Capitol Hill

MSNBC Wants Dems to Steal Control of Senate With D.C. Statehood

June 25th, 2020 5:15 PM

On her 12:00 p.m. ET hour show on Thursday, MSNBC Andrea Mitchell desperately attempted to make the case for Washington D.C. statehood in order to help her friends in the Democratic Party gain two additional U.S. senators and possibly a permanent advantage in the congressional chamber. Lefty historian Jon Meacham then joined her in advocating the radical agenda and tossing aside the…


Andrea Mitchell: Trump Wants to Create 'Trump TV' at VOA

June 22nd, 2020 5:00 PM

There's a lot of irony to Andrea Mitchell and MSNBC getting worked up over a supposed "propaganda" takeover by the Trump administration. The cable host fretted over the ongoing remake of Voice Of America, a U.S government owned and operated radio network that operates both domestically and internationally. After describing VOA as an “independent” media organization, Mitchell made a dubious…

Donald Trump and Andrea Mitchell

MSNBC Cuts Off Trump, Claims He’s Giving ‘Campaign Rally Speech’

June 16th, 2020 4:14 PM

As President Trump was continuing to make remarks before signing an executive order implementing police reforms, MSNBC anchor Andrea Mitchell cut off live coverage of the White House address, dismissing it as a “campaign rally speech.” She then lined up a panel of liberal guests to further denigrate the event and trash the president.


Andrea Mitchell and Connie Schultz

Mitchell: Are White People ‘Capable’ of ‘Grieving' a Black Child?

June 12th, 2020 4:15 PM

During an interview with journalism professor Connie Schultz, wife of Democratic Ohio Senator Sherrod Brown, MSNBC anchor Andrea Mitchell horrendously wondered if “white people” were “capable” of “grieving for the loss of a black child.” Schultz argued more people were examining the state of race relations due to the “racist administration” of President Trump.



Mitchell Takes Trump Out of Context on Floyd, Job Numbers

June 5th, 2020 4:57 PM

Friday saw unexpectedly great jobs numbers that caused the unemployment rate to go down. It also saw President Trump give a news conference where he said George Floyd would be proud of what is going on across the country. These two things led many in the media, including MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell, to take Trump out of context and accuse him of saying that Floyd would be proud of Friday's job…


CNN Spent Over 90 Minutes Hyping Now-Retracted Coronavirus Study

June 4th, 2020 9:50 PM

When Jeffrey Zucker’s CNN settles on a narrative, they flood the zone with employees singing from the same sheet music seeing as how they have a President to hate. Such was the case on May 22 when CNN shows spent 90 minutes and 54 seconds heralding a now-debunked study that originally claimed taking hydroxychloroquine while battling COVID-19 could be fatal. Over on MSNBC, the total clocked out…


PBS Reporter Slams Trump for Focus on Antifa Over Empathy

June 1st, 2020 4:16 PM

On Monday's Andrea Mitchell Reports show on MSNBC, PBS NewsHour White House correspondent Yamiche Alcindor sounded more like an advocate than a reporter. She dismissed Trump's focus on violence caused by Antifa and urged him that "in reality," he should be focused on "overwhelmingly peaceful people" at the protests. 


Mitchell Gripes at Trump Designating Antifa as Terrorist Organization

June 1st, 2020 3:22 PM

Even after radical left-wing groups vandalize news buildings, they still get defended by their friends in the media. After NBC scoffed at President Trump for calling out Antifa agitators Sunday, MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell complained on her show Monday that the president was “cherry picking” Antifa to “go after his political enemies.”


Mitchell Trashes Trump 'Endangering Troops' on Memorial Day

May 25th, 2020 4:27 PM
On her show Monday, MSNBC anchor Andrea Mitchell and her Democrat panel used the Memorial Day holiday to attack President Trump “endangering troops” by not wearing a mask, while simultaneously fawning over Joe Biden and daydreaming that he was president instead.

MSNBC Warns: Second Wave Is Coming for ‘Red America’ ‘Trump Voters'

May 25th, 2020 2:57 PM
It doesn’t seem that the media has learned anything after they completely mangled their predictions that red states like Florida and Georgia would see catastrophic consequences for opening up early. On MSNBC this afternoon, “conservative” analyst Rick Tyler was ready to make more hyperbolic predictions about red states getting “hit hard” by the coronavirus in coming months. Tyler even used the…

MSNBC Claims Trump is Endangering Lives in Brazil

May 21st, 2020 3:48 PM
Throughout the current pandemic the media has tried to blame President Trump's alleged slowness and incompetence for the deaths suffered as a result from the virus. On Thursday's Andrea Mitchell Reports, MSNBC contributor Dr. Vin Gupta took it one step further when he alleged Trump is endangering people thousands of miles away in Brazil. 

MSNBC's Simmons: China 'Making Proposals', U.S. Is 'Just Criticizing'

May 20th, 2020 12:00 PM
Keir Simmons joined Andrea Mitchell on her Tuesday MSNBC show to report on the latest developments surrounding the World Health Organization, President Trump, and China. During which, he argued that the to the rest of the world it appears that the United States is "just criticizing," while China is "making proposals" to the consternation of U.S. allies.  

MSNBC Rolls Out Ben Rhodes For 'Fact Check Friday'

May 15th, 2020 3:20 PM
When doing a "Friday Fact Check" segment, there are countless options for guests that could provide intelligent thoughts on the complex matters of the day. Given those controversies include what the Obama Administration official was up to during its final days in office, former deputy national security advisor and noted spinmeister Ben Rhodes would appear to be low on at that list, but that didn'…

Mitchell Decries ‘Resurgence of Xenophobia,’ ‘Anti-China Scapegoating'

May 14th, 2020 3:25 PM
On Wednesday, MSNBC anchor Andrea Mitchell feared that President Trump’s criticism of China’s mishandling of coronavirus amounted to a “resurgence of xenophobia” and “anti-China scapegoating.” She even cast doubt on U.S. intelligence warning that the communist regime was looking to hack organizations conducting medical research on the pandemic.