David Brooks: Trump Team Are 'Headbanger Guns N' Roses Conservatives'

November 26th, 2016 8:07 PM
On their Friday Week in Politics segment on National Public Radio’s All Things Considered newscast, they discussed just how “ultraconservative” the early Trump cabinet picks are.  No one eight years ago discussed how “ultraliberal” Barack Obama’s administration would get.  But New York Times columnist David Brooks at least made this discussion of extremism amusing  by suggesting Trumpians were “…

NPR's Fox-Bashing Media Reporter Delights in 'Kelly File' Fight

October 27th, 2016 9:46 PM
NPR’s media correspondent David Folkenflik loves to report negative stories about Fox News, over and over again. Since July 6, he’s filed 16 negative reports on Fox News and the sexual-harassment lawsuits, leading to the departure of longtime boss Roger Ailes. The least surprising story on Wednesday night’s All Things Considered was Folkenflik enjoying the Tuesday night Fox News fight between…

David Brooks: Trump's a Pig, Hillary's Like a Small Poetry Magazine

September 3rd, 2016 11:01 PM
On the Friday “Week in Politics” segment on NPR’s All Things Considered, liberal columnist E.J.  Dionne and “conservative” columnist David Brooks were as usual in agreement. Anchor Ari Shapiro asked about the FBI document-dump on their interview with Hillary about her private e-mail server. Dionne regurgitated the Hillary spin that these notes only underlined why FBI director James Comey…

NPR: Clinton Rape Claim 'Old News,' But Priest Abuse Charges Never Age

August 25th, 2016 9:05 PM
“It's important to say right up front that this isn't a story about pedophile priests,” began the NPR reporter on Wednesday night....in a story with the online headline “Catholic Church Groups Fight Bills To Revive Old Sex Abuse Cases.” Some legislators want to put in a "grace period" for new sex-abuse lawsuits outside the statute of limitations. The people who call their show All Things…

NPR Lectures Selfish Moms For Having Kids in 'Age of Climate Change'

August 19th, 2016 3:36 PM
“Should We Be Having Kids In The Age of Climate Change?” That was the audacious question NPR’s website and “All Things Considered” radio show asked on Aug. 18, as it promoted a college professor’s “radical” proposal that people need to have fewer children because of the “prospect of climate catastrophe.”

NPR Honors 'Pakistan's Mother Teresa' ....But Trashed the Original One

July 10th, 2016 4:00 PM
NPR.org published an article on Friday headlined “Abdul Sattar Edhi, Known As 'Pakistan's Mother Teresa,' Dies At 88.” Edhi was a Muslim man, not a Catholic nun, so...NPR didn’t run around looking for his harshest critics as they did for Mother Teresa in 1997. Charity was a "central tenet of Islam," NPR reported this week, but they turned to leftist Christopher Hitchens in 1997 to decry Mother…

NPR Gushes Over Transgender Kid Acting As 'Teacher' to Neighbors

June 2nd, 2016 5:43 PM
Wednesday's All Things Considered on NPR touted an eight-year-old boy who now dresses as a girl serving as an "educator" of sorts about transgenderism — first to his parents, and later to his neighbors and classmates. Correspondent Johnny Kauffman of Georgia affiliate WABE played up how "the city of Kennesaw, where the [boy's] family lives, is in one of the most conservative congressional…

'Beacon' of Freedom? NPR Celebrates First Muslim Mayor of London

May 8th, 2016 7:57 PM
NPR announced on Saturday night that London elected “the first Muslim mayor of a major Western capital city.”  His name is Sadiq Khan, the son of Pakistani immigrants, and he is now one of the most powerful members of the Labour Party. On Wednesday night’s All Things Considered, NPR brought London Evening Standard city hall editor Pippa Crerar to gush all over the prospect of Khan’s election as…

How Socialist Is NPR? Celebrating 'Unapologetic Idealist' Eugene Debs

May 6th, 2016 6:56 AM
How left-wing is NPR?  On Monday, it unspooled this opener: “It will be Indiana's turn tomorrow to vote in the presidential primaries, and that gives us the opportunity to remember one of the state's most famous politicians.” Dan Quayle? Birch Bayh? President Benjamin Harrison? Nope. “Eugene V. Debs ran for president as a Socialist five times in the early 1900s, once in 1920 from prison.” The…

David Brooks: At Least Trump Crushed 'Dying Husk' of Reaganism in GOP

March 30th, 2016 8:14 AM
David Brooks, the fake conservative half of public broadcasting on Friday – the one day they pretend to let conservatives on the taxpayer-funded airwaves – forecast on Friday's All Things Considered on NPR that Donald Trump has done one positive thing – destroyed the “dying husk” of obsolete Reaganism in the Republican Party. Naturally, his liberal radio counterpart E.J. Dionne agreed, hoping for…

Ex-NY Times Editor: I'm Against 'Loaded Language' in Trump Stories

March 6th, 2016 5:10 PM
It's not every day that your hear a leader of the liberal media declare that they oppose "loaded language" in news stories, especially in The New York Times. On Wednesday's All Things Considered, NPR media reporter David Folkenflik explored how lefty sites like Buzzfeed and The Huffington Post openly declare Donald Trump is a liar, racist, and xenophobe. Former Times executive editor Jill…

Pro-Abort Activists Freak Out Over Pro-Lifers on NY Times Front Page

March 3rd, 2016 5:07 PM
Radical feminists turned against the liberal New York Times, after the above-the-fold picture on the front page of Thursday's edition featured three pro-life women. The trio were picketing in front of the Supreme Court on Wednesday. One held a sign which read, "I Am A Prolife Feminist." Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards posted on Twitter, "@NYTimes forgot to take photos of the 3k folks…

NPR Ditz: Kiss from Castro Brother Like 'Blessing of the Holy Trinity'

February 29th, 2016 4:04 PM
Penny Starr at CNSNews.com found an appalling example of journalistic fawning over the Castro brothers of communist Cuba on All Things Considered, the evening newscast of taxpayer-subsidized National Public Radio. Ramon Castro, the older brother of Fidel and Raul Castro, died last week at age 91, and she recounted how he kissed her cheeks three times, one for each Castro brother. "It was kind of…

Bozell & Graham Column: White Rapper Confesses 'White Privilege'

February 6th, 2016 8:00 AM
Macklemore is the stage name of a white rapper from Seattle named Ben Haggerty. He and his publicists are currently trying to convince the hip-hop press and the music media to notice the greatness of his new nine-minute song “White Privilege II.” He raps: “White supremacy isn't just a white dude in Idaho. White supremacy protects the privilege I hold. White supremacy is the soil, the foundation…