
MSNBC's Hayes Uses Palestinian Video Israel Disputed as 'Fabricated'

April 5th, 2018 5:16 PM
On Wednesday's All In show, MSNBC host Chris Hayes used video allegedly showing Palestinians being fired on by Israeli troops while praying to bolster his commentary in which he complained that President Donald Trump did not confront Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu about the military actions. Unlike FNC or PBS, Hayes did not mention that the video has been disputed by the IDF as staged…

Anti-Gun Teen to MSNBC: ‘We Are the Moral Conscience of This Country'

March 28th, 2018 5:06 PM
Even though the March for Our Lives happened over the weekend, the liberals at MSNBC continued to provide students with opportunities to promote gun-control policies on Monday, when All In host Chris Hayes asked Maryland teenager Matt Post why people should listen to him and other student activists. “Because we are the moral conscience of this country,” the guest readily asserted before claiming…

MSNBC Gave Flynn’s Lie 18 Times More Coverage Than McCabe’s

March 15th, 2018 7:18 PM
NewsBusters analyzed MSNBC’s coverage of the first eight hours that followed after both the Flynn and McCabe stories broke. Within these designated periods, the network spent a total of 379 minutes (78.9 percent of the full eight hours) discussing Flynn’s alleged transgression, but only 21 minutes (4.4 percent) on McCabe’s, amounting to roughly 18 times more coverage of Flynn.

MSNBC's Hayes Mistakes All Semi-Automatic Rifles for 'Assault Rifles'

February 23rd, 2018 8:26 PM
On Thursday's All In show, MSNBC host Chris Hayes tried to correct Florida Republican Senator Marco Rubio's assertion that most Americans would oppose a general ban on semi-automatic rifles, but the self-described liberal caricature instead demonstrated that he is uninformed about guns as he assumed that the term "assault rifle," that is used by gun control advocates, refers to all semi-automatic…

Media Push Debunked Myth That Trump Urged Execution of Innocent Teens

February 15th, 2018 1:41 PM
After President Donald Trump last week called for "due process" for former White House aide Rob Porter after accusations that he abused both his ex-wives, the dominant liberal media responded by again resurrecting discredited claims that Trump lobbied for the execution of the Central Park Five who were accused of raping a jogger in 1989. In fact, according to a transcript recently posted in Nexis…

Johnson: 'Terrorist Sympathizer' Trump Is Danger' to Minorities

January 12th, 2018 7:28 PM
On the Thursday edition of MSNBC's All In, The Root's politics editor and MSNBC contributor Jason Johnson demonstrated how difficult it is for liberal commentators to settle for giving sober criticism and avoid going into over the top hysterics when when reacting to President Donald Trump making incendiary comments that are actually worthy of rebuke. During a discussion of Trump reportedly…

Jen Rubin: Republicans 'Betrayed Their Country' by Defending Trump

January 5th, 2018 11:30 AM
Appearing as a guest on Thursday's All In with Chris Hayes, Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin declared that Republicans who have defended President Donald Trump "have really betrayed their country." She went on to similarly assert that Republicans in Congress "seriously are doing a grave injustice to the country."

MSNBC Analyst: Trump's Sexual Insecurities Threaten to Kill Us All

January 3rd, 2018 12:08 PM
Amateur psychoanalysis of Donald Trump is a constant theme of “objective” reporting these days, but MSNBC went Full Freud on Tuesday night’s All In, with MSNBC analyst Anand Giridharadas insisting we might all die at any minute because Trump’s “profound sexual and masculine insecurities are literally threatening to annihilate the planet.”  MSNBC surely considers this paranoid analysis a “…

NYT's Goldberg Likens GOP Tax Cut to 'Post-Soviet Kleptocracy'

December 20th, 2017 12:35 PM
On Tuesday's All In show on MSNBC, during a discussion of Congress passing the Republican tax cuts, New York Times columnist and frequent MSNBC guest Michelle Goldberg likened the plan to "post-Soviet kleptocracy" and asserted that it amounts to "stealing from the the rest of us, stealing from the majority." She went on to call it an "insult" to both the poor and elderly, and predicted that "this…

Hayes Slams 'Extremely Provocative Move' of U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem

December 6th, 2017 1:02 PM
On Tuesday's All In show on MSNBC, host Chris Hayes and Republican-leaning MSNBC contributor Steve Schmidt were beside themselves over President Donald Trump's expected announcement that he would finally break with past Presidents and abide by the 1995 law calling for the U.S. embassy in Tel Aviv to be moved to Jerusalem.

MSNBC Guest Laments Small States Having a Large Voice in U.S. Senate

December 1st, 2017 3:48 PM
On the Thursday edition of MSNBC’s All In, guest and longtime American Enterprise Institute scholar Norm Ornstein showed his elitist disdain for the Founding Fathers and our constitutional government, bemoaning how less than half the U.S. population has a “super majority or close to it” in the U.S. Senate. 

Jane Fonda: ‘Ridiculous’ For Conservatives to Criticize Hollywood

October 26th, 2017 3:20 PM
Hollywood is one of the greatest cesspools of hypocrisy in America. So of course, hypocrites gonna …, well, you know. On October 25, Jane Fonda and Gloria Steinem were guests on All In With Chris Hayes on MSNBC to discuss sexual predator Harvey Weinstein, as well as their own foundation, the Women’s Media Center. But the two geriatric feminists couldn’t resist enforcing the race narrative and…

CNN's Rye Claims Trump Targeting Waters, Wilson Because They Are Black

October 24th, 2017 8:55 PM
On Monday's CNN Tonight, CNN political commentator Angela Rye was the latest liberal analyst to claim that President Donald Trump disproportionately targets black women for ridicule. And on Friday, CNN commentator John Avlon similarly suggested Trump was targeting black women. Even though, as previously noted by NewsBusters, there are many white men and white women who have also been attacked by…

Reid Wrongly Claims More Anti-Obama Threats, Lauded as 'Intellectual'

September 30th, 2017 9:56 PM
Appearing as a guest on Friday's All In with Chris Hayes, far-left MSNBC host Joy Reid was spreading misinformation to viewers as she claimed that President Barack Obama "had more threats against him than any President" even though the claim was discredited years ago. And, on her own show on Saturday's AM Joy, liberal guest Frank Schaeffer laughably lauded her as a "great public intellectual."