
On CNN, Dyson: 'Police Are Manifestation of Terror Against Black Life'

September 23rd, 2016 12:57 PM
Appearing as a guest on Thursday's Anderson Cooper 360 on CNN for a discussion of recent high-profile police shootings in which the suspect killed was black, Georgetown University Professor and former MSNBC political analyst MIchael Eric Dyson at one point asserted that "the police are the manifestation of terror against black life" which he claimed "has been rendered vulnerable and disposable in…

CNN Reporter Body Slammed on Live TV by Rioter in Charlotte

September 22nd, 2016 8:21 PM
As Wednesday night's Anderson Cooper 360 on CNN was giving live coverage to the riots in Charlotte, North Carolina, correspondent Ed Lavandera was knocked to the ground by a rioter on live television at 9:16 p.m. ET as he recalled that police had just recently used tear gas to get rioters to move further from the Omni Hotel.

MSNBC Slams ‘Violent Arrests’ By Charlotte Police, Ignores Looting

September 21st, 2016 11:07 PM
As Charlotte, North Carolina was being torn apart on Wednesday night, cable networks CNN, the Fox News Channel (FNC), and MSNBC offered wall-to-wall coverage of the carnage and tense scenes that, during the 9:00 p.m. Eastern hour, resulted in the one civilian being shot by another civilian and injuries to roughly a dozen police officers but MSNBC saw no reason in that hour to inform their viewers…

Liberal CNN Guest Skewers Clinton: Pretends 'Village Idiot' on Email

September 3rd, 2016 8:30 PM
On Friday's Anderson Cooper 360, CNN host Cooper moderated a debate between two liberals, one of whom took a stridently critical position of Hillary Clinton for her flimsy excuses for mishandling classified email when she was Secretary of State. As CNN legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin came to the defense of the Democratic presidential candidate, George Washington University law professor Jonathan…

Ramos Promotes Anti-Trump Crusade on CNN, Little Pushback from Cooper

August 31st, 2016 1:27 AM
Jorge Ramos appeared on Anderson Cooper 360 Tuesday night to discuss his favorite person to hate, Donald Trump. While on the program he promoted his anti-Trump crusade and called for journalists to put objectivity aside. Ramos argued, “I think for journalists our social responsibility, I think, is to question those who are in power and when we're confronted with racism, discrimination, corruption…

Morning Joe's Mika Brzezinski: I Can't Be Objective About Trump

August 30th, 2016 6:22 AM
In what must be at least the twentieth media installment of "I can't be objective about this," MSNBC's Mika Brzezinski brought out her death stare as she reacted on Friday's Morning Joe show to Donald Trump's characterization of Hillary Clinton as a bigot — after several months during which Mrs. Clinton, her campaign and the press (but I repeat myself) have routinely called Trump or his rhetoric…

CNN's Tuchman Calls Out Mostly GOPers for Recent 'Dirty Campaigning'

August 27th, 2016 7:37 PM
In a pre-recorded report shown on Friday's Anderson Cooper 360 on CNN, correspondent Gary Tuchman recalled examples of "dirty campaigning" in presidential elections going back 200 years, but, when he got to more recent elections, he focused on negative campaigning from the Republican side -- citing Richard Nixon, George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush and Donald Trump -- while ignoring infamous…

Nets Ignore DOJ Killing Clinton Foundation Investigation

August 12th, 2016 11:29 AM
Despite serious legal and ethical questions being raised about the Clinton Foundation having high-level access to Hillary Clinton’s State Department while accepting large foreign donations, a CNN report on Thursday revealed that the Obama Justice Department squashed an FBI investigation into the matter. So far, the broadcast networks have censored any mention of the growing scandal.

Beinart: 'It's Not Ransom If You Are Giving People Their Own Money'

August 4th, 2016 11:52 PM
Following the recent revelations from the Wall Street Journal, that the US payed Iran a large sum of money at the same time as they released American hostages, has led many to believe to US payed a ransom for their release. But that couldn’t possibly be the case according to CNN Commentator Peter Beinart who ridiculously declared, on Anderson Cooper 360 Thursday, “It's not ransom if you are…

CNN Praises the 'Political Genius' of Hillary's ‘Inspiring’ Speech

July 29th, 2016 1:46 AM
Hillary Clinton formally accepted the nomination to be Democratic Party’s standard bearer as their presidential candidate on Thursday evening, and CNN’s America’s Choice 2016 panel couldn’t be happier. “The words that came to my mind were kind of— sturdy, steely,” CNN Chief Political Analyst Gloria Borger gushed, “It was not an oratorical masterpiece. It did have its great moments.” Borger…

CNN Reminisces About America's God Daughter, 'Awkward Little' Chelsea

July 28th, 2016 8:14 PM
CNN earned their moniker as the Clinton News Network on Thursday as they awaited the highly anticipated speech to be delivered by Chelsea Clinton at the Democratic National. The America’s Choice 2016 panel gushed as they reminisced about Chelsea and were awe struck by her transformation from an “awkward little girl” to “a remarkable young woman.” “I sort of feel like all of us are kind of god…

CNN: 'Nobody Can Talk About America Like Barack Obama,' 'Maybe' Reagan

July 28th, 2016 12:50 AM
CNN went into full Barack Obama backing mode following his speech at the Democratic Nation Convention. Most of the panel looked and sounded as if they were moved to tears by his words as they all sang his praises. “Nobody can talk about America like Barack Obama, aside from maybe Ronald Reagan,” CNN’s Chief Political Analyst Gloria Borger declared, “And that's what I was thinking about this…

CNN Panel Touts Bloomberg's 'Take Down' of 'Quack Doctor' Trump

July 27th, 2016 11:27 PM
CNN’s America’s Choice 2016 panel was in awe of the lineup of speakers at the Democratic National Convention Wednesday evening. But most of them fawned over one in particular former New York City Mayor, and billionaire, Michael Bloomberg. “There are very few people other than Michael Bloomberg who could have given this kind of message to independents not in this hall,” gushed Host Anderson Cooper…

CNN Delighted by ‘Workaholic Do-Gooder Chick’ Depiction of Hillary

July 27th, 2016 12:57 AM
Following former President Bill Clinton’s speech at the Democratic Nation Convention Tuesday evening CNN’s America’s Choice 2016 panel was overcome with exuberance from his words. “First of all, let's just stipulate, this guy's one of a kind,” David Axelrod proclaimed with delight, “There's nobody else who can turn an auditorium like this into as intimate a place as he did tonight.” Almost every…