Joy Reid Sued Over Claim Trump Supporter Slammed Boy With Racist Slurs

September 27th, 2018 6:48 AM
MSNBC host Joy Reid has learned the hard way what can happen when a person is in too much of a hurry to spread allegations about someone else before checking if those accusations are true. Roslyn La Liberte, a California woman who Reid claimed shouted racial slurs at a Latino teen during a heated public meeting on immigration in June, filed a defamation suit against Reid in federal court in New…

Joy Reid Guest: 'Claim' Against Kavanaugh Sufficient to Force Him Out

September 22nd, 2018 12:57 PM
C'mon, Kavanaugh, why won't you walk the plank? After all, someone has made a "claim" against you. That, in a nutshell, was the complaint of a guest on Joy Reid's MSNBC show this morning. Said Maya Wiley: "Douglas Ginsburg was the person that was nominated by Reagan, after Bork got borked. Within a matter of days, he was honest about marijuana use, and had to step down. But a claim of sexual…

Jennifer Rubin: Trump 'Killed' the Puerto Rico Hurricane Victims

September 15th, 2018 4:52 PM
On Joy Reid's MSNBC show, commenting on President Trump's disputing of the Puerto Rico death toll, Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin says: "Donald Trump has killed those people twice. Once through neglect in oversight, and secondly, disgracing [sic] that they died at all."

Joy Reid: Keeping Illegal-Alien Families Together Is a 'Gulag'

September 9th, 2018 8:09 PM
On Saturday's AM Joy on MSNBC, Joy Reid hosted a panel that was predictably not happy with the Trump administration's plan to keep illegal immigrant families together until their court cases are concluded as Reid claimed that the detention centers would amount to a "gulag." And correspondent Mariana Atencio seemed to blame the U.S. for the "humanitarian problems" in Latin America, including her…

Johnson Slams Fox for Covering Tibbetts; Racism a 'White People Prob'

August 25th, 2018 5:56 PM
On Saturday's AM Joy, during a discussion of President Donald Trump's recent tweet on South African efforts to expropriate more land from white farmers, MSNBC contributor Jason Johnson managed to squeeze in a complaint about Fox News daring to cover the discovery of murder victim Mollie Tibbett's body on the same day as breaking news on Paul Manafort's legal problems. In fact, Fox News Channel…

Ex-MSNBC's Toure: U.S. 'Is a White Supremacist Country'

August 19th, 2018 6:04 PM
Appearing as a guest on Saturday's AM Joy, former MSNBC host Toure Neblett claimed that the United States "is a white supremacist country" as he discussed whether President Donald Trump is a racist with fill-in host Al Sharpton and Virginia Republican Senate nominee Corey Stewart. Neblett also hyperbolically declared that President Donald Trump "stands on black people's necks."

Pelosi Accuses NBC of Trying to ‘Undermine My Prospects as Speaker’

August 13th, 2018 5:13 PM
It’s not unusual to hear a prominent politician accusing NBC News of bias. However, when that politician is Democratic House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and she’s accusing NBC of bias while appearing on MSNBC, it stands out. She made the claim on Sunday’s AM Joy, laughably arguing that the friendly broadcast network was out to get her.

CNN, MSNBC Slam Ingraham Commentary as 'White Supremacist'

August 13th, 2018 5:12 PM
For much of the day on Friday and into the weekend, various hosts on both CNN and MSNBC were hard at work smearing Fox News host Laura Ingraham as someone who uses her show to promote "racist" and "white supremacist" views as they reacted to a commentary she gave on The Ingraham Angle show in which she advocated for merit-based immigration and lamented dramatic "massive demographic" changes.

Fox Alerts Viewers to Refugee With Criminal Record Who Shot Cop

August 8th, 2018 3:14 PM
On Tuesday night, FNC gave an update on the case of an Iraqi refugee with a criminal history who managed to escape deportation and recently went on to shoot a police officer in Colorado Springs. FNC have covered the story a number of times since Friday, but the other networks have completely ignored the tragic event. Ironically, on the same day that the attempted cop killing story broke, several…

MSNBC Panelists Slam Sessions' Defense of 'Religious Liberty'

August 7th, 2018 12:10 PM
On Sunday, panelists on MSNBC’s AM Joy attacked Attorney General Jeff Sessions and his defense of religious liberty in the United States. Without question or dissent, Sessions was condemned in the harshest of terms. Host Joy Reid asked Minister Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove about his position that defending religious liberty is really only defending conservative Christians. He claimed: “I think this…

MSNBC's Atencio Blames 'Racism' for Illegal Alien Child Separation

July 29th, 2018 3:52 PM
On Sunday's AM Joy on MSNBC, during an update on the reunification of illegal immigrant children with their parents, MSNBC correspondent Mariana Atencio suggested that the enforcement of immigration laws by the Trump administration is motivated by "racism and xenophobia" as she recalled the cace of a detained illegal immigrant mother who is still waiting for her child to be reunified with her.

Rubin Paints Tea Party As 'Angry About Race,' GOP Is 'Wackadoodle'

July 28th, 2018 3:48 PM
On Saturday's AM Joy on MSNBC, during a discussion of the Tea Party movement's origin and evolution, Washington Post columnist and MSNBC contributor Jennifer Rubin charged that the movement is "angry about race" because President Donald Trump gave them permission to be, and ended up calling the GOP a "wackadoodle party." Host Joy Reid oddly continued to identify Rubin as "conservative" in spite…

MSNBC Conspiracy Theorist Maddow Fears Trump's Really a Foreign Agent

July 23rd, 2018 12:59 PM
Apparently sharing your wacky conspiracy theories is what counts for as news these days on MSNBC. Host Rachel Maddow sat down with Joy Reid on her AM Joy show July 21 to freak out about President Trump’s press conference with Vladimir Putin last week, gushing that his behavior clearly meant that he was secretly colluding with the Russians.

MSNBC Panel Attacks 'Pro-Fetus,' Not Pro-Life, Republicans

July 9th, 2018 2:08 PM
On Sunday’s edition of AM Joy, a discussion on President Trump’s potential Supreme Court justice pick turned into a full frontal attack on Republicans and the party’s pro-life positions. Three separate guests lambasted the GOP as hypocrites not fit to accurately call themselves pro-life.