
CNN Panel Gives Opinions About Why Opinion Shows Are Bad

April 19th, 2018 12:30 AM
In a jaw-dropping display that was one part a lack of self-awareness and another part hypocrisy, Wednesday’s prime-time Anderson Cooper 360 featured a panel of CNN analysts sharing their opinions about opinion shows like Hannity on Fox News. Their opinions varied but were largely against the mixing of opinion and news. And that was their opinion on the news of the day. The hypocrisy was so thick…

CNN Panelists Refer to Ryan as a 'Coward,' President Trump as 'Insane'

April 12th, 2018 2:46 PM
During Wednesday's edition of Anderson Cooper 360, the Democrats on the panel took a few shots at departing House Speaker Paul Ryan as well as President Trump. CNN political commentator Symone Sanders referred to Ryan as a "coward" while her fellow panelist Maria Cardona described President Trump as "insane."

We Finally Arrived! Bernstein Declares 'Constitutional Crisis' Is Now

April 11th, 2018 12:25 AM
For many months, the liberal media had been warning us President Trump had the country on a crash course with a constitutional crisis because of his anger at the special counsel investigation. Arguably, chief among those doomsday soothsayers was CNN’s Carl Bernstein who has been comparing Trump to Nixon and Watergate since former FBI Director James Comey was fired. But during an appearance on…

CNN’s Gergen Laments Trump Bringing About 'the Death of Democracy'

April 5th, 2018 11:48 PM
In a very candid expression of his displeasure for President Trump during an appearance on Anderson Cooper 360 Thursday, CNN commentator David Gergen suggested that the President was bringing about the “death” of democracy in America. The comment was telling because it didn’t faze his host or fellow talking head, former Obama Chief Strategist David Axelrod.

CNN Deeply Concerned by ‘Trump Playing to His Base On Multiple Fronts’

April 4th, 2018 11:34 PM
In recent days and weeks, President Trump has made broad and swift moves on policies ranging from immigration to tariffs to looking to pull out of Syria. All of these policy actions are popular with the President’s base, a.k.a blue collar working Americans. But during Wednesday night’s edition of Anderson Cooper 360, CNN ran a ridiculous report about what Trump was doing and who he was doing it…

CNN Plagiarist Zakaria Says Trump’s ‘Words Are Weightless Often’

April 4th, 2018 12:18 AM
Often while watching CNN, one can only just shake their head at the utter lack of self-awareness regarding many of their anti-Trump declarations. One such moment occurred during Tuesday’s edition of Anderson Cooper 360 when infamous plagiarist and CNN host Fareed Zakaria chastised President Trump, suggesting that no one believed what he said. And to add to the irony of the situation, former…

CNN Panel Refers to Trump-Supporting Women as Hypocrites

March 27th, 2018 5:04 PM
To watch CNN's Anderson Cooper’s interview with Stormy Daniels on CBS’s 60 Minutes, CNN reporter Randi Kaye convened a group of Trump-supporting women as they watched the interview on TV. All of the women did not believe Stormy Daniels when she said that she had a sexual encounter with President Trump in 2006. Cooper discussed Kaye's package with his political panel on Monday’s edition of…

After Days of Hype, CNN Panelists Shrug at Playmate’s Interview

March 23rd, 2018 12:40 AM
During Thursday’s Anderson Cooper 360, CNN aired their much-hyped interview with Playboy Playmate Karen McDougal, who says she had a long-term affair with President Trump in the mid-2000s. But during the panel discussion immediately afterward, their assorted journalists and commentators didn’t know what to make of it and most actually ripped into her for misleading reporters about her initial…

Back to School: Prof. Dershowitz Slams Student Toobin for Partisanship

March 21st, 2018 11:35 PM
Things got heated on CNN’s Anderson Cooper 360 Wednesday when Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz went head-to-head with CNN legal commentator Jeffrey Toobin, who was also a former student of his. Toobin accused his former teacher of “carrying water for Donald Trump,” while Dershowitz scolded his student for applying two different standards for justice depending on who it was targeting.…

Cooper Dismisses 'Secret Society' as a 'Massive Conspiracy Theory'

March 20th, 2018 4:43 PM
During a Monday night interview with Republican Congressman Matt Gaetz (Fla.), CNN's AC360 host Anderson Cooper dismissed the idea of a "secret society" within the FBI, arguing that the text messages between FBI agent Peter Strzok and his mistress Lisa Page alleging the existence of such a society were "lighthearted." When Gaetz suggested that an "informal cabal" committed to taking down…

Hypocrisy: CNN Whines Trump Hiring Too Many Friendly Journalists

March 15th, 2018 11:47 PM
The depths of CNN’s righteous indignation and hypocrisy showed no bounds Thursday night, as AC 360 host Anderson Cooper and reporter Randi “Kush” Kaye extensively bemoaned how Trump was bringing friendly journalist into his administration. “It's a presidency that was essentially born on reality TV, and now the lines between reality and TV may be blurring even further,” Cooper opined regarding the…

Category Five Stormy: CNN Primetime Spends 149 Mins Ogling Porn Star

March 8th, 2018 4:49 PM
At the Jeffrey Zucker-led CNN, they can be trusted to go all-out whenever they find a news story that they deem worth obsessing over. Whether it was the missing Malaysian plane or Sam Nunberg, CNN has proven itself incapable of covering more than one topic at a time. On Wednesday, CNN’s primetime programming showed that with over 149 minutes pushing the Trump scandal involving porn star Stormy…

CNN Embarrassed While Trying to Give Viewers ‘Up-Close Look at AR-15'

February 28th, 2018 6:00 PM
With all the tumult over gun control after the shooting on Wednesday, February 14 -- at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, that killed 14 people -- it comes as no surprise that the Cable News Network would try to promote the liberal view that guns are always deadly and often fatal.

Media Push Debunked Myth That Trump Urged Execution of Innocent Teens

February 15th, 2018 1:41 PM
After President Donald Trump last week called for "due process" for former White House aide Rob Porter after accusations that he abused both his ex-wives, the dominant liberal media responded by again resurrecting discredited claims that Trump lobbied for the execution of the Central Park Five who were accused of raping a jogger in 1989. In fact, according to a transcript recently posted in Nexis…