
Joy Reid Guest: Stop 'Zombie' Trump Supporters from 'Infecting' Others

February 16th, 2019 11:52 AM

On Joy Reid's MSNBC show today, guest Elie Mystal called supporters of President Trump "idiots" and "zombies," saying "we have to stop them from infecting everybody else." He elaborated on his ugly message at the end of his rant, saying: "we have to cauterize the wound that is Donald Trump and his supporters, and worry about the people who aren't infected yet."


Joy Reid Annoyed at Third Party Bid That Could Harm Dems in 2020

February 10th, 2019 7:03 PM
"Sudden Respect" is our NewsBusters topic category for situations in which the liberal media suddenly lavishes praise on a conservative because he is now criticizing fellow Republicans or conservatives.  Maybe we need a new category: "Sudden Disrespect," to cover cases in which the MSM turns on a Democrat who dares to not march in liberal lockstep. Joy Reid provided a perfect example of the…

MSNBC Guest Slams 'White Supremacist,' 'Half-Witted' Fox Host

February 10th, 2019 6:35 PM
On Sunday's AM Joy on MSNBC, frequent guest Tiffany Cross of The Beat D.C. decried President Donald Trump and Fox News host Laura Ingraham as "two white supremacists," called Ingraham and her viewers "half-wits," and excoriated Trump's "ignorant" supporters, calling them a "national emergency."

MSNBC's Johnson to VA Dems: To Thwart GOP, 'Back Off' Resignations

February 9th, 2019 1:21 PM
What a difference a week makes! Last Sunday on AM Joy, MSNBC contributor Jason Johnson accused Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam of "arrogance" for refusing to resign. Railed Johnson: "he caused this problem on his own, and the best way to save his party would be for him to leave." But now that scandals have engulfed Virginia's Dem lieutenant governor and attorney general, Johnson has changed his tune…

Weekend CNN, MSNBC Spend Over 53 Minutes Trying to Smear KY Students

January 21st, 2019 3:43 PM
Between Saturday morning and Sunday night, CNN and MSNBC spent 53 minutes and 20 seconds on the fallout from Friday's confrontation between Covington High School students in Washington for the March for Life, a Native American veteran named Nathan Phillips, and the Black Israelites. 29 of those minutes came before anyone realized that perhaps things weren’t as they wanted it to appear. Of course…

MSNBC: Buzzfeed's Been Debunked, but Something Could Still Turn Up!

January 19th, 2019 3:12 PM

On Joy Reid's show, MSNBC legal analyst Maya Wiley says that although the Buzzfeed allegation that President Trump ordered Michael Cohen to lie about Russian collusion has been debunked by the Mueller investigation: "what we are hearing in this does not mean that we know that there won't in the future be corroborated evidence of Donald Trump having knowledge of and in some way being part of…


Joy Reid: Wall Won't Stop Drugs—'Traffickers Can Get on a Plane'

January 6th, 2019 11:13 AM
On her MSNBC show, in an early bid for 2019's most inane piece of political punditry, Joy Reid claims that a wall would be ineffective in halting the smuggling of drugs into the US because "people who are drug traffickers can get on a plane and come."

NB Year in Review: Journalists Exhibiting Trump Derangement Syndrome

December 26th, 2018 8:00 AM

This week, NewsBusters is recounting the most obnoxious liberal bias of 2018. Today, it’s a look at the media’s Trump Derangement Syndrome as we present the most over-the-top attacks on President Donald Trump. When he wasn’t being compared to tyrants like Benito Mussolini, he was being branded a traitor who sold out America to Vladimir Putin. And of course he was repeatedly tarred as a hateful…


MSNBC: Trump's Base Is 'Scared of Anyone Who Is Not Visibly White'

December 18th, 2018 6:37 PM
During Sunday’s AM Joy, host Joy Reid and her panel took shots at White House adviser Stephen Miller, President Trump and his base for their “radical” views on immigration. The panel ultimately concluded that “Trump and his base are in a closed universe” and that “his base is scared of anyone who is not visibly white.”

MSNBC Uses Obama-Era Video to Claim Trump Denies Water to Illegals

December 16th, 2018 11:27 PM
Following the lead of MSNBC anchor Lawrence O'Donnell from Friday night, host Joy Reid on both Saturday and Sunday cited video dating back to the Barack Obama era as evidence that, under President Donald Trump, the U.S. Border Patrol destroys water supplies left in the desert for illegal immigrants, thus putting them at greater risk of dehydration.

Joy Reid's Racial Test: Democrats 'Can't Run Two White Guys' in 2020

December 16th, 2018 1:15 PM
Joy Reid guest Jason Johnson warns: "I've heard plenty of black women say, if there's not a black woman on this ticket, I'm not voting." And Reid declares that the Democrats: "can't run two white guys," warning that "women are going to be outraged," and "voters of color are going to say: well, then why are we participating?"

Joy Reid Show: Ivanka in 'Crosshairs,' Go After Her to Get Trump

December 15th, 2018 11:23 AM

MSNBC host Joy Reid and guest Elie Mystal on Saturday openly connived about the best way to "get to" Trump. They concluded that it would be to "go after" Ivanka. Gloated Mystal: "this is the first time that we have Ivanka . . . in the crosshairs . . . The only way we're really going to get to Trump is if you go after his kids . . . And this [going after Ivanka] could be the way to do it."


Rubin: Dems Should Hold Hearings on 'Domestic, Right-Wing Terrorism'

December 11th, 2018 6:51 PM
During Sunday’s AM Joy, fill-in host Jonathan Capehart and his panel discussed yet another tweet from President Trump dubbing the news media as the "enemy of the people" with Capehart arguing that Trump's tweet has “real world consequences,” referring to a bomb threat that forced the evacuation of CNN headquarters hours after the President sent out that tweet.

MSNBCer Appears to Suggest Taking Trump's Citizenship [UPDATED]

December 8th, 2018 11:28 AM
To offer a different interpretation, reader WKRP took the view that McQuade was not suggesting that President Trump be stripped of his citizenship, but that he be removed from office if he obtained the presidency via fraud. If indeed that's what McQuade meant, she found a roundabout means of saying so. But this writer acknowledges this as a plausible alternative interpretation of her remark.