CLIMATE INSANITY: Amazon to Rename Sports Arena ‘Climate Pledge Arena’

June 26th, 2020 12:09 PM

It’s not enough for the leftist climate activist elites to promote their climate agenda in Big Tech company policies alone. Now Amazon has decided to infuse its climate agenda into the naming of a stadium to shove it into sports fans’ faces.


Soros-Backed Anti-Trump Ad Had 1,528 Minutes of TV Time in 2 Weeks

June 22nd, 2020 4:15 PM

Left-wing super PAC Priorities USA Action continued to bombard the TV airwaves with misleading ads in an attempt to destroy President Donald Trump. Priorities USA Action’s latest incendiary anti-Trump ad, spot titled “Lack Of Leadership,” dominated 100 political ads aired about the coronavirus between June 13 and June 19 with an astounding 1,927 airings total.


MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell Not Pulling Ads from Tucker Carlson Tonight

June 15th, 2020 10:35 AM

In a country where corporate liberal pandering to violent mobs is the new trend in business, one CEO decided to stand on principle and go against the tide. MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell has refused to join companies like T-Mobile in pulling advertising from Fox News’s Tucker Carlson Tonight following Carlson's rebuke of the leftist Black Lives Matter movement. Lindell told Newsweek:


T-Mobile CEO Says ‘We Won’t Be Running Ads’ on Tucker Carlson’s Show

June 12th, 2020 3:14 PM

Dare to criticize the leftist Black Lives Matter movement and advertisers will treat you like a pariah.

NBC Rips NYT on Facebook Ad Business: ‘Story Doesn’t Really Check Out’

June 11th, 2020 11:51 AM

The New York Times continues to embarrass itself. This time, the paper claimed advertisers were pulling their Facebook ad spending because CEO Mark Zuckerberg balked at censoring President Donald Trump. But that story reportedly didn’t check out.


New MSNBC Legal Analyst Lisa Page Gave Cash to Never-Trump Group

June 8th, 2020 10:50 AM

Disgraced former FBI lawyer and newly-minted MSNBC Legal Analyst Lisa Page seems to have found a way to make herself appear more biased. Federal Election Commission records show that Page had contributed at least $300 to the Never-Trump group The Lincoln Project February 1. The Lincoln Project is led by Never-Trumpers attorney George Conway and political strategist Rick Wilson. Page listed the…


Soros Fuels His Super PAC with Millions from Fund for Policy Reform

June 1st, 2020 12:55 PM

Liberal billionaire George Soros’s Democracy PAC has been actively involved in funneling millions into left-wing groups pushing twisted coronavirus anti-Trump ads on TV. But just who is funding Democracy PAC?


Soros-Funded AB PAC Pushes ‘Misleading’ Anti-Trump Ad 1,089 Times

May 5th, 2020 12:28 PM
Whenever liberal billionaire George Soros’s Democracy PAC pumps cash into a lefty group, a disgusting anti-Trump propaganda TV ad eventually surfaces. A new ad from a group funded with $2 million by the billionaire’s PAC pushed a misleading narrative that was blasted on the TV airwaves 1,089 times last week. The lefty group American Bridge 21st Century PAC (AB PAC), founded by progressive…

Soros PAC Gives $1M to Group Behind Disgusting Anti-Trump Abortion Ad

April 20th, 2020 11:26 AM
Could liberal billionaire George Soros be more disgusting? He’s using his super PAC to exploit the coronavirus and attack President Donald Trump and using the issue of abortion to do it.Federal Election Commission data revealed that Soros’s Democracy PAC gave $1 million to the radical pro-abortion group NARAL Freedom Fund. "A new ad from the abortion rights group NARAL Freedom Fund features young…

Lesbian Car Commercial Sexualizes Girls' Childhood Friendship

November 12th, 2019 10:00 AM
It is 2019 which means that all childhood innocence must be sexualized and weaponized for the LGBT movement. Introducing the latest entry in this slow-burn of Western Civilization: a viral car commercial. The new ad for the Renault Clio in the UK, released on November 7 and titled “30 Years in the Making,” begins with a sweet childhood friendship between two girls.

Kaiser Permanente Ad Promotes Drag Queen Story Hour

October 9th, 2019 9:00 AM
For decades, the left has successfully promoted the increased sexualization of children by portraying opponents as somehow mean or intolerant. In this latest volley, those who see problems with a sexualized man dressed as a woman reading to children are once again criticized as just disliking people who are different or "too much." A drag queen reading to children is the same as an elderly woman…

Ruth Marcus: WashPost Super Bowl Ad Was Not Ad for Washington Post

February 4th, 2019 5:09 PM
Appearing on MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell Reports on Monday, Washington Post Deputy Editorial Page Editor Ruth Marcus applauded her paper’s decision to spend money on an expensive Super Bowl ad. She even claimed that the commercial wasn’t actually meant to promote the Post, despite the logo being shown at the end of Sunday night’s pricey spot.

Bozell & Graham Column: Nike and Corporate Political Correctness

September 8th, 2018 7:04 AM
It is hard to fathom some people support Nike's decision to make former NFL star Colin Kaepernick the center of a new advertising campaign. That’s right, the guy who wore socks with cops as pigs, wore a pro-Castro T-shirt and then said Cuba was a better country than America. He said our country was founded on slavery and the “genocide of Native Americans.”

Trump's Racist for Calling Lemon Dumb? 36 Whites Hit with Insult

August 13th, 2018 11:07 AM
Remember the charge that President Trump mocking Don Lemon and Maxine Waters as dummies was painted as racist? The other day, MRC analyst Nick Fondacaro e-mailed me a New York Times listing of all of Trump's Twitter insults, which clearly demonstrated that Trump is very generous in the "dummy" insults -- including "low IQ," "not bright," and "clueless." I counted 34 Caucasian Americans on this…