Cruz, Rubio Charged with Race Treason by Univision’s Jorge Ramos

January 6th, 2016 2:36 PM
Republican presidential candidates Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio are being denounced by Univision's Jorge Ramos as traitors to their ethnic roots, because neither of them toe his preferred line on immigration policy.

EdiTed: Univision’s Deceptively Edited Ted Cruz Interview

July 7th, 2015 9:53 PM
After watching anchor Jorge Ramos’ complete interview of Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) on Fusion, I immediately began to speculate as to which parts would be left on the cutting room floor during its Sunday rebroadcast on Univision’s Al Punto. It didn’t take me long to find out that I was right.

Univisión y su edición capciosa de entrevista a Ted Cruz

July 7th, 2015 8:31 PM
Después de ver la entrevista completa de Jorge Ramos con el senador Ted Cruz (R-TX) en Fusión, inmediatamente comencé a especular sobre cuales pasajes serían excluidos para la retrasmisión en el programa dominical de Univisión, Al Punto. Casi de inmediato vi que tenía la razón. 

Jorge Ramos to Ted Cruz: 'Aren't You Discriminating' Against Gays?

July 1st, 2015 1:53 PM
On the June 30 edition of America with Jorge Ramos on Fusion, Ramos and Ted Cruz engaged in a testy back and forth over the Texas senator’s views on gay marriage. Ramos asked Cruz: “But aren’t you discriminating? Are you putting gays and the LGBT community as second class citizen[s]?” Cruz replied by citing his belief that “following the Constitution isn’t discriminating against anyone.”

Univision News Prez Sees Those Opposed to Network’s Agenda as Nazis

April 22nd, 2015 5:24 PM
There is something to be said for the warm cocoon of academia, and its ability to draw out the true thoughts of radicals. Univision News President and Fusion CEO Isaac Lee's recent presentation at the University of Texas at Austin was certainly no exception. Lee’s eye-popping remarks should serve as a timely reality check for conservatives looking at how to factor in Univision as part of their…

Shock: Jorge Ramos Grills Reid: 'Did You Purposely Lie' About Romney?

April 8th, 2015 5:06 PM
Univision anchor Jorge Ramos on Tuesday grilled Harry Reid about his completely unfounded rumor-mongering that then-presidential candidate Mitt Romney failed to pay taxes. On his weekly prime time show on Fusion, America With Jorge Ramos, the Spanish and English language host demanded six times that Reid answer for his attack. Ramos pushed: "You said on the Senate floor that Mitt Romney had not…

Ramos Hits Obama From Left on Race & Not Addressing 'White Privilege'

December 10th, 2014 6:31 PM
Fusion/Univision anchor Jorge Ramos interviewed President Obama on Tuesdayand spent the interview flaunting his liberal beliefs by constantly hitting the President from the far left on a wide range of issues, including race. After discussing the release of the so-called CIA “torture” report by Senate Democrats,  President Obama was asked if he got “angry with” the belief that “many people…

Jorge Ramos to Obama: Did George W. Bush 'Betray American Values?'

December 10th, 2014 12:12 PM
Univision anchor Jorge Ramos scored an exclusive interview with Barack Obama on Tuesday and used the occasion to accuse George W. Bush of "betraying" America. The journalist quizzed the President on the Senate's new report on the CIA and torture. He demanded, "Is this the responsibility of President Bush? Did he betray American values?"

Time Touts 'Advocate and Agitator' Jorge Ramos as 'America's Anchor'

November 24th, 2014 3:57 PM
In the December 1 issue of Time magazine, reporter Michael Scherer promoted Univision anchor Jorge Ramos as "America's news anchor." Scherer allowed that the host "is not just a newscaster but also an advocate and agitator." Yet, his 2410 word story hyped this decidedly liberal style.  

Jorge Ramos Hits Hillary From the Left on Immigration: 'Do You Think Y

July 30th, 2014 3:34 PM
In an interview with Hillary Clinton aired Tuesday on his Fusion show America, anchor Jorge Ramos repeatedly pressed the potential 2016 Democratic presidential candidate from the left on the ongoing illegal immigration crisis, demanding: "Do you think you have a Latino problem?...I'm saying it because recently you said about the Central American children coming to the United States that we have…