
Andrea Mitchell Fears ‘Skyrocketing’ Approval for Trump Amid Pandemic

March 25th, 2020 1:24 PM
During her 12:00 p.m. ET hour show on Wednesday, MSNBC anchor Andrea Mitchell revealed her greatest fear amid the coronavirus pandemic – Donald Trump’s approval ratings going up. She fretted over likely Democratic nominee Joe Biden “having difficulty” getting his message out during the crisis and support for the President “skyrocketing.”

Mitchell Condemns McConnell's 'Very Direct Attack on Nancy Pelosi'

March 25th, 2020 9:12 AM
Earlier this week, Democrats sabotaged Senate efforts to pass COVID-19 relief measures by demanding that their unrelated legislative pet projects be included in any bill. On Monday, MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell has discovered the true villain of this story: Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell for daring to point it out.

Andrea Mitchell Tosses Softballs to Pelosi, Lets Her Dictate Terms

March 24th, 2020 3:48 PM
During a live interview with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Tuesday, MSNBC anchor Andrea Mitchell lobbed one softball after another, refusing to press the Democratic leader on playing politics with coronavirus relief legislation. Instead, Mitchell repeatedly encouraged Pelosi to dictate terms of the aid package and attack President Trump.

MSNBC Spin: 'Politically Safer' for Dems to Block Virus Relief Bill

March 23rd, 2020 3:53 PM

After NBC actually called out Democrats for holding up the coronavirus relief bill Monday morning, its sister network instead, went to absurd lengths to defend Democrats refusing to give aid to hurting American families. On MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell Reports, the host downplayed Senate Democrats playing politics, while even defending their actions as doing what voters would want.


Scarborough Baffled By 'Spectacle' of Trump Hitting Press on China

March 21st, 2020 10:04 AM
Joe Scarborough joined Andrea Mitchell on Thursday after President Trump and other government officials gave another press conference on the latest COVID-19 developments where he decried the "really strange spectacle" of Trump calling the media out for repeating Chinese propaganda.  

MSNBC Decries 'Race-Baiting' and 'Xenophobia' from White House

March 20th, 2020 6:48 PM
After Friday's White House coronavirus press conference, Andrea Mitchell and MSNBC national security analyst Jeremy Bash decried alleged instances of race-baiting and xenophobia from President Trump and Secretary of State Pompeo and claimed it was they who were provoking international tensions during a time when the world should be coming together.  

Engel Accuses Trump of 'Scapegoating' China Over 'Bat Virus'

March 18th, 2020 5:03 PM
After the Wednesday coronavirus task force held a press conference on the latest developments surrounding the government's plans to fight the virus, MSNBC chief foreign correspondent Richard Engel joined an extended Andrea Mitchell Reports panel to accuse President Trump and others of having a medieval approach of "scapegoating against an ethnic group" when they refer to COVID-19 by other names…

MSNBC's Vitali Saddened by Loss of Warren and Her Plans

March 6th, 2020 8:13 PM

If one were to judge by the reaction of the media to Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren's decision to withdraw for the 2020 Democratic primary, you could be forgiven for assuming she was actually popular. MSNBC campaign reporter Ali Vitali joined Friday's Andrea Mitchell Reports to continue the media mourning session where she lamented the downfall of the last serious female Democratic…


Andrea Mitchell, WashPost Reporter Lament Warren's Withdrawal

March 6th, 2020 2:43 PM

On her Thursday show, MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell lamented the news that Elizabeth Warren has decided to drop out of the presidential election leaving two septuagenarian white males as the only remaining credible choices in the Democratic Primary.  


MSNBC on Coronavirus Response: At Least 'We Trusted Richard Nixon'

February 28th, 2020 6:18 PM

The media's urge to say that everything is worse than Richard Nixon and Watergate reached peaked absurdity on Friday as Andrea Mitchell Reports guest host Geoff Bennett and former assistant Watergate special prosecutor Jill Wine-Banks discussed the current administration's "credibility gap" on the coronavirus.  

Andrea Mitchell: 'There's a Lot of Great Things to Say' About Cuba

February 26th, 2020 10:37 AM
Toward the end of her Tuesday show on MSNBC, Andrea Mitchell decided to echo Bernie Sanders and praise the state of communist Cuba, that "there's a lot of great things to say" about communist rule. After that, she questioned Michael Bloomberg's "really snarky tweets jumping on Sanders" for his fondness for Fidel Castro. She was more offended by that than Bernie's actual embrace of the dictator…

The Media Took The Most Damage From Klobuchar-AMLO Gaffe

February 21st, 2020 5:31 PM
Was Sen. Amy Klobuchar’s inability to identify Mexican president Andrés Manuel López Obrador a limited Latino-interest issue or a moment that warranted broader coverage as a campaign-defining “deer-in-the-headlights” gaffe? The liberal media, hamstrung by soft bigotry and blinded by double standards.

MSNBC Says Gender Is the Reason Why Warren, Klobuchar Lack Support

February 19th, 2020 5:33 PM
Andrea Mitchell took her MSNBC show on the road to Las Vegas on Wednesday to preview the night's Democratic debate. In anticipation for the debate, Mitchell and former Hillary Clinton communications director Jennifer Palmieri asserted that the downfall of Elizabeth Warren and the lack of early support for Amy Klobuchar is because of their gender.  

CNN, MSNBC Predicted ‘White Nationalists’ Would Cause ‘Violence’ in VA

January 20th, 2020 5:10 PM

After a peaceful Monday rally by Second Amendment activists in Richmond, Virginia, CNN and MSNBC deserved thoughts and prayers seeing as how their fear-mongering about “violence” a la Charlottesville by “thousands” of “heavily armed” “guns rights activists, white nationalists, militia groups swarming” the Capitol fizzed into puddles of lies.