
CNN’s Bernstein Unspools Hyperbole: Sessions Firing Was ‘A Coup’

November 8th, 2018 5:26 PM
For all of the characters that make up the Jeffrey Zucker-led circus at CNN, perhaps no one speaks in hyperbole more than longtime liberal journalist and CNN analyst Carl Bernstein. In separate appearances Wednesday night and Thursday morning, Bernstein reacted to the firing of Attorney General Jeff Sessions by calling it a “coup” by “a rageaholic President...who has no understanding of the…

CNN Gives Acosta Hero’s Welcome After Losing WH Credentials

November 7th, 2018 9:58 PM
Just over an hour after CNN chief White House correspondent Jim Acosta had his White House credentials suspended in light of his latest act of showboating, AC360 gave him a hero’s welcome while CNN argued in a statement that “this unprecedented is a threat to our democracy” while Acosta asserted that “they’re trying to — to shut us down.”

Jorge Ramos opta por manipular información sobre las caravanas

November 7th, 2018 6:02 PM
En su afán por promover la causa de las caravanas de extranjeros que actualmente se dirigen hacia los Estados Unidos, el presentador de noticias en Univisión Jorge Ramos, enfatiza la presencia de niños, restado importancia a los delincuentes e integrantes de otros países fuera de Centro América, mientras también evita mencionar que la gran mayoría de las personas en las caravanas tiene pocas…

CNN's Cuomo Claims Illegals Commit Less Crime Than Legal Immigrants

November 5th, 2018 1:08 AM
On a special Sunday edition of Cuomo Prime Time, as CNN hosts Chris Cuomo and Don Lemon fretted over President Donald Trump sending troops to the southern border, and the possiblity that armed militias will also go into the area, to ward off the caravan of illegal immigrants, Cuomo actually suggested against all evidence that illegal immigrants are less inclined to commit crimes than legal…

CNN Democrat Voter Panel Doesn't Want Hillary Campaigning in Florida

October 25th, 2018 3:07 PM
Hillary Clinton might want to watch the video of a CNN interview with a panel of Democrat voters in Florida. If she somehow still has some notion of running for president again in 2020, their reaction to the idea of her campaigning in the Sunshine State for Democrat candidate Andrew Gillum might disabuse her of that idea.  As you can see in this episode of Anderson Cooper 360 on Tuesday most of…

CNN’s Cooper: Trump Doesn’t See Bomb Targets as ‘Human Beings’

October 25th, 2018 12:53 AM
Mere moments after President Trump called for national unity at a Wisconsin rally in the wake of attempted bombings of prominent Democrats and CNN, CNN host Anderson Cooper kicked off AC360 by decrying the President’s speech. Not long after that, Cooper and senior White House correspondent Jeff Zeleny teamed up to tear into the President for the things he “did not say.” And according to Cooper,…

CNN Hosts Repeat Myth Trump Lobbied to Execute Central Park Five

October 4th, 2018 5:15 PM
Over the past week, several CNN hosts have returned to repeating the discredited myth that Donald Trump once lobbied for a group of innocent underage teens to not only be convicted of a rape they may not have committed, but that he even pushed for them to be executed. On Wednesday's CNN Tonight, Don Lemon even devoted a segment to speaking with two of the now adult members of the Central Park…

CNN's Jeffrey Toobin Decries America as Sexist...What a Hypocrite!

September 29th, 2018 7:49 PM
CNN's legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin level revealed his hypocrisy on Wednesday's Anderson Cooper 360 when he decried America as more sexist (and racist) than is generally acknowledged. Toobin probably forgot his own sexist past as a deadbeat dad and his mistreatment of the mother of his born out of wedlock child. He only ended up paying the child support owed after the mother threatened to have his…

What Reality Are You In? CNN Pretends Dems Not Out to Get Kavanaugh

September 27th, 2018 10:29 PM
For all of CNN’s incessant insinuation that President Trump was “divorced from reality,” they sure have a really hard time with staying grounded. During Thursday’s Anderson Cooper 360, the liberal panel just couldn’t believe that the Democrats were doing everything in their power to drag Judge Brett Kavanaugh through the mud. They even asserted that there were no problems with Dr. Christine…

Oops! CNN Reporter Surprised by GOP Women Sticking with Kavanaugh

September 22nd, 2018 7:58 PM
Oops!  You just knew that thought had to have shot across CNN reporter Randi Kaye's mind when she asked for a show of hands from a group of five Republican women in Florida about if they believe Brett Kavanaugh in regards to the accusations against him by Christine Blasey Ford. The reason was that all five women immediately raised their hands. As a result, for most of the rest of the interview…

Gergen Attacks GOP Women, Defends Ford; It’s ‘Christine vs. Goliath!’

September 21st, 2018 12:53 PM
Ah, yes, “David ‘Rodham’ Gergen” only brings the best political analysis to CNN as a senior political commentator!! Oh wait — what did he say on Thursday’s AC360? Oh, nevermind. Anyway, Gergen offered quite the malarkey on the Brett Kavanaugh fiacso, telling host Anderson Cooper that Dr. Christine Blasey Ford is quite the underdog as it’s “Christine vs. Goliath” with few resources against…

CNN Repeats Myth That Illegals Commit Less Crime Than Citizens

September 5th, 2018 9:49 PM
In the aftermath of the Des Moines Register running an op ed by Rob Tibbetts calling for politicians to cease referring to his daughter, Mollie Tibbetts, in the immigration debate, two CNN personalities have repeated the questionable claims that illegal immigrants have a lower rate of committing crimes than native-born U.S. citizens. Additionally, the networks conflated opposition to illegal…

CNN Silent on Lanny Davis’s Embarrassing About-Face

August 28th, 2018 1:22 PM
As of 1:00 p.m. Tuesday, CNN has not spent a second of airtime on Monday night’s revelation that Michael Cohen’s lawyer, Lanny Davis now admits to lying on-air to Anderson Cooper when he denied being a key source for a massively-hyped news item CNN broke last month.

Nets Punt on Davis Blowing Huge Hole in CNN’s Trump Tower Bombshell

August 23rd, 2018 11:55 PM
On Thursday, the “big three” morning and evening network newscasts of ABC, CBS, and NBC failed to inform their viewers that Michael Cohen did not actually know whether then-candidate Donald Trump had a heads-up on the infamous Trump Tower when media reports starting on July 26 originally claimed otherwise. This massive correction by Cohen lawyer Lanny Davis was ignored on the networks despite the…