
Holt: Shootings Will 'Be Like Hurricanes' If Gun Violence Doesn't End

June 13th, 2016 11:23 AM
On separate occasions during Sunday’s special edition of NBC’s Dateline on the Orlando terror attack, anchor Lester Holt equated mass shootings to hurricanes in the event guns aren’t corralled and could leave the American people stuck on a “hamster wheel” of violence. Prior to Holt’s first comment, Democratic Senator Bill Nelson (Fl.) was speaking to him near the scene and reminded viewers that “…

Brokaw: 'In this Country,' 'Everything Seems to Get Settled by a Gun'

June 12th, 2016 1:36 PM
Tom Brokaw echoed ABC on Sunday by blaming the terrorist attack in Orlando Florida on the popularity of guns in America. Twitter is alight with folks weighing in from both sides, people pointing to the Islamic name and others pointing to the use of an AR-15,” he remarked. He went on to say that he hoped a meaningful dialogue would come from the event.

MRC's Notable Quotables: Hoping Hillary Hits Trump Harder

May 30th, 2016 8:55 AM
This issue: Journalists are upset about GOPers bringing up Bill and Hillary's past abuse of women, while ABC anchor David Muir wonders if Hillary Clinton is “fighting back hard enough?” Plus, MSNBC panelists say violent protestors against Donald Trump are merely “expressing their humanity.

Tom Brokaw: ‘More Guns’ ‘Will Mean More Homegrown Acts of Terror’

May 19th, 2016 5:06 PM
In a commencement address to the University of Mississippi last Saturday, NBC anchor Tom Brokaw lectured that “more guns” “will mean more homegrown acts of terror.” The veteran journalist, who worked for years with the unreliable Brian Williams, also dismissed websites that say “to heck with the truth.” On guns, Brokaw chided, “I'm appalled by the determination of organizations and individuals to…

NBC’s Look Back at Nancy Reagan Shows Her Combating Media Bias

March 7th, 2016 4:54 PM
On Monday’s NBC Today, a look back at Nancy Reagan’s various appearances on the morning show over the years showed her repeatedly combating liberal media bias demonstrated by the hosts with whom she sat down.

Brokaw to Trump Critics: Halting Him Would 'Be an Attack' on Democracy

March 2nd, 2016 10:23 PM
Former NBC Nightly News anchor Tom Brokaw made his latest appearance on the newscast he helmed for decades to act as though he had the best interests of the Republican Party at heart and warned opponents of Donald Trump that any successful attempt to stop him from gaining the nomination could “be an attack on the basic principles of why we have elections.”

Brokaw: ‘Intractable GOP Opposition’ to Blame for ‘Angry’ America

March 1st, 2016 10:27 AM
On Tuesday’s NBC Today, co-host Savannah Guthrie fretted over “anger” being “a major theme of this presidential campaign.” Fellow co-host Matt Lauer was perplexed: “You know, even in states where things are going pretty well, voters are still angry. But, why?” Former NBC Nightly News anchor Tom Brokaw attempted to answer that question by blaming Republicans: “President Obama promised change, but…

Brokaw: Clinton Lost New Hampshire in 1992 ‘Amid Rumors of Womanizing'

February 9th, 2016 6:29 PM
Former NBC Nightly News anchor Tom Brokaw provided a history lesson on the New Hampshire primary during the 4:00 p.m. Eastern hour of MSNBC’s political coverage and when describing the situation on the Democratic side in 1992, he claimed that then-Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton lost the Granite State “amid rumors of womanizing” despite the fact that such claims were proven true. 

Brokaw Uses NN Commentary to Compare Trump to Nazism, McCarthyism

December 9th, 2015 3:14 AM
As part of NBC Nightly News’s five segments on Tuesday obsessing over Donald Trump’s proposed ban on all Muslims entering the United States, the program turned to former anchor Tom Brokaw to end the show with a commentary comparing Trump to Nazism, McCarthyism, and opposition to the Civil Rights Movement. In the three teases proceeding Brokaw’s editorial, current anchor Lester Holt promised that…

Obsession: Network Evening Shows Spend 24 Mins on Trump’s Muslim Ban

December 8th, 2015 10:16 PM
Acting as though the latest news the war against ISIS, new developments in the Hillary Clinton scandal or any other story barely existed, the “big three” networks of ABC, CBS, and NBC devoted a whopping 24 minutes and three seconds of their Tuesday evening newscasts to obsessing over Donald Trump’s proposed ban on Muslims entering the United States. Not surprisingly, NBC Nightly News led the way…

Brokaw: We Really Needed Investigation of Iraq Invasion and WMD

October 23rd, 2015 10:06 AM
Say, Tom, maybe you could lead a movement to retroactively impeach George W. Bush . . . On today's Morning Joe, Tom Brokaw, downplayed the significance of Benghazi, suggesting instead that what we really needed was "a big congressional investigation about the decision to go to war in the first place in Iraq for weapons of mass destruction that didn't exist." Brokaw also underlined that more…

ABC Relegates Pope’s Comments on Life, Marriage Vague References

September 24th, 2015 10:39 PM
In the litany of network news coverage Thursday night on Pope Francis’s address to Congress, ABC’s World News Tonight largely stayed away from the Pope’s comments about abortion and traditional marriage by relegating them to vague references while CBS and NBC did their due diligence and mentioned them amidst their continued obsession over the Pope’s liberal positions.

Tom Brokaw: ‘Stunned’ by Clinton’s Answers on Her E-Mail Use

September 6th, 2015 11:59 AM
On Sunday’s Meet the Press, NBC’s Tom Brokaw strongly criticized Hillary Clinton’s performance during her interview with colleague Andrea Mitchell, specifically her answers to why she decided to use a private e-mail server while Secretary of State. Brokaw admitted that when Clinton said “I didn't think about the effect of e-mail, I was stunned. I mean, we were deep into the digital age at that…

VIDEO: NBC Pushed Donald Trump on Presidential Run... 27 Years Ago!

July 17th, 2015 5:03 PM
Nearly 27 years before Donald Trump actually announced he was running for President, then-NBC News correspondent Chris Wallace pressed a younger, thinner Trump about his political ambitions during an interview at the 1988 Republican National Convention. Not surprisingly, Trump at that time said if he did run for President, “I’d have a very good chance....When I do something, I like to win.”