
‘Big Fan’ Trevor Noah to Andrew Cuomo: Why Are You So Honest?

April 23rd, 2020 12:53 PM
Daily Show host Trevor Noah on Wednesday devoted the entire show to an interview of Andrew Cuomo, fawning over the New York Governor and describing himself as a “big fan.” Noah, who regularly bashes Republicans, also wondered why Cuomo was just so darn honest: “I think everyone is a big fan of yours right now because more than ever during this pandemic, people have sought out leaders who…

Lib Late Night Hosts Come Together, Mock ‘Comical Cast’ in White House

April 21st, 2020 4:42 PM
On Monday night, it was one liberal talking to another liberal as Daily Show host Trevor Noah appeared on The Late Show With Stephen Colbert. Noah blamed all recent crises on Donald Trump himself, saying, “People forget, every single issue or every single scandal his administration has faced has been something that's been self-imposed, right. So every crisis has been something they've created for…

Column: The Late-Night Comedians Rage at Trump

April 17th, 2020 7:28 AM
The biggest joke in Barack Obama’s endorsement video for Joe Biden was his warning about what Biden was facing. “It won’t be easy. The other side has a massive war chest. The other side has a propaganda network with little regard for the truth," he said. Obama has almost the entire news (and entertainment) media eating out of his hand. The late-night comedians lash out at Trump with buckets of…

Ex-CBS Reporter Sharyl Attkisson Brings Facts to Smearing Comedians

April 6th, 2020 4:29 PM
Former CBS reporter Sharyl Attkisson reported Sunday night on a video posted Friday by The Daily Show entitled “Heroes of the Pandumbic,” mocking conservative media and Trump administration figures for being wrong about or downplaying the coronavirus threat. “In less than 24 hours, it had racked up millions of views…. Liberal media and readers circulating the video often add remarks ranging from…

Trevor Noah Says New York Should Say to Trump 'Do Your M-Fing Job'!

March 26th, 2020 10:59 PM
Doing a lame version of The Daily Show from home, Trevor Noah launches into the "joke" that Donald Trump will let people die unless they're nice and polite to him. So he advised New Yorkers to tell Trump "please, Mr. President, do your mother-[bleeping] job!"

Oprah Gushes at Trevor Noah As Objective...and 'Cute As a Golden Pup'

February 16th, 2020 7:26 PM
The Washington Post published a puff piece on Daily Show host Trevor Noah in the Sunday paper. Deep in the article, was Noah's super-fan Oprah Winfrey who touted his "objectivity" and "discernment," and then insisted the Post also quote her opinion that he was "cute as a golden retriever puppy....Every time I look at him, I think: There’s that golden pup.”

Late Night Comics Shill for Democrats on Impeachment

December 12th, 2019 11:53 AM
As late night hosts have done since Donald Trump was elected President, comedians spent most of Tuesday evening trashing the GOP occupant of the White House and his fellow Republicans while promoting Democratic talking points as “jokes” for their liberal audiences. While the comics on NBC and ABC took shots at everyone from Georgia Republican Doug Collins to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell…

Trevor Noah Claims 'Many Performers Keep Politics to Themselves'

December 6th, 2019 11:43 AM
Hollywood, a town known for many things, not among them being intellectual diversity. A communications arm of the Democratic Party for decades, it is nearly impossible to turn on the television or go to a cinema without being bombarded by leftist talking points. However, Trevor Noah seemed to suggest otherwise on Thursday’s The Daily Show with guest John Lithgow.

What? Noah: Fox News Is Not 'Objective,' Trying to ‘Hypnotize’ Viewers

November 15th, 2019 3:13 PM
In life, when faced with a threat, the instinctual response is to fight against it. To the leftist media, there is no greater threat than Fox News, which would explain their constant attacks towards it. Trevor Noah was the latest to unleash on an anti-Fox tirade during Thursday’s Daily Show.

Noah, Norton Slam Trump as 'Racist Landlord,' 'Insane Clown President'

November 6th, 2019 6:00 PM
On Tuesday, The Daily Show host Trevor Noah sat down with actor/director Edward Norton to talk about his new movie “Motherless Brooklyn.” While most of the conversation focused on the movie that Norton starred in, directed, wrote, and produced, Noah and Norton could not resist taking shots at President Trump; comparing him to a “racist landlord from New York who’s destroying the world” and…

Daily Show to Hillary: Do You Get Tired of Being Cheered Everywhere?

November 1st, 2019 1:10 PM
The Daily Show loves to hold politicians to account, speak truth to power, right? Well, maybe if you’re a Republican. On Thursday, host Trevor Noah gushed over Hillary Clinton, wondering if the Democrat ever gets tired of all the “cheering” wherever she goes. Instead of hard-hitting satire, he offered this: “Does this ever get, like, tired, just walking around and people cheering for you when you…

Seriously? Noah and Beto Slam Trump's Enthusiasm for ISIS Kill

October 29th, 2019 7:13 PM
While a large majority of Americans celebrated the death of ISIS leader, Abu al-Baghdadi, certain members of the press were doing everything in their power to diminish the win for the country and the President. Included among those was Trevor Noah on Monday’s Daily Show with guest and 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Beto O’ Rourke.

Eager Daily Show Declares Liberal Warren the ‘Frontrunner’

October 16th, 2019 1:01 AM
All’s well does not end well for Joe Biden, especially in Tuesday’s Democratic Debate in which his once cemented front runner status seemed to be superseded by Senator Elizabeth Warren. No one was quicker to point out this predicted chain of events than Trevor Noah and his guest CBS correspondent Alex Wagner on The Daily Show following the debate.

'Daily Show' Correspondent Bummed About Weld's Lack of GOP Support

October 11th, 2019 9:33 AM
On Wednesday’s edition of The Daily Show, correspondent Roy Wood Jr. interviewed President Trump’s primary challenger, Bill Weld, and convened “a focus group of Trump voters to see if there really are Republicans thirsty for something new.” While the panel definitely had some misgivings about the President, all of them indicated that they would support him again in 2020; much to Wood’s horror.