
Nets, MSNBC Skip Stephanopoulos’s Donations to the Clinton Foundation

May 14th, 2015 10:54 PM
On the heels of the news Thursday that former Clinton aide and ABC News chief anchor George Stephanopoulos gave a previously-undisclosed $75,000 to the Clinton Foundation, the “big three” of ABC, CBS, and NBC joined MSNBC in making no on-air mention of the newest scandal facing the foundation. As of Thursday night at 10:30 p.m. Eastern, the scandal was mentioned on ten different Fox News Channel…

David Brooks Bashes Ted Cruz: Too Smart, Too Smoothly Insincere

March 30th, 2015 3:51 PM
Tim Russert used to say “If it’s Sunday, it’s Meet the Press.” Of David Brooks, we might joke, “If it’s Friday, Brooks is bashing Ted Cruz.” On both NPR and PBS Friday, the purported conservative-leaning balance to public broadcasting’s natural socialist impulses insisted the problem was that Cruz was just too smart. On NPR’s All Things Considered, the headline for the week-in-politics segment…

Media, Feminists Attempt to Rehab Monica -- and Themselves

March 30th, 2015 6:58 AM
In exploring the blooming career of Monica Lewinsky as an anti-cyberbullying activist, it’s not only Lewinsky that’s trying to rehabilitate or reinvent hereself. It’s also a chance for the liberal media to revise feminist history. See The New York Times, with an article last week “Monica Lewinsky Is Back, But This Time on Her Terms.” Reporter Jessica Bennett lauded Lewinsky for “a biting cultural…

NPR Finds Expert to Hint Cruz Eligibility Not an 'Open-and-Shut Case'

March 24th, 2015 4:22 PM

The birther issue is back. No, not the Obama birther crazies; the Ted Cruz birther crazies. In an interview with National Public Radio (NPR) on Monday's All Things Considered, Sarah Duggin of the Catholic University of America’s Columbus School of Law claimed that Ted Cruz’s eligibility for the Presidency is not “an open-and-shut case” because “we don’t know precisely what the framers of the…

NPR Boosts Obama's Green Energy Order, Leaves No Room For Critics

March 20th, 2015 4:01 PM
NPR's Scott Horsley carried water for the Obama administration on Thursday's All Things Considered as he covered the President's green energy executive order. All of Horsley's soundbites during the segment came from the Democratic chief executive and two boosters of his latest environmental policy. True to form, the slanted NPR correspondent failed to include any criticism of the order in his…

NPR Anchor Roasts Sen. Flake With Biden's Critique of GOP Iran Letter

March 13th, 2015 7:09 PM
On Tuesday's All Things Considered, NPR White House correspondent Scott Horsley gave Sen. Tom Cotton just 26 words to express a conservative view: "The point we're making to Iran's leaders is that if Congress doesn't approve a deal, Congress won't accept a deal, now or in the future." NPR was more interested in plumbing the small minority of Republicans who did not sign the open letter to…

NPR Showcases Cleveland Abortion Clinic, Skips Woman Who Died There

March 7th, 2015 4:24 PM
NPR aired a story on how "abortion restrictions complicate access for Ohio women." Jennifer Ludden focused on a Cleveland abortion clinic called Preterm. Abortion advocates complained that pro-lifers were making abortions more dangerous with their restrictions. Nowhere in this story did NPR ever notify their national audience that Lakisha Wilson died from complications caused in the Preterm…

NPR Uses Child Reporter as 'Torchbearer of Gender Fluidity'

March 6th, 2015 2:11 PM
The taxpayer-funded propaganda about libertine-left concepts like “gender fluidity” just keeps spewing at National Public Radio. On Thursday night’s All Things Considered, anchor Melissa Block promised a one-sided piece on children who rebel against their gender “assigned at birth.” Polls show a surprising number of young people are willing to ignore nagging scientific truth altogether on gender…

NPR Boosts British Group Blaming UK Govt. For ISIS's 'Jihadi John'

March 5th, 2015 6:21 PM
On Wednesday's All Things Considered, NPR's Ari Shapiro spotlighted Cage, a British organization that ran to the defense of "Jihadi John," the ISIS member who infamously beheaded several hostages on video. Shaprio slanted toward Cage by playing four soundbites from two talking heads from the organization, as well as a clip from the terrorist himself, who has been identified as Mohammed Emwazi.

'Illegal' Aliens? Media Outlets Say 'Undocumented' or 'Unauthorized'

February 18th, 2015 10:59 PM
Although a Texas judge issuing an injunction against Obama’s “executive action” on illegal immigrants came late Monday, national newspapers all put that ruling on the front page on Wednesday. Some headlines buried the judge. USA Today had “Obama immigration plan blocked.” The Wall Street Journal ran with “Obama Dealt Setback on Immigration.” None of the headlines mentioned “illegal” immigrants.…

NPR Admits: Jon Stewart Audience 10-to-1 Liberal to Conservative

February 13th, 2015 2:57 PM
NPR’s All Things Considered was surprisingly honest on Wednesday night about Jon Stewart’s departure from The Daily Show. Stewart was credited for “influencing the way a generation of young people, especially liberals, view the news and politics.” Correspondent Don Gonyea admitted the president of the College Democrats “sees Jon Stewart as being on her side” and cited research that shows Stewart…

On PBS and NPR, David Brooks Mocks 'Foxification' of the House GOP

January 19th, 2015 7:36 PM
New York Times columnist David Brooks shows up every Friday on NPR and PBS to sound very moderate in the microphones, which usually means taking an immoderate swipe at conservatives. On both All Things Considered and the NewsHour on Friday, he slammed House conservatives by associating them with Fox News and their fans. On PBS, Brooks compared to the House vote to block funding for Obama’s…

Top Papers Bury Team Obama's Admission of Error on Paris Rally

January 13th, 2015 5:44 PM
The nation’s leading newspapers couldn’t be bothered with the controversy over Team Obama's no-show at the huge Paris "unity" rally on Monday morning, and then buried it on Tuesday. The Washington Post and The New York Times noticed France didn't seem to care. NPR reporter Mara Liasson arrived on the story, but underlined "it's probably not that big a deal."

NYT Story on German ‘Anti-Islam’ March Fails to Interview Anyone There

January 13th, 2015 4:57 PM
In the Tuesday print edition of The New York Times, an article appeared on A11 about the “anti-Islam” and “anti-immigration rally in Germany” that took place in Dresden on Monday and, in addition to trashing their position, reporter Melissa Eddy failed to interview or quote any of the over 20,000 demonstrators.  Over course of the 650 word plus article, Eddy instead included quotes from Germany’…