Leftist Media Mourn 'Cultural Appropriation' of the Dead at Super Bowl

February 6th, 2018 4:53 PM
While the Super Bowl had no hint of a national-anthem protest, liberals still found something to be angry about – “cultural appropriation” of two famous black men. Washington Post reporting intern Sonia Rao began: “In 2018, we heard Martin Luther King Jr speak and saw Prince perform during the Supreme Bowl....Both instances sparked immediate backlash online.” NPR implied that somehow you can't…

NPR: Nunes Memo a 'Strange Episode' of GOP Attacking 'Law and Order'

February 3rd, 2018 7:28 AM
On NPR’s All Things Considered on Friday night, anchor Mary Louise Kelly dismissed the whole thing as a “strange episode” where the Republicans, “the party of law and order, [was] attacking the bureau charged with enforcing law and order in this country.” Somehow, it’s not a “strange episode” that NPR is sticking up for the integrity of the FBI, when just days ago, they were reminding listeners…

NPR Lets Maroon 5 Member Compare Christians Backing Trump to Slavery

January 29th, 2018 10:04 PM
On Sunday, NPR host Michel Martin interviewed Maroon 5 keyboardist P.J. Morton on his solo record and a song that “caught my ear” called “Religion.” The lyrics included: “I don't think I like your religion. Don't always make the best decisions. Not saying you don't have good intentions. I know that you are only human.” Of course, this song was about evangelicals and Donald Trump, and somehow,…

Righty on NPR: Top Immigrants 'Treated Worse Than the Tsarnaev Family'

January 14th, 2018 9:29 PM
In the midst of reports of the president’s unfortunate reference to immigration from “s---hole” countries, the PBS NewsHour analysts were agreeing with each other on everything on Friday, but NPR’s Week in Review segment brought listeners an actual debate. Conservative Orange County Register columnist John Phillips was back to shock NPR snobs with a pro-Trump set of arguments. 

Surprise: NPR Spotlights Pro-Life Outreach To Abortion Clinic Workers

January 13th, 2018 11:17 PM
NPR's All Things Considered on Thursday zeroed in on a pro-life organization that tries to get the employees of abortion facilities to end their participation in the killing of unborn babies. Despite the surprising attention on former Planned Parenthood manager Abby Johnson and her group, And Then There Were None, the public radio program still inserted slanted language into their report. Sarah…

Even a Liberal Admits Media Overlooked the Crushing of ISIS in 2017

December 30th, 2017 3:22 PM
NPR's Friday night broadcast of All Things Considered offered two younger pundits in their Week in Review segment -- on the left, Vox editor and co-founder Matthew Yglesias and on the right, Rachael Larimore of The Weekly Standard. Both were critical of Trump and professed some shock and fatigue at how Trump dominates the news. But when anchor Ari Shapiro asked about overlooked stories of 2017,…

NPR Promotes Leftist 'Fortress America' Author...Her Son Works at NPR

December 18th, 2017 7:07 AM
National Public Radio attacked conservatism again on Sunday night’s All Things Considered by promoting leftist author Elaine Tyler May and her new book Fortress America: How We Embraced Fear and Abandoned Democracy. May contends that conservatives have promoted un-factual fears like the communist threat and violent crime to gain power. At interview’s end, they disclosed that May’s son Michael is…

NPR Anchor Protests: We Weren't Openly Biased Like Jorge Ramos!

November 11th, 2017 9:31 PM
Even when conservatives express their view that any adult male who seeks out underage girls is a "pervert," they will still be questioned for suggesting the liberal media has a partisan tilt. National Public Radio has been rotating some fresh conservative pundits on their Week in Review segments on Friday nights, and Orange County Register columnist John Phillips said things that David Brooks…

NPR Bows and Laughs with Disgraced Dan Rather

November 4th, 2017 11:09 AM
When liberal journalists lecture us about how much more they revere quality reporting than we do,  just observe how they treat disgraced Dan Rather. On Friday night's All Things Considered, NPR anchor Ari Shapiro treated Rather as the closest thing we have to the Cronkite Myth, the national anchor of our patriotism. 

Northam Camp Deny Approving Race-Baiting Ad; Column Shows Otherwise

November 2nd, 2017 5:44 PM
Every day that goes by continues to generate more controversy for Ralph Northam, the Democratic candidate for governor of Virginia, regarding a minute-long commercial that attempts to portray Republicans in the Old Dominion as race-baiting, Confederate flag-waving villains.

NPR Hypes GOP Immigration Ads, Skips Over Sleazy Va. Democrat Ad

November 1st, 2017 9:27 PM
Even though few political campaigns are underway this year, the gubernatorial contests in New Jersey and Virginia have drawn the attention of the All Things Considered weekday program on the liberal, taxpayer-funded National Public Radio network. Host Ari Shapiro began a segment on Tuesday, October 31, by stating: “The Republican candidates in both of these states have released attack ads…

NPR Hypes New Star Trek Series' Nod To 'Diversity'; Jabs At Trump

September 26th, 2017 4:56 PM
NPR's Eric Deggans fawned over the "triumph" of the new TV series, Star Trek: Discovery, on Monday's All Things Considered. Despite his praise for the "diversity" in this latest installment in the sci-fi franchise, Deggans still managed to jab at it from the left by noting that "it was odd as a black man to see the bad guy T'Kuvma and many of his followers were the darkest-colored Klingons we've…

NPR Targets Trump, Cruz Over Hurricane Harvey Recovery Funding

August 30th, 2017 8:10 PM
Tuesday's All Things Considered on NPR aired two segments that took shots at President Donald Trump and Senator Ted Cruz's handling of the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey. Both reports featured talking heads from liberal organizations, but didn't explicitly mention their ideological stance. By contast, the segments clearly identified specific individual and groups as "conservative." 

PBS, NPR Bury Their Poll Results on BLM, Antifa, Statues (Correction)

August 20th, 2017 7:03 AM

Taxpayer-funded PBS and NPR are now in the polling business with Marist College, and like the other networks, their polls are often used to support putting heat on Republicans. On Wednesday, they announced they had found a majority of Americans were disappointed with the president’s responsive to the violence in Charlottesville. PBS then ignored their own finding that 62 percent favored…