
PBS's Testy Talk With NR's Lowry: ‘I Get to Be the Interviewer Here'

May 27th, 2023 8:19 PM

Tuesday’s edition of Amanpour & Co. featured an unusually testy interview, conducted by journalist Walter Isaacson, with Rich Lowry, the editor of National Review. It’s rare that conservatives appear on Amanpour on taxpayer-funded PBS, and the resulting clash between liberal and conservative journalist threw off a few polite sparks about DeSantis vs. Disney.


WORST OF 2022: The Media Heroes Award

December 28th, 2022 12:15 PM

Today we present the WORST OF 2022: The Media Heroes Award. 


PBS Lets Chris Murphy Claim No Gun Background Checks in Some States

December 26th, 2022 1:51 PM

On Wednesday's Amanpour & Co. show, interviewer Walter Isaacson gave Senator Chris Murphy (D-CT) a forum to make a misleading push for gun control as the two discussed the recent 10-year anniversary of the Sandy Hook school massacre.


Ken Burns Hysterically Warns of 'Authoritarianism,' 'Nationalism'

November 30th, 2022 1:35 PM

Documentarian Ken Burns took his book tour to PBS’s Amanpour and Company on Tuesday where he hysterically warned that “authoritarianism” and “nationalism” are on the rise in America putting everything from elections to the independent judiciary in trouble. With analysis such as that, it should not be surprising Burns was both short on facts and hypocritical when making his assessment…


PBS Humorist Blames Reagan For Increased American Ignorance

September 24th, 2022 1:53 PM

Political humorist and satirist Andy Borowitz joined Walter Isaacson on Friday’s Amanpour and Company on PBS to discuss his new book Profiles in Ignorance which purports to report on the country’s growing anti-intellectualism. However, Borowitz’s segment prove the book is actually just an anti-Republican screed as he blames the problem on Ronald Reagan and defends Democrats…


PBS Accuses GOP Of Trying 'To Attract Voters Through Racism'

September 2nd, 2022 11:24 AM

With Mikhail Gorbachev dying earlier in the week, Walter Isaacson wondered on Thursday’s Amanpour and Company on PBS, how the fall of the Soviet Union has impacted conservatism. To get his answer, he turned to author Nicole Hemmer who claimed that conservatives are attempting “to attract voters through racism.”


Preposterous! NY Times Opinion Editor Denies They're Progressive

May 31st, 2021 10:06 AM

In a surprisingly rigorous (but not hostile) interview on Friday's Amanpour & Co. on PBS (and CNN), New York Times opinion editor Kathleen Kingsbury bizarrely claimed it's unfair to categorize them as a "progressive organization." As if you can't read them and figure it out? 


PBS's Isaacson Drops Nazi Comparison on GOP's 'Quisling Enablers'

December 18th, 2020 5:51 PM

On Tuesday's Amanpour and Co. on PBS and CNN International, Walter Isaacson treated viewers of the taxpayer funded show to hyperbole as he likened Republican supporters of President Donald Trump to those who collaborated with Adolf Hitler during World War ii, deriding them as "quisling enablers of the undermining of democracy."


On PBS, Scarborough Claims He 'Never' Cared About GOP

December 12th, 2020 11:38 PM

Appearing as a guest on Wednesday's Amanpour & Co. to promote his book about President Harry Truman, MSNBC host and disaffected ex-Republican Joe Scarborough laid it on thick in trying distance himself from his former party and even the conservative movement, claiming that he had not felt good about either in 20 years, and even that he "never" cared about the Republican party.


PBS Panel: How Dare Candidates Evade the Liberal Media!

August 20th, 2020 9:30 PM

On Tuesday's Amanpour & Co. on PBS and CNN International, Daily Beast News columnist Margaret Carlson lamented the dominant left-leaning media's diminished hold over politicians as she spoke during a segment hosted by her ex-boss, former Time magazine editor Walter Isaacson.


PBS Discusses Why Biden Is Better Than Perverted, Incompetent Trump

April 6th, 2020 6:02 AM
On Friday's Amanpour & Co. on PBS, Walter Isaacson, the former editor of Time magazine, interviewed Jon Meacham, the former editor of Newsweek magazine. At this time, Meacham poses as a pseudo-impartial historian, just as PBS poses as an unbiased channel of intelligent information. Isaacson preposterously suggested "I've never known your political orientation" before asking Meacham why he…

Dark Conspiracy Theories on PBS: Violent Trump Voters? Nazi America?

January 29th, 2020 12:35 PM
The supposedly reasonable PBS on Tuesday abounded with dark conspiracy theories about the impeached Donald Trump fomenting violence in November after losing, as well as whether America is turning into Nazi Germany. Veteran journalist Ted Koppel shot down that theory, but engaged in the idea of mass violence by dejected Trump voters. 

Former 'Time' Editor: Mueller Report Didn’t Provide a Narrative

June 11th, 2019 5:08 AM
It’s no secret that Democrats are very disappointed that the Mueller Report did not give them the smoking gun that would finally end the Trump presidency. Instead, they have been forced to expand their search in the continuing efforts to remove the President from office.  

Alec Baldwin Horrified Trump 'Fooled All These Flyover Americans'

May 1st, 2019 5:35 PM
On Monday night's Amanpour & Co. on PBS, former Time Managing Editor Walter Isaacson interviewed Alec Baldwin about, among other things, his Donald Trump impression on Saturday Night Live. Baldwin admitted he didn't understand Trump, and that his impression is a "caricature....we're doing like an essence of Trump. His corrupt, amoral, Machiavellian nature is at the fore." Then he said he was…