
Noah to Sanders: 'What Are You Doing' at 'Illegitimate' Fox News?

April 5th, 2019 10:05 AM
Senator Bernie Sanders appeared on The Daily Show Thursday night where he was warmly welcomed by host Trevor Noah and his enthusiastic audience. At one point during the interview, Noah expressed confusion on why the radical Democrat would agree to appear on an “illegitimate” news source like Fox News.

Not Sorry: Bitter Late Night Hosts Still Want Trump in Jail

March 26th, 2019 10:40 AM
Americans who expected any sort of real humility from the late night hosts in the wake of the Mueller report clearing Donald Trump were in for disappointment on Monday. Instead, the liberal comedians lashed out in disappointment and anger. Late Show host Stephen Colbert spat, “This weekend, we got some troubling news. Our president is not a Russian asset. Now, it just feels strange to say. Now, I…

Why Are Late Night Comics Mocking Beto Already?

March 23rd, 2019 1:30 PM
Late night comedians have put out the “Welcome” mat for Democrats running against President Donald Trump next year. We’ve already seen Sen. Kamala Harris fawned over by both Stephen Colbert and Trevor Noah on The Late Show and The Daily Show, respectively. Sens. Cory Booker and Kirsten Gillebrand surfed Colbert’s couch, too, as did Rep. Tulsi Gabbard. Sen. Bernie Sanders appears regularly on…

Trevor Noah Raves: Planned Parenthood President Is a ‘Badass'

March 22nd, 2019 12:00 PM
Dr. Leana Wen got a hero’s welcome on The Daily Show With Trevor Noah on March 21. Noah gushed that Wen, who has now been the president of Planned Parenthood for 4 months, has “one of the most impressive resumes of any human being I have ever read” and has “been a badass from day one.”

New Podcast Site to Feature Lefty Content by Lena Dunham, Trevor Noah

March 4th, 2019 1:03 PM
The podcast industry is trying to get in on Netflix’s game, and by that we mean, yes, they’re trying to set up a premium streaming site, but mostly that they’re attempting to produce content from a bunch of progressive propagandists. The flagship podcast streaming site Luminary has just announced its opening lineup and it’s chock full of all the liberal takes we’ve come to know and loathe. Can’t…

John Legend: 'Moron,' 'A******' Trump Is 'Not a Good Human Being'

February 27th, 2019 2:40 PM
Appearing as a guest on Tuesday's The Daily Show with Trevor Noah on Comedy Central, liberal singer John Legend excoriated President Donald Trump, calling him a "complete moron" and a******, as he gushed over recently getting to spend time with former President Barack Obama, lauding his "worldliness" and "intelligence."

Noah Mocks 'Childish' Feinstein Over Her Response to Child Protesters

February 26th, 2019 6:30 PM

In his opening monologue on Monday's Daily Show, host Trevor Noah delivering his usual mockery of Republicans through the lens of praising filmmaker Spike Lee for his acceptance speech at the Oscars. Surprisingly, his opening monologue also took a shot at “childish” Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein for not bending over backwards to please child activists demanding she vote in favor of the…


Comedians Finally Decide It's Safe to Satirize Jussie Smollett

February 23rd, 2019 10:38 AM
After weeks of fearing to tread into this area of comedy due to not wanting to challenge the official line that Jussie Smollett was the victim of a hate crime perpetrated by MAGA hat types, despite a lot of evidence that this was actually a hoax, the comedy floodgates seemed to have finally opened this week. On Friday night the Daily Show presented an hilarious skit brutally mocking Smollett.

Trevor Noah on Smollett: People Jumped on Story to Confirm Their Bias

February 20th, 2019 3:33 PM
Daily Show host Trevor Noah made some apt observations on his Daily Show Between The Scenes on Tuesday that the mainstream media would be wise to pay careful attention to. Noah was talking about the Jussie Smollett hate hoax and how so many people jumped on that story as true despite huge holes in his fable because it confirmed their biases.   

33 TV Shows in Jan. Slam ‘Terrorist’ Trump, Praise Abortion

February 11th, 2019 11:30 AM
Entertainment TV is far worse than news when it comes to progressive bias and hatred for conservative people and views. A cross section of nightly programming on major networks, cable TV or popular streaming services is loaded with anti-conservative, anti-Trump propaganda. January features at least 33 separate entertainment programs that attack conservative values and/or President Donald Trump…

Kimmel, Fallon Dodge Northam Controversy, Both Wore Blackface Before

February 5th, 2019 7:59 PM
For several years, late-night talk show hosts have regularly hurled their barbs at President Trump, but on Monday, most liberal comics instead made fun of Virginia Democrat Governor Ralph Northam, who was allegedly found in a 1984 yearbook that contained a picture of one man in blackface and another wearing a KKK costume. Most of the time, Jimmy Kimmel -- host of his eponymous show on ABC -- and…

Noah Mocks Pence, Americans' 'Crazy’ Right to Religious Freedom

January 17th, 2019 11:12 AM
Wednesday, The Daily Show followed CBS’s lead in trying to shame VP Mike Pence’s wife Karen after it was announced that she would be returning to teaching art to students at a Christian school in Northern Virginia. Because the school is Christian, it holds Christian policies for its students and faculty. Apparently that’s a shocking thing in 2019, as host Trevor Noah took aim at Pence and America…

On 'Daily Show,' Al Gore Claims 'Vast Majority' of USA Opposes Trump

December 2nd, 2018 9:08 AM
Liberals have long honored the power of "satire" to bring the mighty down to size -- when they're conservatives. Liberals are honored and adored. Take The Daily Show on Comedy Central. At least since the days when Jon Stewart brought his "God, I admire you" routine to Democratic candidate John Kerry in 2004, they've been a pliant platform for Democrats. On Wednesday, Daily Show host Trevor Noah…

Trevor Noah: Second Amendment 'Not Intended For Black People’

November 28th, 2018 3:18 PM
Whoever decided that people should take the political opinions of comedians seriously forgot to tell the comics that their opinions should be worth serious consideration. Take Trevor Noah (please).