Veronica De La Cruz

MSNBC Hosts Share What They're Thankful For; Most Spout Lefty Talking
November 26th, 2013 2:54 PM
Leave it to MSNBC to see Thanksgiving as a time to be thankful for ObamaCare, Wendy Davis, same-sex marriage, and John Kerry hammering out an interim nuclear deal with Iran.
"In a year where Congress’ approval rating has reached an all time low, an embattled President Obama faces the healthcare challenge that could define his legacy, and the timetable for US troops in Afghanistan remains…

MSNBC Anchor Laments GOP Primary Focus on Religion, Wonders if Rick Pe
August 11th, 2011 4:05 PM
MSNBC guest host Veronica De La Cruz on Thursday lamented the supposed emphasis GOP primary voters place on religion, complaining, "...What happened to jobs? What happened to that discussion?" She also suggested that Texas Governor Rick Perry could be a "phony."
Talking to contributor Melissa Harris-Perry, De La Cruz wondered, "Why is religion featuring so prominently right now?" Harris-…

MSNBC Celebrates ObamaCare Anniversary, Condemns Republican 'Lies' Abo
March 23rd, 2011 4:44 PM
In Wednesday's 12PM ET hour on MSNBC, anchor Contessa Brewer touted the one year anniversary of the passage of ObamaCare: "One year ago today, President Obama signed the health care reform bill into law. It wasn't soon enough for Eric De La Cruz, who needed a heart transplant." The headline on screen read: "Why We Need Health Care Reform: A Personal Story."
Brewer spoke with Eric's sister,…
CNN Picks Up McCain ‘Plagiarism’ Story From HuffPost, Daily Kos
June 5th, 2008 4:02 PM
CNN’s Veronica De La Cruz pulled her scoop on Thursday’s "American Morning" straight out of the left-wing blogosphere. The network’s Internet correspondent cited both the Huffington Post and the Daily Kos in her short segment on the brand-new changes on John McCain’s presidential campaign website.De La Cruz first zeroed in on McCain’s new slogan. " His new slogan reads ‘a leader we can believe in…
CNN Chief Klein Lauds Net’s ‘Commitment’ to ‘Unbiased’ Cove
February 25th, 2008 5:50 PM
CNN’s Jon Klein, in an internal memo obtained by the TVNewser blog, bragged about the strong ratings the network won during its recent debates and primary coverage, and spun the reason for this success. "CNN is proving that with innovation, execution, and passion, the sky's the limit. Our deep-seated commitment to independent coverage that is unbiased — without an agenda — is more powerful and…
CNN Popping Off About Guns
February 18th, 2008 11:33 AM
Every event is a chance for the media to spin. CNN twisted the latest college shooting to blame it on business, instead of a crazed killer.On the Feb. 17 "American Morning," Veronica De La Cruz showed how two Web sites, operated by "the same owner," sold products to the shooters in both the Virginia Tech and Northern Illinois University tragedies. She said it was "pretty shocking to figure this…