
CNN: Biden Is the One to Lead Us, ‘Trust,’ Give ‘Hope’ in Virus Crisis

March 15th, 2020 11:48 PM
Even with his multiple stumbling points throughout the night, CNN’s post-debate analysis chalked up a win for former Vice President Joe Biden citing how he supposedly came off at the leader America needed to see her through the coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis. According to the liberals of CNN, not only was Biden the one people could “trust,” but he was also the bringer of “hope” and plans.

Paid CNN Employee Endorses Joe Biden for President On-Air

March 11th, 2020 1:33 AM
Former 2020 Democratic hopeful Andrew Yang had been a paid CNN commentator for only a few weeks before deciding that their Democratic primary coverage of the first Mini-Super Tuesday was the right time for him to endorse former Vice President Joe Biden live on-air.

Twisted Strategy: CNN Fantasizes How Virus Can Help Dems Win 2020

March 10th, 2020 11:29 PM
The liberal media insist they and the Democratic Party were not politicizing the growing coronavirus outbreak, but in the midst of their Tuesday primary night coverage, CNN’s panel of liberals took some time to fantasize about how there will be, as former 2020 hopeful Andrew Yang put it, “a real hunger for” the competency of the Obama administration from “many, many Americans if the coronavirus…

CNN Marvels at Bernie the 'Fortress,' the Mountain, the 'Bulldozer'

February 26th, 2020 2:14 AM
In something reminiscent of someone listing off glorifying titles for characters from Game of Thrones, CNN’s post-debate panel of liberals on Anderson Cooper 360 Tuesday marveled at how Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) conducted himself, even while digging himself into a hole by tripling down on his support for communist dictator Fidel Castro.

‘Let’s All Talk Over Each Other!’ CNN Mocks CBS for Debate Chaos

February 26th, 2020 12:25 AM
Arguably, the biggest takeaway from the Democratic debate on Tuesday was that CBS News didn’t know how to moderate. CBS Evening News anchor Norah O’Donnell and This Morning co-host Gayle King had almost no control as the debate would often descend into a cacophony of shrieking candidates. Their incompetence was so blatant that the panel on CNN’s AC360 couldn’t help but periodically mock the…

On TV, Sam Donaldson Endorses Bloomberg to Beat 'Sick, Ignorant' Trump

February 15th, 2020 9:03 AM
Longtime ABC White House correspondent Sam Donaldson fervently endorsed Michael Bloomberg for the White House on Friday's Anderson Cooper 360 on CNN. The funny part was the journalists pretending Donaldson has never really favored a politician before. Cooper solemnly began: "Sam Donaldson has spent years has a prominent White House correspondent, anchor for ABC News, never strayed from the ethic…

Sparks Fly as CNN’s Establishment, Far-Left Dems React to Sanders Win

February 12th, 2020 1:07 AM
Moments after Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) was declared the winner of New Hampshire’s Democratic primary, CNN’s far-left liberals like host and activist Van Jones were ecstatically gloating about how “this guy is on the march” just like President Trump in 2016. And they didn’t appreciate it when establishment Democrats such as former Obama advisor David Axelrod pumped the bakes by noting how…

CNN Fears Democratic Primary Will Take Too Long, Hurt the Nominee

February 11th, 2020 10:49 PM
As the New Hampshire primary results were coming in Tuesday night, showing three candidates with double-digit support and two in the “top tier” barely holding on, CNN’s exclusively liberal panel had fears that the nomination processes would take too long and the candidates would damage each other too extensively.

Frustration Setting in for CNN: Iowa 'Starting to Look Like a Debacle'

February 4th, 2020 12:28 AM
It’s past midnight and there’s still no official results from the Iowa caucuses and rumors said results wouldn’t be published until the morning. CNN’s patience wore wearing thin late in the 10:00 p.m. hour when their frustrations flashed. They were so desperate for numbers that host and liberal activist Van Jones began reading unverified numbers an apparent caucus secretary had released on…

CNN Suffers MELTDOWN After Alexander Says He'll Oppose Witnesses

January 31st, 2020 12:47 AM
Tennessee Senator Lamar Alexander was the last of four moderate Republicans the liberal media had held out hope for voting to hear more witnesses in the impeachment trial. But shortly after the Senate trial ended the question and answer portion, the Senator made it known he was finished hearing the evidence and was ready to vote. Upon hearing this development, CNNers (particularly those with a…

CNNers Gush About How ‘Very Smart’ Dems Were on Day 1 of Senate Trial

January 22nd, 2020 12:40 AM
With fruitless attempts by Senate Democrats to prematurely vote on witnesses and documents for the impeachment trial stretching deep into Tuesday night, something they and the liberal media decried when Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) wanted to do it for opening arguments, CNN’s heavily liberal panel praised the Democratic impeachment managers for doing what they were doing.

Partisan CNN Boasts Day Was ‘Devastating’ for Trump, McConnell

January 21st, 2020 10:14 PM

During Tuesday night’s dinner break in the impeachment trial, CNN put forward a case that January 21, 2020 will be day of infamy for President Trump. AC360 and Erin Burnett OutFront offered guest after guest that not only agreed with one another, but plunged further into political analysis divorced from reality. CNN political analyst and resident drama king Carl Bernstein stated on AC360 at…


What??? CNN Paints Liberal Adam Schiff As 'Moderate' Democrat

January 21st, 2020 3:35 PM
On Monday's Anderson Cooper 360, CNN's Gloria Borger filed a pre-recorded report in which she misleadingly portrayed liberal California Democratic Congressman and impeachment manager Adam Schiff as a "moderate" as she recounted his political career. Borger did not clarify that his voting record has never been moderate, and, after his already Democratic district became even more strongly liberal…

CNN Analysts Rage: GOP Planning 'Farce,' 'Joke' Trial

January 21st, 2020 12:54 PM
On Monday's Anderson Cooper 360 on CNN, conservative contributor Rick Santorum was outnumbered on a panel by liberals 5-1 as the group discussed the planned rules for President Donald Trump's impeachment trial in the Republican-controlled U.S. Senate. CNN analysts used words like "farce," "joke," and "atrocity" to complain about the rules.