
David Frum: GOP 'Repressed' the 'Trauma' of Bush Presidency

February 15th, 2016 5:48 PM
The polarizing former George W. Bush speech writer, David Frum was on MSNBC Live Monday afternoon to share his thoughts about Donald Trump attacking his former boss. Frum argued that the GOP needs to reflect on the Bush years, and described the GOP as a repressed mental patient. “And in Freudian psychology, the theory was, you suffered a trauma, you repressed it, but you could never make it go…

AP Ignores Minn. Terror Suspect's Involvement With Airport De-Icing

December 25th, 2015 11:58 PM
In a year-end interview with National Public Radio, President Barack Obama largely blamed "a saturation of news" coming from a media which "is pursuing ratings" for growing concerns in America over the ability of ISIS and other terrorists to conduct attacks on U.S. soil, and indicated that "it's up to the media to make a determination about how they want to cover things." It's reasonable to…

NBC's Todd: Most Americans Fear Islam Because of 'Lack of Familiarity'

December 8th, 2015 8:23 PM
Appearing as a guest on MSNBC Live with Kate Snow, NBC Meet the Press host Chuck Todd tried to explain away a poll showing that most Americans have a negative view of Islam by chalking it up largely to a "lack of familiarity" with the religion, and declared that "unfamiliarity breeds the fear."

Matthews Berates Kornacki for Failing to Denounce Carson Fast Enough

November 10th, 2015 8:30 AM
Ken Shepherd pointed out Monday that Chris Matthews marched a hard line on Ben Carson’s memoir and the charge stories in it aren’t true: “you better damn well know they're true. Now, maybe you know you can't substantiate them right away. But they'd better be damn true, not sort of true.” Soopermexican at The Right Scoop found Matthews jumped all over his MSNBC colleague Steve Kornacki before…

MSNBC: Ad Calling Sanders ‘Honest’ is ‘Veiled Shot’ at Hillary

November 2nd, 2015 1:01 PM
Appearing on the 11 a.m. ET hour of MSNBC Live on Monday, Up host Steve Kornacki fretted that Bernie Sanders was attacking Hillary Clinton in his first television campaign ad: “There is also – and see if you can spot it in here – there is also a veiled shot at Hillary Clinton.”

NBC: ‘Has Hillary Clinton Put the Controversy Behind Her?'

October 23rd, 2015 10:37 AM
On Friday’s NBC Today, hosts and correspondents hoped Hillary Clinton had brushed aside her scandals after testimony before the House Benghazi Committee on Thursday. At the top of the show, co-host Savannah Guthrie proclaimed: “Marathon on the 11-hour day on Benghazi....Has Hillary Clinton put the controversy behind her?”

MSNBC’s Capehart Gushes Over Hillary’s ‘Brilliant’ Voting Speech

June 7th, 2015 9:13 AM
On Saturday’s Up w/ Steve Kornacki, liberal Washington Post columnist and MSNBC contributor Jonathan Capehart heaped praise on Hillary Clinton after she attacked the Republican Party over voting rights. Capehart proclaimed Clinton’s speech “politically it’s a brilliant move. For her base it’s a brilliant move. And also, just as an American, it’s a brilliant move.”

MSNBC Talks Up Socialist Bernie Sanders’ Presidential Announcement

May 26th, 2015 4:45 PM
Contrary to when Ted Cruz announced he was seeking the presidency, the extremist label has hardly been applied to self-avowed Democratic-Socialist Bernie Sanders (I-VT) as he prepared to launch his 2016 campaign with an event in Vermont. While the mainstream press frequently labeled Cruz radical, dangerous, and slimy, no such words were used to describe the Vermont Senator on the May 26 edition…

MSNBC's Kornacki Quite Critical of Hillary's E-Mail Handling

March 17th, 2015 9:06 PM
"[T]he thing that drives me nuts" about Hillary Clinton's response to the e-mail controversy, MSNBC's Steve Kornacki noted on Tuesday's Hardball, is that she won't admit that the public would be better off had she used a State Department e-mail account from day one of her tenure at Foggy Bottom. Instead, the Hardball guest host lamented, Clinton's out there insisting it was simply a "matter of…

Matthews: Boehner Tried to 'Sneak' Netanyahu Into Country

February 18th, 2015 8:21 PM
Railing against Speaker Boehner's decision to invite Benjamin Netanyahu to address Congress on his concerns about Iran, Hardball host Chris Matthews sneered that the Ohio Republican essentially attempted to "sneak" the Israeli Prime Minister into the country with the president completely unawares, and that all to curry favor with "crazy right-wing" evangelical Christians. But of course the facts…

Fineman: Some Disapproving Amnesty Probably Think It's Not Far Enough

November 20th, 2014 7:40 PM
Wildly spinning a recent NBC/Wall Street Journal poll showing just 38 percent support President Obama's planned executive amnesty while 48 percent oppose it, Huffington Post's Howard Fineman offered that it's possible "some" of those opposed are against it from Obama's left, thinking it doesn't go far enough.

Even MSNBC Won’t Support Controversial Wendy Davis Wheelchair Ad

October 12th, 2014 10:59 AM
Last week, Wendy Davis, the Democratic Party candidate for governor of Texas, aired a controversial ad attacking her opponent, Republican Attorney General Greg Abbott, depicting him as an empty wheelchair who had turned his back on disabled people in Texas. Despite MSNBC doing everything it could to promote Ms. Davis, her latest attack ad appeared indefensible for the “Lean Forward” network. On…

Karen Finney: Wendy Davis Abortion Will ‘Resonate With Moderate Women'

September 7th, 2014 4:15 PM
It seems as though MSNBC is still trying to find a weekend use for Karen Finney after canceling her show. Finney, former DNC communications director and board member of NARAL, appeared on Up w/ Steve Kornacki on Saturday, September 7, to comment on news that Texas gubernatorial candidate Wendy Davis had an abortion 18 years ago.    The former MSNBC host insisted that Davis’ abortion story could…

MSNBC's Kornacki Clams Up as Guest Calls Michael Brown Death 'Murder

August 23rd, 2014 9:55 AM
Dial MSNBC for Murder . . . The Lean Forward network is the place to go if that's the way you want to hear the death of Michael Brown described.  On August 12th, NB'S Ken Shepherd noted that Chris Hayes didn't utter a peep of protest when a Missouri state senator called Brown's death an "execution-style" killing.  Three days later on MSNBC, Luke Russert called Brown's death "murder" before…