
Tom Brokaw Appears Unhappy on 'Meet The Chuck'

October 13th, 2014 9:12 AM
Tom Brokaw was the NBC news anchor for over 20 years yet "Meet The Chuck" aka "Meet The Press" had him sit at the table with the other panelists while Chuck Todd conducted solo interviews with the guests at a separate desk. As you can imagine, Brokaw was not pleased with that format and he visibly displayed his irritation when Todd returned to the panelists sitting uselessly at the "kiddies table…

Tom Brokaw Knocks Obama for Being 'Immobilized' on ISIS

September 24th, 2014 12:10 PM
Former NBC Nightly News anchor Tom Brokaw on Tuesday dismissed Barack Obama's air strikes in Syria as too late and not effective. Talking to Ronan Farrow on MSNBC, he chided, "We've known about ISIS moving out of Syria, moving into Iraq for some time and the time to hit them was when they were on the move before they got themselves positioned in Iraq and had taken over cities and created an…

NY Post: Former NBC Stars and Execs Furious Over NBC News Prez Saying

August 28th, 2014 2:49 PM
The New York Post, which broke the story of David Gregory’s decline and “psychological evaluation” and fall at NBC News, reports former anchorman Tom Brokaw and others were “apoplectic” when NBC News president Deborah Turness “dropped the tactless clanger” in a New York Times interview on Sunday that “NBC News hadn’t kept up with the times in all sorts of ways, for maybe 15 years...I think the…

NBC Tried 'Unusual' Psychological Assessment to Figure Out David Grego

April 21st, 2014 8:36 AM
Washington Post media reporter Paul Farhi wrote a big Style section front-pager for Monday on how NBC's Meet the Press, "Sunday's most venerable news show has stumbled in the ratings." The shocking paragraph that will get discussed around Washington today is that NBC commissioned a psychological consultant to figure how who MTP host David Gregory is, and what makes him tick. Or maybe, why…

Brokaw on Letterman: Syria Not Obama's 'Finest Moment,' Probably Embol

March 7th, 2014 4:15 PM
Appearing on Thursday's CBS Late Show aired early Friday morning, former NBC Nightly News anchor Tom Brokaw discussed the Russian invasion of Ukraine with host David Letterman and observed: "...when chemical weapons were used in Syria and they were discovered, I didn't think it was President Obama's finest moment. He said there's a red line, then he kept moving that sucker....[Vladimir Putin]…

NBC's Brokaw: U.S. Anti-Communism Efforts During Cold War A 'National

February 18th, 2014 5:47 PM
During NBC's Saturday coverage of the Winter Olympics, former NBC Nightly News anchor Tom Brokaw spun the United States' worldwide campaign against communism during the Cold War: "In Korea, Cuba, Vietnam, and space, the U.S. spared little to defeat communism – at times, it seemed like a national obsession." [video below the jump] Brokaw's slanted take on recent history came mere days after…

Media Millionaires: 6 Wealthy Journalists Whine about Income Inequalit

January 28th, 2014 10:19 AM
If liberals have their way the State of the Union will be all about income inequality. That kind of speech would be cheered by many in the press, including several hypocritical millionaires who love to complain about the one percent. The broadcast networks already took up this banner, promoting left-wing complaints about inequality and arguing for liberal solutions, in recent years. Well-paid…

Bozell Tells Megyn Kelly Networks Are 'Out of Control' Pushing Hoboken

January 21st, 2014 11:56 AM
MRC president Brent Bozell appeared near the top of “The Kelly File” on Fox News Channel Monday night to discuss the liberal media’s sudden ardor for Dawn Zimmer, the Democratic mayor of Hoboken, New Jersey, who claimed Gov. Christie was handing out federal superstorm-Sandy subsidies in a corrupt and politicized way. Kelly noted she would not answer questions from Fox News. Kelly pointed out…

NBC's Brokaw Scolds Media Fixation on Christie: Country's Saying, 'You

January 15th, 2014 3:55 PM
Appearing on Wednesday's MSNBC Daily Rundown, NBC special correspondent Tom Brokaw warned his media colleagues about their excessive coverage of the Chris Christie bridge controversy: "I do think, across the country, however, when they're looking at long-term unemployment, and they're looking at the uncertainty of the ObamaCare, they're saying, 'You've got to move on, guys.'" [Listen to the…

Year-End Awards: The ‘Gunning for the Second Amendment Award

December 23rd, 2013 9:11 AM
Last week, the Media Research Center announced our “Best Notable Quotables of 2013,” reviewing the worst media bias of the year as selected by the 42 expert judges who reviewed dozens of quotes. During the first half of 2013, liberals hoped they could leverage the tragedy of last year’s horrible shooting in Newtown, Connecticut, to push through their long-sought wish list of new federal gun…

Zurawik: Why Haven’t Tom Brokaw and Chuck Todd Spoken Out Against Ma

November 24th, 2013 5:16 PM
Baltimore Sun TV critic David Zurawik had some harsh words for MSNBC and NBC News Sunday in the wake of Martin Bashir’s vile comments about former Alaska governor Sarah Palin. After accusing MSNBC of debasing “our civic and political conversation on cable TV,” Zurawik asked Fox News MediaBuzz host Howard Kurtz, “Where are people like Tom Brokaw and Chuck Todd who claim to speak for NBC News…

Brokaw: People In Conservative States Wanted Kennedy Shot

November 22nd, 2013 6:21 PM
Is it possible for Americans to commemorate the 50th anniversary of John F. Kennedy’s death without the media taking potshots at the Right? Consider former NBC Nightly News anchor Tom Brokaw who while on MSNBC’s The Cycle Friday recounting where he was when Kennedy was shot decided he needed to make the case that people in conservative states wanted the president killed (video follows with…

Tom Brokaw Unleashes Grandpa Rage at How Twitter Would Have Destroyed

November 12th, 2013 3:49 PM
In Tuesday's Wall Street Journal, former NBC anchor Tom Brokaw is feeling Barack Obama's pain in an article titled "Imagine the Tweets During the Cuban Missile Crisis." The pull quote was "The JFK who charmed the press would have had a harder time in today's media world." Translation: JFK wouldn't have had as many eager myth-makers as he did. Brokaw despaired about how he was working on a JFK…

Tom Brokaw Getting Nationally Syndicated Radio Show 'An American Story

October 28th, 2013 11:11 AM
Former NBC Nightly News anchor Tom Brokaw is getting his own nationally syndicated radio show. According to Deadline, "An American Story" will air three times daily during the week on select Clear Channel stations.