AFP Asks: 'Is US Bullying Toyota on Recall?' Rest of Media Indifferent

February 6th, 2010 2:11 AM
In a post late Thursday afternoon (at NewBusters; at BizzyBlog), I noted that the half of the teases (6 of 12) for the Associated Press's short videos in business stories at its web site were about Toyota, specifically its recent product quality issues and falling sales.In that post, I noted a conflict of interest in the relationship between the U.S. government and Toyota, and wondered when…

Obama Continues to Break Promises, Media Ignores

January 31st, 2010 1:05 AM
Watching the media's inability to find relevant investigative news during the Obama era is like watching a bald-headed fellow named Fudd hunting for ‘wabbit'.  Such is the case of the main stream media's complete and utter ignorance involving the administration recently steering a $25 million no-bid contract to a Democratic campaign contributor.  While Fox News reporter James Rosen did an in-…

Venezuela Slipping Into Socialist/Statist Darkness, Figuratively and L

January 10th, 2010 6:33 PM
Four recent stories out of Venezuela each give readers brief glimpses at how Hugo Chavez's brand of authoritarian socialism is critically wounding what could be a resource-rich, financially prosperous country: January 9, Associated Press -- "Venezuela weakens currency for 1st time in 5 years." January 10, Bloomberg -- "Chavez Says He’ll Seize Businesses That Raise Prices." December 22, AFP…

Bush's Iraqi Shoe Thrower Gets Shoe Thrown At Him

December 1st, 2009 5:12 PM
Almost a year ago, the media had a field day with the Iraqi journalist who threw his shoes at former President George W. Bush.On Tuesday, Muntazer al-Zaidi was in Paris promoting his campaign for what he calls "victims of the US occupation in Iraq," and a fellow journalist threw a shoe at him.Given the media's fascination with Zaidi's highly-publicized demonstration last year, it will be very…

Tax Increase Campaign Item 3: Wars Cost Money And Rich Must Pay, MI Se

November 21st, 2009 10:37 AM
At this point, there should be little doubt that there is a concerted attempt underway to use the war in Afghanistan as a justification for punitively taxing high earners. Last weekend (noted at NewsBusters; at BizzyBlog), the New York Times discovered that wars cost money. It cited Wisconsin Democratic Congressman David Obey's concern that funding the Afghanistan effort at the level requested…

AFP Writes Up Proposed Tax With 'Next to No Chance' of Passage to Set

November 20th, 2009 10:59 PM
You've got to hand it to the propagandists at the AFP. When heavy-hitting members of the party they favor announce an idea whose main purpose is, as the New York Times suddenly "discovered" last weekend, to remind people that wars cost money and distract from supposedly more important priorities, the wire service leaps into action. Even AFP acknowledges that the tax proposal by several top-tier…

Headline: 'Antarctica's Ice Loss Helps Offset Global Warming

November 10th, 2009 10:21 PM
A British study has found a new area of sea off the coast of Antarctica, supposedly caused by global warming, that is soaking up carbon dioxide climate alarmists like Al Gore and his media minions believe is responsible for -- wait for it! -- global warming.You really can't make this stuff up! Professor Lloyd Peck, a near-shore marine biologist from the British Antarctic Survey, marvelously said…

Sean Penn Heading to Cuba to Interview Castro for Vanity Fair

October 26th, 2009 12:53 AM
If Fidel Castro and Sean Penn are in the same room, which one do you think hates America more?Such a question doesn't seem to concern Vanity Fair who according to the website TMZ has hired Penn to write an article about how Barack Obama and his administration have impacted Cuba.As reported by Agence France-Presse Sunday (h/t Big Hollywood):

'Beds'r Burning': Celebs to Sing Song to Stop Global Warming

September 15th, 2009 10:11 AM
All together now: "I'd like to teach the world to stop global warming."Though such likely won't be the lyrics, a group of the world's leading celebrities have joined together to create a new song to draw attention to climate change.After all, with an Oscar-winning film, a Nobel Peace Prize, and all the focus on Al Gore's now completely debunked schlockumentary "An Inconvenient Truth," there…

Not News: AFP Runs Stale Obama-Supporting Health Care Poll Done Before

August 7th, 2009 5:39 PM
About the only thing you can conclude about the Agence France-Presse wire service's August 4 "news" item about a health care poll result ("Majority back Obama on health care reform: poll") is that they couldn't find anything more recent than three weeks old to provide the result they were looking for. So AFP went back to a poll done between July 9-13 -- an online one no less. As NewsBusters…

'Apparent' or 'Clear'? AFP Waters Down Iranian Diplomat's Statement On

June 20th, 2009 1:50 AM
Question: How do you water down the possible significance of a statement by an Iranian diplomat?Answer: Wait for an AFP journalist to revise a previous raw report.A short unbylined dispatch from the wire service reported that the diplomat "apparently misspoke" when he said that Iran has "the right to a nuclear weapon" not long after the incident occurred. ( tells us that "Used…

AP Calls Terrorism Financier a 'Muslim Charity Member

May 27th, 2009 4:42 PM
If you saw the headline "Muslim Charity Member Gets 65 Years In Prison," would you assume his crime was funding terrorist activities, or possibly something totally unrelated?Given that this "charity member" was convicted last November on 108 charges surrounding the transfer of more than $12 million to the terrorist group Hamas, one would think a stronger, more direct and informative headline…

Lost in Translation: Biz Press Reports Dollar Amounts of Toyota's Loss

May 10th, 2009 9:01 AM
Here are the first two paragraphs of Toyota Motor Corporation's press release announcing its financial results for the year ended March 31, 2009 (most Japanese companies end their fiscal years on March 31; bolds are mine): Tokyo - TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (TMC) today announced operating results for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2009. On a consolidated basis, net revenues for the fiscal year…

AFP: 'The Obamas Are the Planet's Hottest Rock Stars

April 27th, 2009 9:42 AM
Move over Madonna, Miley, and Britney -- the Obamas are the hottest rock stars on the planet!So wrote wire service Agence France-Presse Sunday in a piece so filled with sugar one might require an insulin injection to survive the full reading.In an article entitled "Obamas Rock and Rule," AFP sunk to new lows in gushing and fawning over the first family: