
ABC Scolds Americans Seeing Family This Thanksgiving

November 23rd, 2020 10:41 AM

As each day gets closer to the day when millions of Americans will get together with their families they probably haven’t seen in months, the networks get more obnoxious in insisting Thanksgiving meals are COVID death traps, despite the virus’s high survival rate.

Donald Trump

VILE: ABC Declares Trump Paying Price of ‘Dangerous Gamble’

October 2nd, 2020 2:23 PM

On Friday, ABC’s Good Morning America could not resist gloating over President Trump being diagnosed with COVID-19, claiming the bill had come due for his “dangerous gamble” on the virus. In addition, correspondents crassly plotted political strategy and gleefully declared that his “diagnosis is a crushing blow to his effort to convince Americans that the worst of the pandemic is…

The Handmaid's Tale

ABC Pushes Fake Claim Barrett Christian Group Inspired Handmaid's Tale

September 24th, 2020 12:38 PM

On Thursday, ABC’s Good Morning America tried to preemptively slander potential Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett by pushing the false claim that a Christian group she belonged to was the inspiration for the authoritarian theocracy depicted in the far-left fantasy, The Handmaid’s Tale. The vile segment also touted the pro-abortion lobby attacking the “devout Catholic”…


Big Three Morning Shows IGNORE Huge Unemployment Rate Drop to 8.4%

September 4th, 2020 5:10 PM

The ABC, CBS, and NBC morning news shows didn’t give any coverage to the unemployment rate dropping well below expectations into the single digits during their Friday edition programming.


Go Figure: Nets Treat ‘Explosive,’ ‘Staggering’ Atlantic Story as Fact

September 4th, 2020 2:58 PM

On Friday morning, the “big three” broadcast network newscasts treated the anonymously sourced Atlantic piece claiming President Trump called fallen U.S. soldiers “losers” and “suckers” as fact, huffing about how “explosive,” “staggering,” and “stinging” the allegations were that have put the President on “…


Double Standard: Nets Tout Biden Kenosha Visit After Hating Trump's

September 3rd, 2020 9:44 PM

After President Trump visited the riot-torn city of Kenosha, Wisconsin on Tuesday, the liberal media were outraged because state and local leaders (who they failed to label as Democrats) had asked him not to come. And before Trump’s arrival, the networks treated him like a hurricane, saying the residents were “bracing” for landfall. That was in stark contrast to how they praised the Thursday…

CBS CENSORS Andrew Cuomo Threatening Physical Harm to Trump

September 3rd, 2020 10:41 AM

Imagine if Donald Trump had done this: An unhinged New York Governor Andrew Cuomo on Wednesday night threatened physical harm upon the President if he visits New York City again. How did the networks react to this? CBS This Morning on Friday CENSORED the mention of violence against the President. ABC and NBC briefly noted it


After Skipping Controversy, Nets Push Pelosi’s Salon ‘Setup’ Assertion

September 2nd, 2020 8:58 PM

As NewsBusters documented Tuesday, the liberal broadcast networks completely blacked out Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s blowout fiasco, where video exposed her flouting local COVID regulations by getting her hair done inside a San Francisco salon, without a mask. ABC, CBS, and NBC only covered the controversial incident Wednesday after the Speaker held a press conference and did her best…

Networks LEAP on Secret Tapes of Trump Sister Trashing Donald

August 24th, 2020 2:18 PM

ABC, CBS, and NBC all jumped to report on secret tape recordings made by Trump’s hate-filled niece Mary Trump of the president’s sister Maryanne Trump Barry trashing him as an unprincipled liar. 


Big Three Put Fatalistic Spin on Jobless Claims Falling Below 1M

August 14th, 2020 3:47 PM

Here’s a rule of thumb for ABC’s, CBS’s and NBC’s evening news shows: If President Donald Trump’s economy gets good news at all, the Big Three either spin it as bad news or ignore it.


Covering for Biden: Nets Downplay Finding Iran Wants Biden to Win

August 7th, 2020 10:22 PM

A top U.S. intelligence official reported today that U.S. adversaries China, Iran, and Russia were trying to influence the 2020 presidential election. Published by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, it found both China and Iran want Joe Biden to win the election, while Russia prefers Trump. Can you guess which part of this report the three evening news broadcasts focused on…

NEW NASDAQ RECORD: Big Three Censor Milestone Close Over 11K

August 7th, 2020 10:23 AM

The ridiculous censorship of good market news in the Trump economy saga barrels on with impunity by the Big Three evening news shows. 



ABC/NBC More Outraged Trump ‘Pounced’ on Biden’s Racist Comments

August 6th, 2020 8:53 PM

From the same interview where he asked CBS's Errol Barnett (a black journalist moderating an NABJ/NAHJ event) “are you a junkie” earlier this week, a new video circulated Thursday that exposed just what Joe Biden and Democratic Party think of black community: they’re a monolithic voting block that thinks exactly alike. And after the video went viral, NewsBusters wondered if the liberal media…

Big 3 Censor Investment Banks’ ‘Best Quarter in Modern History’

July 22nd, 2020 9:07 AM

You wouldn’t know watching ABC, CBS and NBC evening news shows that top investment banks reported record revenues in the second quarter.