NPR Brings Along Dirty-Joking 'Token Mormon' to Offer Approval of Sout

March 27th, 2011 7:33 AM
Just like ABC making Jake Tapper drama critic for a day, NPR sent reporter Robert Smith to view and honor the new musical The Book of Mormon for All Things Considered. Anchor Robert Siegel began: "The show was not written or endorsed by the church. It is a searing comedy from the team behind South Park. NPR's Robert Smith reports that the production is probably the most offensive, yet sweetest…

NPR Slants 7 to 2 Towards Backers of Federal Funding of Public Broadca

March 25th, 2011 5:46 PM
On Thursday's All Things Considered, NPR's Jim Zarroli vouched for continuing federal funding of public broadcasting by lining up seven sound bites from three supporters of the medium, versus only two from opponents. The supporters all hyped the dire effects if tax dollars no longer went to public TV and radio. Zarroli also completely avoided any mention of NPR's longstanding reputation for…

George Soros Funded NPR in October 2000 -- For a Documentary on the 'T

March 17th, 2011 5:22 PM
Matthew Boyle at the Daily Caller offered more Thursday on how NPR director of institutional giving Betsy Liley discussed with the fake Muslim front group MEAC how George Soros decided to obscure his large donation to NPR by opting against on-air announcements of his $1.8 million gift to place reporters in every state capital (perhaps complete with medical-marijuana information brochures).…

NPR's Michele Norris Wonders if U.S. Can 'Afford' a Job-Creating Tax H

March 16th, 2011 11:52 AM
NPR's Michele Norris expressed the liberal skepticism of any tax incentive to spur job growth on Tuesday's All Things Considered during an interview of Intel CEO Paul Otellini. Otellini proposed a tax holiday for any company that built a new factory in the U.S. Norris replied, "Can this country afford that right now?" The host asked the CEO about job creation near the end of her interview.…

NPR's 'Arts' Coverage Includes Celebrating Castro-Loving Communist Fol

March 15th, 2011 8:01 AM
Conservatives agree that public broadcasting no longer needs federal funding. But McCain Republicans are hunting for strange compromises. Former McCain 2000/2008 adviser Kevin Hassett wrote for Bloomberg that NPR and PBS news is wrong-headed, but not its arts and education initiatives (like Big Bird): "Public radio and television, then, are defensible to the extent that they serve the public…

NPR Celebrates Pakistani Lesbians -- Courtesy of CPB and the NEA

January 20th, 2011 8:48 AM
On Monday's Morning Edition, National Public Radio offered the latest entry in its year-long series "The Hidden World of Girls," which is subsidized by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and the National Endowment for the Arts. Naturally, any series with this title might disappoint if it didn't explore lesbians in Islamic countries, in this case, Pakistan. Apparently, though, the…

NPR Contributor Heaves Sigh of 'Brown Relief' That Tucson Shooter Was

January 13th, 2011 5:38 PM
It had to come eventually. National Public Radio simply could not keep from using Saturday's Tucson massacre to do some race-baiting and to bash Arizona's attempts to control its souther border. NPR brought on Daisy Hernandez, former editor of ColorLines magazine, on Wednesday to express her "brown relief [that] the Tucson killer turned out to be a gringo" (h/t tipster sic721).

Eric Holder's World Cup Soccer Blackout

December 12th, 2010 11:32 PM
After the debacle that was the high-profile Oprah-and-Michelle-Obama politicking in Copenhagen to get the Summer Olympics in Chicago in 2016, it might not be surprising that the networks weren't heavily tracking the U.S. bid to attract the World Cup soccer tournament for 2022. (You could argue that U.S. sports fans are much more indifferent to the World Cup than to the Olympics.) The American…

Bozell Column: Glorifying 'Great' Liberal Judges

November 30th, 2010 10:13 PM
America was founded on the principle of representative democracy: the government would make policy based on the consent of the governed. Liberal elitists have grown increasingly impatient with this unenlightened system, and more and more, they are relying on judicial activists to remake society in their desired image. Far from being tribunes of the people, these judges are honored by the media…

NPR's Nina Totenberg Paints Ultraliberal Justice as 'Far More Conserva

November 28th, 2010 9:15 AM
It was apparently such a slow news weekend that NPR seemed like it was recycling. Legal correspondent Nina Totenberg dedicated a report on Friday night's All Things Considered to the ultraliberal Supreme Court justice William Brennan, publicizing a biography that's been out for eight weeks. She touted his "incredible" legacy: For those not familiar with Brennan's incredible record, let us…

NPR Singles Out FNC for 'Nazi' Remarks, Ignores Litany of Bush/Fox-Naz

November 22nd, 2010 12:42 PM
National Public Radio is right to defend itself against charges of Nazism leveled at the radio station by Fox News chief Roger Ailes, who has since apologized for the remark. But NPR decided to make the leap from defending the station to attacking Fox News as uniquely disposed to Nazi comparisons, an absurd claim on its face. There are commentators on both sides of the political spectrum who…

NPR's Dirty Campaigners of the Week: 'Conservative Bloggers' Push 'Bol

November 21st, 2010 7:48 AM
The U.S. Catholic bishops' conference disappointed liberals this week by choosing a leader who agreed with the bishops' campaign this year against pro-abortion provisions in ObamaCare. On Tuesday night's All Things Considered, NPR religion reporter Barbara Bradley Hagerty reported the expected moderate winner was apparently smeared by “conservative Catholic bloggers” for being too close to the…

Gay Sunday: NPR Celebrates 'Protestant Royalty' Coming Out of the Clos

November 15th, 2010 8:46 AM
On Sunday night's All Things Considered newscast, NPR anchor Guy Raz celebrated “Protestant royalty” coming out of the closet. Bishop Jim Swilley of a megachurch appropriately called The Church in the Now decided to reveal his sexual orientation because of the burst of gay-bullying publicity. Former CNN reporter Raz welcomed the change and how it must have been “incredibly liberating” to be…

NPR on the Bush Book: He Bungled the Budget, and Did We Mention the Dr

November 14th, 2010 10:38 PM
Perhaps obviously, George W. Bush didn't grant an interview around his memoir Decision Points to National Public Radio, since they described his presidency daily as the Triumph of the Dark Side. But when they touched on the new book, the hostility was still there.On Tuesday's Morning Edition, Don Gonyea, who covered the White House for most of Bush's presidency offer a brief summary of Bush's…