Zeina Karam

AP Headline Describes 160 Syrian Soldiers Massacred by ISIS as 'Dozens
August 28th, 2014 11:03 PM
I struggle to come up with a reason, other than an irresponsible attempt to minimize the impact of the horror, why the headline at a Thursday evening Associated Press story by Zeina Karam and Ryan Lucas about "more than 160 Syrian government troops" massacred by ISIS is "JIHADISTS KILL DOZENS OF CAPTURED SYRIAN SOLDIERS."
But that's how the wire service is presenting it:

AP 'Fact Check' Tells Readers 'Obama's Syria Case Still Lacks Proof
September 11th, 2013 10:20 AM
For well over two weeks, the Obama administration has been urging military action against the Assad regime in Syria for its use of chemical weapons.
At the Associated Press, in a "Fact Check" item at its "Big Story" site, Calvin Woodward told readers that "President Barack Obama voiced his conviction Tuesday night that Syrian President Bashar Assad was to blame for deadly chemical attacks…