
CNN Anchors Fret Tame Joke by Trump Was 'Stoking the Flames'

April 30th, 2016 3:07 PM
On Friday evening, during a discussion of violent protests at the Republican convention in California, CNN anchors Erin Burnett and John Berman on two different programs both seemed oddly worried that an innocent joke Donald Trump made about sneaking across the border would exacerbate tensions. On Erin Burnett Outfront, host Burnett wondered if the levity was "stoking the flames," and, an hour…

CNN's Begala Defends '12 Ad Hinting Romney Killed Steelworker's Wife

April 26th, 2016 11:02 PM
During CNN’s election night coverage Tuesday, sparks flew when CNN commentator and NewsBusters contributor Jeffery Lord sparred with Paul Begala the head of the Pro-Hillary Clinton Super PAC Priorities USA. Begala was defending a deceptive ad his organization produced in 2012 that claimed Governor Mitt Romney killed a steel worker’s wife by canceling his healthcare coverage. 

CNN's Anderson Cooper: 'I Don't Think Reporters Should Vote'

April 21st, 2016 6:18 PM
While a guest on Howard Stern's radio show, Anderson Cooper of the Cable News Network surprised the host when he stated: “I don't think I'm going to vote. I don't think reporters should vote.” Amazed co-host Robin Quivers then asked if he really doesn't cast any ballots in elections before stating: “That's like you're not a citizen!”

CNN Stokes Fear of Cruz Stealing Trump Delegates by Smearing Them

April 18th, 2016 10:50 PM
“This is the Republican convention in the third district of Georgia, south and west of Atlanta, where many Donald Trump supporters say the fix was in, stated CNN reporter Gary Tuchman. Tuchman’s report came during Monday’s Anderson Cooper 360, where he was covering what happens during the election of state delegates. The report didn’t even try to be balanced and ultimately painted the process as…

Van Jones Praises Bernie’s ‘Integrity’ Backing ‘Palestinian Rights'

April 15th, 2016 12:22 AM
CNN political commentator and former Obama administration official Van Jones offered some rather kind words for socialist Senator Bernie Sanders following Thursday’s CNN Democratic Debate in praising his “extraordinary” “level of integrity” for demanding the need for “Palestinian rights” in the Israel-Palestinian conflict.

Surprise: Don Lemon Labels Hillary's Pro-Abortion Smear 'A Bit Much'

March 31st, 2016 6:44 PM
CNN's Don Lemon refreshingly went after Hillary Clinton on Thursday's New Day over her smear of Republicans/conservatives on Wednesday's AC360. Clinton used Donald Trump's stumble on the abortion to attack pro-lifers in general: "They all want to dictate a women's reproductive health care decisions...Now maybe, they aren't quite as open about it, as Donald Trump was earlier today. But they all…

CNN Guest Slams Show for Obsessing over Trump; Cooper Admits It's True

March 30th, 2016 11:14 PM
In brief aside before the first commercial break on Wednesday’s two-hour AC360, panelist and former Gingrich adviser Rich Galen called out the CNN show for its total devotion to the latest musings from Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump and caused host Anderson Cooper to admit that Trump “has set the agenda...from almost the moment he entered the race.”

CNN Panel Goes Nuclear on Obama Over Optics Post-Brussels

March 24th, 2016 1:49 AM
Moments after video surfaced on Wednesday night of President Obama doing the tango while visiting Argentina, the panel on CNN’s AC360 did little to contain their disdain for the President continuing to engage in lighter fare they dubbed “frivolous” and “shameful” in the immediate 24-36 hours after the deadly Islamic terror attacks in Brussels, Belgium.

CNN, MSNBC Pundits Decry ‘Scatterbrains’ GOP Causing ‘Injury' to Brand

February 26th, 2016 3:16 AM
CNN and MSNBC pundits had no shortage of hot takes following Thursday’s CNN Republican Presidential Debate and among the noticeable talk points was the belief that the spirited debate in Houston caused a “long-term injury” to the party as the five remaining candidates “looked like a bunch of third graders arguing over the monkey bars on the playground.”

Obsession: CNN Bows to Trump with Two Interviews Totaling 18 Minutes

February 26th, 2016 12:09 AM
In a further sign that the liberal media is trying to determine the outcome of the 2016 Republican presidential primary, Thursday night debate host CNN found it beneficial to conduct two post-debate interviews with Donald Trump that totaled nearly 18 minutes in the first hour after it ended.  

CNN Touts Evangelicals Who Find Cruz 'Against the Teachings of Jesus'

February 20th, 2016 5:11 PM
On Friday's Anderson Cooper 360 on CNN, correspondent Randi Kaye filed a report recounting her discussions with mostly young evangelical Christians in South Carolina as she asserted that the group she spoke with think GOP presidential candidate Ted Cruz is "against the teachings of Jesus" on the issues of "poverty, war, and how to treat strangers." Implying that Cruz is not "compassionate," she…

Gergen: 'Can't Remember' Anyone 'More Competent' Than Hillary Clinton

February 11th, 2016 11:27 PM
Former Clinton official and CNN senior political analyst David Gergen received the first nod during the AC360 Post Debate Special to comment on Thursday’s PBS NewHour Democratic Debate and exalted how he couldn’t recall a presidential candidate “who was more experienced and more competent than Hillary Clinton was tonight.”

CNN's Cooper Jokes Clinton Campaign Like Struggling Cable TV News Show

February 8th, 2016 10:20 PM
Discussing rumors of a possible Hillary Clinton campaign shakeup in an attempt to right the ship after a close race in Iowa and what looks to be like a Sanders blowout in New Hampshire, CNN’s Anderson Cooper on his eponymous program tonight made a humorous comparison to how struggling cable TV executives handle programs that just aren’t cutting it in the ratings.

CNN’s Gloria Borger Skewers Rubio as ‘Frozen,’ Too ‘Intense’ in Debate

January 29th, 2016 2:20 AM
CNN chief political analyst Gloria Borger was one of eight panelists on CNN’s post-Republican presidential debate coverage late Thursday and, at one point, expressed her distaste for Senator Marco Rubio’s debate performance as “quite intense,” “too tense for the format,” and “frozen.” Prior to that, Borger ruled just past the 11:35 p.m. Eastern mark that, with Donald Trump boycotting the debate…