AFP Reports IDF Kills Palestinian, Leaves Out Critical Information

June 16th, 2015 4:38 PM
It’s well known that the mainstream media loves to vilify the State of Israel for their ongoing defensive struggle against terrorist groups residing in Gaza and the West Bank. This weekend they sunk to a new low when Yahoo! News ran a report from the Agence France-Presse with the headline “Israel army kills West Bank Palestinian.” The article then began with  “Israeli soldiers killed a…

World and U.S. Press Botch Pope's 'Angel of Peace' Statement to Abbas

May 18th, 2015 10:49 AM
The competition is fierce, but perhaps the most consistent area of outright and arguably deliberate U.S. and worldwide press distortion is found in their coverage of the Catholic Church and its pontiff. Last week, the major international wires and several U.S. outlets once again demonstrated that readers, listeners and viewers can never trust that they will get an accurate story relating to…

Obama Declares News Media 'Balkanized' Since 'If It Bleeds, It Leads'

February 9th, 2015 6:56 PM
During a pair of interviews with people from -- which is described as a "general interest news site for the 21st Century" -- president Barack Obama on Monday described the roles of news sources in a variety of unflattering ways. In the first discussion, editor-in-chief Ezra Klein asked Obama to respond to the fact that “you are the most polarizing president really since we began polling…

As ISIS Nears Baghdad, US Press Snoozes, But AFP, UK Telly Are Coverin

June 18th, 2014 1:43 AM
At roughly 8 a.m. Eastern Time Tuesday morning, the wire service AFP (Agence France-Presse) had a story entitled "Fighting nears Baghdad as UN warns crisis 'life-threatening.'" AFP reported that "Militants pushed a weeklong offensive that has overrun swathes of Iraq to within 60 kilometres (37 miles) of Baghdad Tuesday." A Skynet video found at Gateway Pundit tells us that "ISIS Terrorists…

Topless German Feminist Tries to Ruin Christmas Mass With Altar-Jumpin

December 26th, 2013 2:20 PM
Did you ever notice how the liberal media can obsess for days over a Koran-burning stunt, but ignore feminist groups that have a serious hatred problem with the Catholic Church? Via Chicks on the Right, we learned that the bratty anti-Catholic leftists of FEMEN have pulled their latest stunt. A woman with the message “I AM GOD” painted on her body jumped up on the altar and screamed in the…

AP Touts Retail Group's Projected Nov.-Dec. Spending Increase, Ignores

November 26th, 2013 10:10 AM
On October 3, the National Retail Federation projected that "sales in the months of November and December" will "marginally increase 3.9 percent to $602.1 billion, over 2012’s actual 3.5 percent holiday season sales growth." But on October 16, it warned that "the average holiday shopper will spend $737.95 on gifts, décor, greeting cards and more, two percent less than the $752.24 they actually…

News Agencies Pull Smiling Clown Photo of French President

September 5th, 2013 3:52 PM
It must be nice to be a political leader preferred by news agencies because you can count on them to pull unflattering photos. Such was the case with both Agence France-Presse (AFP) and Reuters when they pulled a bizarre photo of French President Francois Hollade in which he appears to have a clueless smiling clown expression on his face. The UK Guardian describes the controversy: Two…

Bernanke's 'If We Were to Tighten, the Economy Would Tank' Comment Ign

July 17th, 2013 11:27 PM
Today, as the wire service AFP reported in a story carried at, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke, in the question and answer exchange after his prepared testimony, told the House Financial Services Committee that "If we were to tighten (monetary) policy, the economy would tank." That assessment of the economy's fragility qualifies as news, especially given the Obama…

AFP Report on 'Potential Breakthrough' Flags Embryonic Stem Cell Resea

January 23rd, 2013 10:30 AM
An unbylined Agence France-Presse report Wednesday opens by telling readers that Japanese researchers "have succeeded in growing human kidney tissue from stem cells for the first time, in a potential first step towards helping millions who depend on dialysis." Another version of the report at another website identifies the reporter as Harumi Ozawa; an accompanying picture caption describes the…

Establishment Press Won't Cue Up Biden's Outrageous Comment to Slain B

October 27th, 2012 10:52 AM
It's hard to find a benchmark against which to compare remarks delivered by Vice President Joe Biden, but here's one from a past administration. In June 2004, Bush 43 Vice President Dick Cheney was greeted on the Senate Floor at the annual Senate photo op by Vermont Senator Patrick Leahy. Leahy had previously been flogging the left's phantasm over alleged "profiteering" by Halliburton, the…

What the Business Press Won't Tell Us: Single-Family Home Sales Are St

October 24th, 2012 10:06 PM
The Associated Press, Bloomberg and Reuters all eagerly told readers today that the seasonally adjusted annualized level of single-family home sales in September of 389,000 was the highest in 2-1/2 years and really, really good news for the housing market, the economy as a whole, or both. What they all "somehow" failed to mention was the fact that sales are still far below where they were…

AP Report on 'Occupy' Anniversary Wallows in Nostalgia, Ignores Blocka

September 22nd, 2012 9:54 AM
Gosh, those were the good old days. Or so Meghan Barr at the Associated Press apparently believes. As what's left of the Occupy Wall Street mobs from last year staged a pathetic anniversary protest in New York on Monday, Barr, in one of the most embarrassing reports I've seen emanate from the self-described "essential global news network," described them as "celebrating" and "giddy." At the…

AP's Wagner Sees 'Slow Improvement in the Job Market' in 'Unchanged' I

August 30th, 2012 12:31 PM
First, the bad news from a media coverage standpoint. All three major wire services covering today's report from the Department of Labor on initial unemployment claims characterized the seasonally adjusted result of 374,000 as "unchanged" from last week, but failed to note the 98%-plus probability based on the last 75 weeks of history (only one exception during that time) that the number will…

Barely News: North Korea's 'Criticism Sessions' and Reported Punishmen

January 15th, 2012 9:52 AM
Yet another episode being reported from the totalitarian nightmare that is North Korea is getting short shrift in most of the world's press, namely "criticism sessions" (i.e., rat out your neighbor, coworker, etc.) identifying North Koreans who allegedly weren't sufficiently grief-stricken over the December death of Kim Jong Il (pictured at right), weren't sufficiently demonstrative about it,…