Christian Science Monitor Bashes Romney for 'Racist' Ads Using... Raci

July 26th, 2012 12:46 PM
  Some liberals would have you believe that just because you can't see it on the surface, Mitt Romney's campaign ads are brimming with racism. What's funny about this analysis, if you could call it one, is that it seeks to combat racism by being racist.  It's like the Voter ID narrative the left is pushing in the media.  Liberals feel that blacks and minorities are incapable to obtaining a…

Rasmussen Column: Bain Attacks Fail to Shake Up Presidential Race

July 23rd, 2012 6:22 PM
Over the past few weeks, President Obama and his campaign team have launched a furious attack on Mitt Romney's record as head of Bain Capital, a highly successful venture capital firm. There is clear evidence that the attacks have had some impact. Forty-one percent of voters now see Romney's record in the private sector primarily as a reason to vote for him, but an equal number see that…

Forbes Media Writer: HBO Rips 'Newsroom' Reviews Out of Context to Ma

July 23rd, 2012 4:24 PM
The gushing praise for Newsroom that HBO is highlighting in an ad campaign just seemed too good to be true to Jeff Bercovici, who noted the new Aaron Sorkin-created series was earning a "distinctly mediocre [score of] 57" on "Even those critics who’ve embraced it have generally done so with considerable caveats," the Forbes media critic noted. So sure enough, upon closer…

Media Fail: Chevy Volt Makes NO Money, Costs Taxpayers Hundreds of Tho

July 17th, 2012 9:54 AM
The Jurassic Press is missing much in their reporting on the $50 billion bailout of General Motors (GM).  The Press is open channeling for President Barack Obama - allowing him to frame the bailout exactly as he wishes in the 2012 Presidential election.  The President is running in large part on the bailout’s $30+ billion loss, uber-failed “success.”  And the Press is acting as his…

From ‘General’ to ‘Government’ to ‘Gay’ – The G in GM

June 11th, 2012 4:44 PM
What do GM and President Obama have in common (besides that fact that he bought it)? They’re both catering to the gay agenda for cash. Soon after President Obama declared that “same sex couples should be allowed to marry,” government-owned GM decided that gays should also be targeted by its ad campaigns.   While Obama’s move paid off immediately (Hollywood had lavished some $12 million…

Bozell Column: Disney's Cynical Pro-Obama Ploy

June 9th, 2012 8:06 AM
On the heels of New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s latest stupid regulations commanding a shrinkage in the size of sugary drinks in restaurants, movie theaters, and stadiums, the Walt Disney Company has announced it will ban ads for products on its broadcast and online platforms that it has scientifically determined are “junk food” that do not meet the company’s nutrition standards. Curiously…

The 2012 MTV Movie Awards: ‘I’m Barack Obama and I Approve this Se

June 4th, 2012 4:33 PM
Did you happen to see a shirtless man masturbating an ax in front of thousands of people June 2? If so, you probably also saw President Obama’s first campaign ad of the season. Both were featured during the 2012 MTV Movie Awards. Once again, the MTV Movie Awards strewn with crass sex jokes and innuendo. Host Russell Brand began the program talking about having an orgasm to Justin Bieber, his…

Howard Fineman: Most Powerful and 'Unifying' Media Figures Are 'Oprah

May 13th, 2012 12:51 PM
This is a really scary thought. On this weekend's syndicated Chris Matthews Show, the Huffington Post's Howard Fineman actually said the most powerful and "unifying" media figures in the country today are "the daytime women talk show hosts. It's Oprah, Ellen and The View" (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Recruited By Mika, HuffPo's Stein Tries But Fails To Debunk Devastatin

April 27th, 2012 8:28 AM
If you haven't seen the hilariously effective ad by Karl Rove's American Crossroads group that portrays Barack Obama as a celebrity president with a failed economic record, check it out in the video clip. Mika Brzezinksi was clearly peeved at how well the ad was playing even with her liberal-dominated panel.  After Obama fan Donny Deutsch, and no-conservative-he John Heilemann praised the ad…

Comedian Chris Rock Attacks Camera After Being Asked About Alleged Tea

March 14th, 2012 7:10 PM
Count comedian Chris Rock as yet another liberal who can't bear to take not just criticism but even an innocent question about his beliefs. Under light questioning from conservative author Jason Mattera, Rock turned what was a regular friendly interaction with a fellow Brooklynite into a physical assault on a female camera operator when Mattera tried to get him to briefly explain remarks that…

On NBC's 'Today,' Donny Deutsch Demands All Limbaugh Advertisers Pull

March 6th, 2012 12:41 PM
During the weekly left-wing panel discussion on Tuesday's NBC Today, advertising executive Donny Deutsch announced: "The advertisers that are still on [sponsoring Limbaugh's radio show] are basically voting, 'Yes, we're okay with it.' They have no choice – I'm an ad guy, obviously – they have no choice but to go away." [Listen to the audio or watch the video after the jump] Deutsch predicted…

Siri 'Scandal' Due to Deceptive Advertising by Abortion Clinics

December 6th, 2011 1:03 PM
Last week abortion proponents thought they had discovered a terrible conspiracy, that covert pro-lifers at Apple had secretly programed the new iPhone feature Siri to be pro-life. Siri is an “intelligent personal assistant” to which (whom?) you can ask questions, and Siri will answer you. If you ask Siri, “Where can I get a good hotdog?” it will respond, “I found several hotdog restaurants…

NY Times: Fighting Captain Crunch's 'Darker Side' Against 'Epidemic of

April 29th, 2011 10:30 PM
William Neuman's New York Times story on the latest attack by the food and advertising police, “U.S. Seeks New Limits on Food Ads for Children,” which topped Friday’s Business section, was slanted (as most Times business stories are) against business and in favor of federal regulators. Will Toucan Sam go the way of Joe Camel? The federal government proposed sweeping new guidelines on…

The Subtlety of a Sledge Hammer: MSNBC Doubles Down on Liberal Advocac

April 25th, 2011 12:41 PM
Until now, MSNBC's "Lean Forward" ad campaign had largely avoided wearing the network's leftward slant as a badge of pride. Sure, there were hints here and there that "Lean Forward" really means "left-leaning," but the older ads were subtle compared to the latest batch which beat you over the head with their liberal take on major political issues. For example, you can expect to see MSNBC's…