
Matthews: Flake Speech Was ‘Straight From a Great Novel or Movie'

October 24th, 2017 9:15 PM
Though he wasn’t able to out-do CNN in the gushiness department, MSNBC’s Hardball host Chris Matthews gave it his best shot on Tuesday by proclaiming the blistering anti-Trump speech by Republican Senator Jeff Flake (Ariz.) as something “straight from a great novel or movie.”

A Shift, as Fusion Quietly Cancels Jorge Ramos's Weekly Show

April 25th, 2017 11:56 AM
The cancellation of Jorge Ramos' signature show (and subsequent repurposing of the veteran anchor's role) on Fusion tells us much more about the direction network has taken than it does about the controversial anchor. And no one should be surprised.

Will Spielberg Film on Cronkite Turn the Lib Journalist Into a Hero?

June 18th, 2016 2:15 PM
The website Deadline on Tuesday reported that Steven Spielberg is considering making a biography of famous CBS journalist Walter Cronkite. Deadline writer Ali Jaafar explained, “The project will focus on Cronkite’s relationship with the Vietnam War and the role that America’s most trusted newsman played in turning public opinion against the increasingly un-winnable conflict.” 

AP Decries Supposed 'Intellectual News Ghettos,' Rewrites News History

June 17th, 2016 9:00 AM
In the course of presenting what is apparently one story in a series of several on a "Divided America," David Bauder at the Associated Press portrayed two Americans with largely different news consumption habits. Though the theme of Bauder's Thursday morning report was about how Americans are "retreat(ing) into tribes of like-minded people who get news filtered through particular world views,"…

CNN’s 'The ‘80s' Documentary Laments Decade Trust for the Media Died

April 2nd, 2016 12:02 PM
CNN’s much-publicized documentary series on the ‘80s debuted, Thursday, with a nostalgic longing for a time when Americans trusted the media. After playing a clip of Walter Cronkite’s last broadcast on the March 6, 1981 CBS Evening News, journalist Lesley Stahl repeated the much-loved legend of reporters: “Uncle Walter had dominated, certainly CBS, but in a way, the country. People used to say he…

And That’s the Way It Was: In 1972, Cronkite Warned of ‘New Ice Age’

March 5th, 2015 8:19 AM
The “brutal” winter is on the attack again, bringing sleet and heavy snow to the mid-Atlantic region. Previous storms targeted the deep south including Dallas, Texas, and several hammered New England. By March 4, Boston was just 2 inches away from hitting an all-time record for snow, reported. It’s a reality more in keeping with media warnings from the 1970s than today’s arguments…

FNC's Hannity Rebukes Smarmy Colbert, Challenges Him to Come to Israel

August 7th, 2014 8:15 PM
While Sean Hannity was providing first-hand coverage of the struggle between Israel and Hamas over the Gaza Strip, Comedy Central's Stephen Colbert edited the Fox News Channel host's reporting to make it seem that he used the word “literally” constantly and compared that to a five-year-old boy who has become an Internet sensation after his live television where he often used the word “…

Chris Wallace: Cronkite 'Would Not Be Happy to See What's Happening in

June 17th, 2014 1:00 PM
In an interview with the Chicago Sun-Times, Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace condemned network television news for being obsessed with "what's trending online or some Internet YouTube video" rather than hard news, lamenting: "I'm frankly disheartened by some of the stuff I see creeping into newscasts." He further observed: "The weekday morning television shows have really been overrun by…

Reich Whines: We've Lost Our CBS 'Arbiters of Truth

August 14th, 2013 6:53 AM
At The Huffington Post, former Labor Secretary Robert Reich railed against how angry and divided America is and blamed it on a yawning gap of economic inequality. James Taranto of The Wall Street Journal added, “Somehow he neglects to notice that his own political allies try to incite resentment of ‘millionaires and billionaires,’ ‘corporate jet owners’ and similar targets." Like many…

Donny Deutsch: My Support Of Obama Is 'Wavering

June 14th, 2012 8:14 AM
Might the man who once said of himself "there's been nobody who's a bigger Obama supporter" vote for Mitt Romney?  Maybe.  On today's Morning Joe, Donny Deutsch—ad exec, man-about-the-Hamptons and quintessential wealthy NYC liberal—declared that his support for President Obama is "wavering." Deutsch said that it was the bad jobs numbers of a couple weeks ago that "changed everything for me…

Newsweek Editor Lets Cronkite's Son Argue Liberal Bias Is Just 'Open-M

June 2nd, 2012 2:22 PM
Newsweek editor Tina Brown published a huge chunk of a letter to the editor objecting to Howard Kurtz’s harsh take on Walter Cronkite. The letter writer? Cronkite’s son Chip. He merely repeated his father’s lame argument that “liberal” means “open-minded,” and isn’t that what a reporter should be? “Admitting to a liberal philosophy (which he defined as something akin to open-mindedness),…