Tony Harris

CNN Highlights Assault on MoveOn Worker, Omits Assault on Paul Support
October 26th, 2010 8:05 PM
[Update, 12:15 pm Wednesday: See below on CNN's additional coverage of the assault.]
CNN devoted seven news briefs on Tuesday to an assault on a employee by Rand Paul supporters caught on camera outside the Kentucky Senate debate on Monday evening, but failed to mention a second assault on Rand Paul supporter by a booster of Paul's opponent, Jack Conway. Most of the briefs also…

CNN Heavily Promotes Homosexual Activist Group's 'Wear Purple' Day
October 22nd, 2010 2:00 PM
CNN continued its promotion of the left-wing agenda of homosexual activist groups by devoting five segments on Wednesday to promoting GLAAD's "Spirit Day" or "Wear Purple Day." The network promoted the organization's website for the special day, which, as anchor John Roberts described it, was organized "to show support for gay and lesbian youth and honor teens who have taken their lives in…

CNN's Blitzer: Delaware's Chris Coons a 'Moderate Liberal' Like Biden
October 13th, 2010 3:04 PM
CNN's Wolf Blitzer downplayed the straight liberal record of Vice President Joe Biden on Wednesday's Newsroom, as he compared the former senator to Delaware Democratic Senate candidate Chris Coons: "I think we'll find out that he's [Coons] very much in line with the policies of a Joe Biden...sort of a relatively moderate liberal Democrat who's traditionally got a little bit of an independent…
CNN's Harris: Tough on Arizona Law Author, Soft on Left-Wing Activist
July 29th, 2010 6:41 PM
On Thursday's Newsroom, CNN's Tony Harris played hardball with Arizona State Senator Russell Pearce, the author of the SB1070 anti-illegal immigration law in the state, while not asking one tough question with his other guest, pro-illegal immigration activist Isabel Garcia. Surprisingly, Harris did finally explicitly identify the pro-open borders organization that Garcia leads [audio clips…
Flashback 2008: CNN’s Roberts Declares ‘Rev. Wright-Free Zone’ D
July 20th, 2010 9:52 AM
In the wake of Tuesday's revelations concerning liberal media members trying to bury the Rev. Jeremiah Wright story in the spring of 2008, one has to wonder how many mainstream organizations played a hand.On May 5 of that year, at the beginning of an interview with Democrat presidential candidate Barack Obama, CNN's John Roberts said (video available here courtesy Ed Driscoll, relevant section at…
CNN Again Omits Pro-Illegal Immigration Stance of 'Public Defender
July 7th, 2010 6:02 PM
On Wednesday's Newsroom, CNN's Tony Harris omitted the pro-illegal immigration activism of guest Isabel Garcia, just as his colleague Suzanne Malveaux did more than two months earlier. Harris twice referred to Garcia as merely the "deputy public defender in Pima County, Arizona," and didn't mention her involvement in the beating and decapitation of a pinata effigy of Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio.…
CNN: Got Student Debt? Give Yourself to AmeriCorps or the Peace Corps
April 7th, 2010 9:38 AM
Burdened under a mountain of student debt? CNN has the answer - dedicate ten or so of your prime years to social work. Better yet, join the AmeriCorps. Doing her best to channel Obama's inspiring Notre Dame address about shunning immoral endeavors in the private sector for virtuous and selfless community endeavors, Stephanie Elam sounded more like a Public Works Czar than a CNN correspondent…
CNN's Harris Makes Liberal Race Argument on Unemployment
March 10th, 2010 1:55 PM
On Tuesday's Newsroom, CNN's Tony Harris applied liberal thinking on race to the unemployment rate, speculating if the debate over jobs would change if whites were out of work like minorities were: "I wonder what the discussion about jobs in this country would be like if the rate of white unemployment in this country was, say 15, 16 percent, as it is for African-Americans."Harris brought up the…
CNN: President Made 'Pants on Fire' Claim on Health Care; AP: 'Hyperbo
February 12th, 2010 7:22 PM
CNN refreshingly called out President Obama on Friday's Newsroom concerning his false claim that "for the first saw more people getting health care from government than you did from the private sector." CNN's Suzanne Simons and anchor Tony Harris both used the "pants on fire" expression to describe the President's statement. The AP, on the other hand, merely labeled it "hyperbole."…
CNN's Tony Harris Expresses Utter Disbelief: 'Chicago is Out
October 2nd, 2009 12:39 PM
On Friday’s Newsroom, CNN anchor Tony Harris apparently couldn’t believe the news as the International Olympic Committee eliminated Chicago, as well as Tokyo, from consideration as the deciding body made its final votes on which city would get the Olympic Games in 2016.Within the course of just over a minute at 25 minutes into the 11 am Eastern hour, Harris uttered the phrase “Chicago is out”…
Senate Health Bill Funds Abortion; Media Mostly Mum
September 22nd, 2009 11:36 AM
Major newspapers and networks have been ignoring the question of abortion coverage in the new health care bill sponsored by Sen. Max Baucus, D-Mont. The only newspapers to even mention abortion coverage since the bill was released on September 16 were The Boston Globe, The Oregonian, and The Orlando Sentinel - all of which were editorials. The Boston Globe only mentioned in passing that the…
Douglas Brinkley on Ted Kennedy's Life: 'He Did a Kind of a Redemptive
August 27th, 2009 5:31 PM
Douglas Brinkley continued his use of religious imagery to gush about the legacy of Ted Kennedy and his apparent Catholicism on CNN’s Newsroom on Thursday. Brinkley did his best to paper over the many moral downfalls of the senator: “He’s asked to be forgiven by people. He did a kind of a redemptive work throughout his whole career. He would fall off the wagon....But he constantly said, I can do…
CNN's Cohen Defends ObamaCare: Elderly 'Group...Who Needs to Worry the
August 10th, 2009 3:14 PM
[Update, 3:30 pm Eastern: See below.] CNN senior medical correspondent Elizabeth Cohen tried to assuage the elderly over their concerns with ObamaCare on Monday’s Newsroom: “If there’s one group of people who needs to worry the least about health care reform, it’s probably the elderly... [they] already have Medicare.” This claim by Cohen ignores planned cuts to Medicare benefits announced by…
CNN's Harris Calls Police Union Presser 'Incendiary
July 24th, 2009 4:41 PM
CNN daytime anchor Tony Harris has a bit of a different perspective on the Henry Louis Gates arrest.Around 12:31 PM, after the Massachusetts Municipal Police Coalition held a press conference defending Sgt. Crowley’s conduct in the arrest of Harvard Professor Henry Louis Gates, Harris spoke to the CNN reporter on the scene, Don Lemon. Having been informed that one of the reasons the union…