In McGreevey Divorce Story, AP Omits Party Label, Errs on Background

May 6th, 2008 1:58 PM
In a remarkable example of "Name that Party," the Associated Press, in an unbylined report about the beginning of his divorce trial appearing in USA Today, failed to name the party of former New Jersey Governor James McGreevey, who resigned in 2005, or of his former "male staffer." Beyond that, AP did not accurately describe the circumstances that triggered McGreevey's resignation. Here's how…

AFP Refers to Convicted Murderer Mumia as ‘Human Rights Campaigner

March 27th, 2008 2:26 PM
Agence France-Presse, in a report on Mumia Abu-Jamal, who has been on Pennsylvania's death row for over twenty-five years for the murder of Philadelphia police officer Daniel Faulkner in 1981, referred to the cop killer as a "human rights campaigner." Abu-Jamal, whose birth name is Wesley Cook, had his murder conviction upheld by a panel of the Third Circuit Court of Appeals on Thursday, but the…

AP Ignores Fact Indicted Puerto Rico Gov an Obama Superdelegate

March 27th, 2008 1:14 PM
Color me unsurprised.The Associated Press, reporting the indictment of Puerto Rico Gov. Anibal Acevedo Vila (pictured at right via AFP/Getty Images file photo) failed to note Vila is a Democrat, let alone that he is an Obama superdelegate.But Vila's party affiliation is hardly a state secret. Indeed, ABC's Jake Tapper noted the Obama connection on his Political Punch blog this morning:

AFP FINALLY Corrects Their Labeling of Spitzer as an (R) -- Big Deal

March 14th, 2008 11:08 AM
Not Minding Their Ps & QsWe on Thursday brought you the Agence France-Presse (AFP)'s ludicrous labeling of self-ousted New York Governor Eliot Spitzer as an (R). This after a week's worth of the Gong Show Media's failure or utter refusal to ascribe any Party affiliation to the man.Well, we have heard word from the horse's ... mouth. DScott, an intrepid NewsBusters participant, contacted AFP…

The Media FINALLY Label Spitzer ... Oh Wait

March 13th, 2008 4:31 PM
From the ridiculous to the absurd Contemplating the SwitchThose of us who have been participating in the Eliot Spitzer Media Waiting Game -- halting our respitory activity in anticipation of the Jurassic Press actually ascribing Party affiliation to the recently resigned Big Apple Governor -- can finally breathe easy.The Agence-France Presse and Yahoo! have teamed up to finally do what's right.…

Obama's Not Muslim -- But Muslims Love Him Like He Was

February 20th, 2008 7:47 AM

AFP Recycles Old Story to Impugn Progress in War on Terror

February 4th, 2008 5:46 PM
Agence France-Presse (AFP) the oldest news agency in the world and the largest French news agency, has been caught recycling two-year-old Congressional subcommittee testimony as current news. On Sunday, AFP released an article, "US Qaeda strategy fatally flawed; analysts," which opened:

AFP Revises History of 2006 Israel-Lebanon War

January 30th, 2008 11:38 AM
In an article previewing the possible damage to Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert as a result of the Winograd Report into Israel's 34-day war with Hezbollah in the summer of 2006, AFP's Ron Bousso echoes a questionable claim about the 2006 Israeli War against Hezbollah in southern Lebanon: It is expected to focus on Olmert's controversial decision to order a massive ground offensive in south…

AFP: Same Story, Two Different Towns

January 29th, 2008 4:19 PM
Two Ohio towns. Identical story. That's what the AFP presented to us on Sunday and then again yesterday. On Sunday, we read this:The streets are empty. Trash rustles down the road past rusted barbecues, abandoned furniture, sagging homes and gardens turned to weed. This is Shaker Heights, a suburb of Cleveland and a town ravaged by the subprime mortgage crisis roiling the United States. Faded "…

Picture Changed in ‘First Baghdad Snow in 100 Years’ Article

January 14th, 2008 8:17 PM
Just how far are media outlets willing to go to advance a liberal agenda? Well, consider if you will a major wire service changing the picture included in an article about rare snows in Baghdad, Iraq, several days after said article was published. For some background, on Friday, NewsBusters drew attention to an Agence France-Presse article concerning the first snow in Baghdad for at least 100…

Climate Change Blamed for First Baghdad Snows in 100 Years

January 11th, 2008 10:22 AM
Add another item to the growing list of things caused by the liberal bogeyman known as global warming: SNOW!!!I kid you not. For those thinking NewsBusters has fallen prey to a satire, think again, as the following was hysterically logged by Agence France-Presse moments ago (emphasis added throughout, h/t NBer Popular Tech):

Another Hillary Plant Sneaks In Under the MSM Radar

December 7th, 2007 11:35 AM
Director's Note: In my rush to get to a meeting, I neglected to give credit where credit is due.  David G., you are indeed the Man.  -- SM(Yet Another) Smarter Than the MediaAs wily and wary as we have come to know the media to be, the many members of Team Clinton just keep out-Foxing them (apologies for the mention of the Hellish network). In a great many of the media's post-game analyses of the…

Intellectual Property Rights Stripped to Stop Global Warming

December 6th, 2007 12:13 PM
Capitalist democracies around the world should be very concerned about the level of socialism being discussed at the United Nations' climate change meeting in Bali. Not only are international hands being extended to collect funds from countries like the United States in order to help poorer nations deal with a problem that might actually be disappearing since global temperatures peaked in 1998,…

Bush Wrongly Blamed for America’s Non-participation in Kyoto

December 2nd, 2007 11:55 AM
As climate alarmists around the world gather at a tropical resort in Bali to discuss the liberal bogeyman known as global warming, it is a metaphysical certitude green media will cheerlead the event while distorting science and history to blame all the planet's supposed ills on George W. Bush. A fine example of this was a piece posted at Yahoo Friday evening which in its very first paragraph…