poll claiming that 97 percent of Americans want "universal background checks" while stating that he was "getting chills" from being at the National Mall where so many historic events in American history took place.

CNN, MSNBC Push Debunked Poll 97% Support 'Universal Background Check'

February 23rd, 2018 1:49 AM
Over the past few days, CNN and MSNBC have again been peddling a discredited poll finding that about 90 percent of Americans -- this time from Quinnipiac with a tally of 97 percent -- supporting the adoption of laws to require background checks for all gun purchases. But, as previously documented by NewsBusters, other polling has found that support from respondents plummets if the questioner…

MSNBC Guest Claims Voter ID Laws Made 'Impossible' for Blacks to Vote

October 23rd, 2017 10:43 PM
On Monday's MTP Daily, frequent MSNBC guest Zerlina Maxwell made the latest claim of "voter suppression" perpetrated by Republicans as she ludicrously declared that voter ID laws were "making it sort of impossible" for blacks to vote in Wisconsin and Michigan. Her claim was not disputed by substitute host Steve Kornacki or either of the other two panel members.  

MSNBC: Menendez Can ‘Hang On’ to Seat ‘Months’ After Conviction

September 8th, 2017 4:06 PM
Discussing the corruption trial of New Jersey Senator Bob Menendez on MSNBC’s Morning Joe on Friday, political analyst Steve Kornacki predicted that it would be “unlikely” for Governor Chris Christie to be able to name a Republican to replace the disgraced Democrat, even after a criminal conviction. Why? Because the Senator would simply “hang on” to the seat until a Democrat becomes the state’s…