
CNN Equates Peaceful Pro-Lifers With Crazy Colorado Shooter

December 1st, 2015 4:23 PM
CNN's Gary Tuchman, on Monday's Anderson Cooper 360,  played up that to "the perpetual sadness of the employees" of a New Jersey abortion facility, "their building is a target." He also let the center's executive director and communications director smear all pro-lifers as potential terrorists. Cooper set the tone of the report with a graphic that ran during his lead-in, which showed pictures of…

CNN Touts GOP's 'Anger-Filled Rhetoric' Before Colorado Shootings

December 1st, 2015 1:18 PM
On Monday's AC360, CNN's Randi Kaye played up how the hidden camera videos from the Center for Medical Progress triggered "anger-filled rhetoric" from the Republican presidential candidates in the months before the Colorado shootings. Kaye touted that CMP's David Daleiden "told CNN that...he did get creative with the video — admitting that it was edited — a critical detail that seemed to be lost…

CNN's Cooper Invites Planned Parenthood to Blame GOPers for Shootings

November 30th, 2015 11:47 PM
As Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards appeared as a guest on Monday's Anderson Cooper 360, host Cooper prodded her to "directly link the rhetoric" coming from GOP presidential candidates to the Colorado Spring shooting spree after she complained about "hateful rhetoric" being aimed at the abortion provider. When she declined to make such a direct accusation, Cooper pressed her a…

Begala: GOPers Are ‘Creepy’ ‘Junior High Schoolboys' Stalking Hillary

November 12th, 2015 1:58 AM
Giving his thoughts about Tuesday’s Republican presidential debate on Wednesday’s AC360, former Bill Clinton administration staffer Paul Begala offered a strange comparison and unintentional irony when he declared that the GOP candidates are merely “creepy” “junior high schoolboys” who are playing the role of Hillary Clinton’s stalkers.

Jeb Supporter on CNN Laments Lindsey Graham Being Excluded from Debate

November 10th, 2015 8:46 PM
Offering analysis of the first Fox Business Network Republican presidential debate on the 8:00 p.m. Eastern edition of CNN’s AC360, CNN political commentator and Jeb Bush supporter Ana Navarro lamented that Senator Lindsey Graham (S.C.) and his “passionate voice” was excluded from the undercard event.  

CNN’s Nichols Compares Missouri Football Team to Jackie Robinson

November 9th, 2015 9:38 PM
Discussing on Monday’s Anderson Cooper 360 the resignation of the president at the University of Missouri, CNN sports anchor Rachel Nichols compared the Missouri football team’s promise that it wouldn’t practice until the school’s president resigned over an alleged string of racial incidents at the school to the late Jackie Robinson taking a stand for integration in the 1950s.

Stelter Blames GOP for ‘More Polarization’ by Exposing Lib Media Bias

October 30th, 2015 12:13 PM
CNN’s senior media correspondent, Brian Stelter, during Thursday’s AC360, lamented how Republican presidential candidates have often attacked the liberal media “to deflect tough, unwelcome questions,” arguing their conservative supporters have caused “more polarization” in the electorate by not trusting the media.

CNN Calls Out Clinton Dismissing VA Problem: 'Stunned a Lot of People'

October 29th, 2015 12:54 AM
On Wednesday's Anderson Cooper 360 on CNN, host Anderson Cooper and Senior Investigative Correspondent Drew Griffin called out Hillary Clinton for claiming that the VA's backlog problems have "not been as widespread as it has been made out to be," as Griffin asserted that her words "stunned a lot of people," and that veterans he spoke to, on both sides of the political divide, "None of them, I…

Toobin Trashes Jordan as 'Most Misleading,' 'Demeaning' to Hillary

October 23rd, 2015 1:01 PM
CNN legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin trashed Republican Congressman Jim Jordan (Ohio) during Thursday’s Anderson Cooper 360 for being “the worst” in his questioning of Hillary Clinton and acting “unprofessional,” “misleading,” and “demeaning.” Reacting to Jordan speaking with CNN’s Dana Bash moments beforehand, Toobin began his diatribe by whining that the conservative member of Congress “was clearly…

Bernstein Slams Benghazi Cmte for McCarthyism; 'Reckless' 'Demagogues'

October 23rd, 2015 1:40 AM
Roughly a minute after the 11-hour Benghazi Committee hearing with Hillary Clinton concluded on Thursday night, CNN’s Anderson Cooper 360 turned to political commentator Carl Bernstein, who drooled over Clinton’s performance while comparing Republicans to Joseph McCarthy and his House Un-American Committee for concocting an “abusive” hearing.In the next hour on CNN Tonight, Bernstein trotted out…

CNN: Thousands of Veterans Still Waiting More Than 90 Days For Care

October 22nd, 2015 12:34 PM
Tuesday's Anderson Cooper 360 on CNN revealed that "wait times inside many V.A. health facilities are growing longer, not shorter. Right now, a half million veterans are...waiting, in many cases, more than 90 days to see a doctor." Drew Griffin uncovered documents that "just this past August in Phoenix, there were more than 8,000 appointments waiting more than 90 days." Griffin pointed out that…

CNN Hypes: Hillary's ‘Battle Tested’ in Hearings with 'Steady Nerves'

October 22nd, 2015 12:59 AM
Previewing Hillary Clinton’s testimony Thursday morning before the House Select Committee on Benghazi, CNN’s Anderson Cooper 360 did their best on Wednesday to paint the most flattering picture possible of Clinton being “battle tested” with “steady nerves” despite “withering attacks” and the ability to turn “even a hot seat, if not comfortable, at least cooler.”

CNN Hounds Pro-Lifer on 'Very Deceptive' Edit in Undercover Videos

October 20th, 2015 3:41 PM
On Monday's Anderson Cooper 360, CNN's Drew Griffin hounded David Daleiden of the Center for Medical Progress over his insertion of outside footage into his undercover videos that targeted Planned Parenthood's sale of aborted babies' organs and tissue. Griffin underlined to Daleiden that "the problem people are having is, that this is not an aborted child...that does seem very deceptive to me."…

Van Jones Compares Hillary to Beyoncé, Proclaims BLM 'Won This Debate'

October 14th, 2015 1:26 AM
Opining on how he thought the first 2016 Democratic debate unfolded on Tuesday night, CNN political commentator and former Obama administration official Van Jones compared the “flawless” Hillary Clinton to Beyoncé and touted his belief that activists in the Black Lives Matter movement were the true winners of the debate. Jones declared: “Basically tonight, Hillary Clinton was Beyoncé. She was…